Oh The Words We Use

My little guy was quite chatty in our car ride after school yesterday. Usually I get the obligatory “fine” or “good” upon asking about school, recess, or lunch. (His two favorite subjects at school, of course) So you better believe I fed into it with absolute and utter interest in his chatter about super heros and playground antics that led to mud stains on his jeans. For this super hero talk would surely lead to more words to discover how the day truly unfolded. And so it did. And so I discovered that my little first grader received a warning … Continue Reading »»

When You Just Need To Figure Things Out

I click over and I stall. How does this even work again? What is my password? What is the process, again? I blink a few times, take a deep breath and dig into the depths to figure it all out. You see, it has been a while. A long while, in fact, since I’ve occupied this tiny space on the world wide web that I call a blog. Why? I’ve stalled because I’m just trying to figure things out. These things I’m trying to figure out, well, they are bigger than how and where to click and type. They are … Continue Reading »»