What To Do During An Identity Crisis

I never thought that in my mid-thirties I would have an identity crisis. You know, those times where the “who am I?” question leads you down roads of irrational thoughts of identity and awkwardness? Ok, maybe it’s just me here. Or maybe I’m not alone. I always tell my sweet 20-something friends that this 20’s decade is weird, transitional, that they would get things figured out and not to fear the thirties. Which is true. But, I’m noticing a trend that it’s really not an age thing in regards to the identity crisis. It’s somewhat seasonal––where life has you––and the … Continue Reading »»

How To Do The Tough Stuff

The sun was out, birds tweeted, the blue sky sparkled. Saturday mornings are for getting stuff done. But, on this one particular Saturday, our house was on the brink of chaos. I wish I could say it was controlled chaos or even fun chaos. Nope. Plain chaos described our dwelling and even the condition of my heart that day. Rewind two weeks prior to the point where my husband accepted a new job across country. We hit the ground running toward preparations for listing our house on the market. Let me tell you, I’ve learned more about “the market” than … Continue Reading »»

How To Start The Day Well

  **This is a re-post from last year. Here’s the deal…I feel like this today. So honestly, I just thought maybe someone else does too and we can kick each other in the patootie, get out from under the covers and LIVE! Ok? Sounds good! /// How To Start The Day Well My smart phone tweeted a wake up tune. The house was quiet but my mind loudly swirled with all that the upcoming day would serve me. An ache droned in the pit of my stomach. Nerves and anxiety took their place. The warm soft covers soothed just a … Continue Reading »»