finding your flame

The other day I wrote a post on accepting the Lord’s special invitation to personal and real worship. Check out that post — click here. Then take a listen to this song by Will Reagan Help Me Find My Own Flame and the questions below to contemplate. ~Do you feel like you are just “dry bones” as the song describes? If so, what happened in your life to dampen your relationship with God? ~Have you seen other’s relationship with the Lord and desired that depth of communion with Him? ~Describe “the real thing” as it relates to a flaming passion … Continue Reading »»

Special Invitation

I’m working on the concept of feeling disconnected with God.  How does the Blah Faith sit with you? Would you know what I’m talking about? It is frustrating when we know we are not completely turned off by God or doubting His greatness, but we also don’t feel completely sold out in our love for Him.  Blah… I wrote about my experience for She Seeks and my plan of action to Just Show Up even when I don’t wanna. It is also frustrating when we participate in worship at church and everyone around us seems like they are in perfect … Continue Reading »»