How To Do The Tough Stuff

The sun was out, birds tweeted, the blue sky sparkled. Saturday mornings are for getting stuff done. But, on this one particular Saturday, our house was on the brink of chaos. I wish I could say it was controlled chaos or even fun chaos. Nope. Plain chaos described our dwelling and even the condition of my heart that day.

Rewind two weeks prior to the point where my husband accepted a new job across country. We hit the ground running toward preparations for listing our house on the market. Let me tell you, I’ve learned more about “the market” than I ever wanted to know. I’ve learned about inspections, appraisals, listing agreements and how much our house needed a deep clean to be fit to sell.

I thought I would share with you what I personally learned during this tough, overwhelming season. Please know that I am sensitive to the fact that you might be dealing with more serious situations than cleaning closets and deciphering paint chips. Maybe my minimal drama example might give you a bit of a boost during your more trying season.

Here are 2 steps to conquer overwhelm and take back your peace.

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***I’m excited to share this article on CLICK HERE read more!

**What do you think about my two steps? Have you ever felt like this? I would love to chat more. Leave a comment!


How To Do The Tough Stuff — 1 Comment

  1. Sarah, your words are so encouraging. I get excited when I get an e-mail notification of a new blog post. I have been dealing with anxiety and worry. My mother in law was diagnosed with colon cancer recently and it scared me. I deal with being a hypochondriac and so need I say more? This involves countless trips to the doctor, tests and waiting. I need prayers for my anxiety/worry and I need to let God handle more instead of taking control. Thanks for the encouragement.

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