For When You’ve Got Nothin’

This is the week. Yes. This is the week I would pound out so so so many words to inspire and uplift and point to the goodness of God. We are back to our routine. Though we are in a new town, starting a new school with my son, in a new home (starting to actually feel like home!), the routine is the same and it feels glorious. I sit here in my new little art and writing room in an old chair with an old blanket and old laptop and I’ve got nothin’. So instead of trying to put … Continue Reading »»

When Does It Feel Like Home?

The boxes, the ugly brown boxes with slick tape and words like fragile, living room, guest room stack up in the new garage. Those same boxes occupy my new, would be writing room. But there is progress happening in our new home. Those same boxes used to take up living space in the family room, my closet, kitchen are shuffled to a more manageable place so we might do life. I’m asked by sweet friends if we are settled in. I hesitate and take a deep breath. Well… My first inclination is to say not quite. The walls stand bare. … Continue Reading »»

This Wonderfully Messy World

Friends! I am really excited to bring you these words from my friend, Laurie Coombs. Laurie and I have known each other for gosh, about five years now. We’ve encouraged each other in our writing journeys and I am thrilled that Laurie’s new book has released. I had the privilege of getting my hands on an early copy of the book Letters From My Father’s Murderer: A Journey of Forgiveness.  I am not exaggerating when I say that I could NOT put this book down and I read it straight through while traveling back in February. It is a captivating … Continue Reading »»