A Page In My Journal: Expectations

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. Lord, I surrender my expectations to you. I surrender my best laid plans and ideas on how my life should be. I have concocted grand ideas on how I think the outcome of life issues should turn out, but Lord, I give these expectations to You. Why do I continuously revisit this issue of mine–– my hangups with control and grand plans? I’m sure You are weary of me dragging up these thoughts and bringing them before Your throne. … Continue Reading »»

Thoughts on Journaling

I love sharing my “pages” of my journal. After my last post on this subject, I had a few readers and friends pose these questions… ~How often do I journal? ~Do I have a specific format that I use?   Great questions. To be honest, I don’t LOVE to journal. I don’t sit and record my daily happenings and pour out my emotions onto  the pages of my little, cute spiral notebook. Oh how I wish I did given that I’m an author and I should love to scribble and work through my feelings on paper. I use journaling to … Continue Reading »»

A Page In My Journal-A Clear View

Every now and then I share a glimpse into my personal journal writing. It’s not always perfectly polished or grammatically correct, but it is real and raw. My hope is that you will see yourself in my writing and find encouragement. You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore. (Psalm 16:11)   Lord, I want that fullness of joy when I’m bogged down with pressures of life. I so easily loose sight of You and Your ever available presence, Your ever ready peace for the taking. Help me come into this … Continue Reading »»