The List

  Hope your week has been great. Here’s THE LIST for this week! Have fun…can’t wait to see what’s on your list. Name some movie characters you’ve always wanted to be. This week is more of a tough one so do feel like you have to do 5…just whatever comes to mind.   Here’s my LIST: ~Charlie’s Angels–from the modern version. Those girls can kick hiney! ~Andy from The Devil Wears Prada…’cause who wouldn’t want to dance in NYC to the song “Suddenly I See..???” ~Any chick working in the CIA from any movie…I just LOVE CIA thrillers and I … Continue Reading »»

Introducing Stress Points to Life Points

    Life is tough sometimes. We often allow our life drama to throw us into seasons of stress and anxiety that threaten our joy, peace and happiness in everyday life pleasures. But we were not meant to live riddled with stress and confusion about life. Jesus promises in John 10:10 that He came to give us life and life abundantly. Just thinking about an overflowing of goodness that our God promises in His Word encourages me to hand over my stress points and sit at the throne of my beloved King Jesus. Starting OCTOBER 15 I invite you to … Continue Reading »»

Introducing THE LIST

Something new for a Friday. Well…this concept is not really new as people have been making lists for thousands of years. I really shouldn’t think I’m super innovative for posting this blog! So…here we go. Every Friday I’m going to toss out a topic. Sometimes it will be silly, sometimes it will be funky, sometimes it will be serious. Who knows where THE LIST will go… Then I will give you my top 5 answers to the topic. YOU will then be invited to share your top 5. Sound fun? Yeah…I thought it sounded fun, too!   THE LIST of … Continue Reading »»