You can be the voice

Meet Andrea, age 20. She sits in her room painting her nails with a soft coral polish, daydreaming of her own version of the American Dream. Flipping through an old magazine, Andrea imagines herself in that beautiful business suit the model so gracefully wears in hopes of one day making a difference in the world.   Andrea is no different than you or me.   Except, she is. Her hopes and dreams stop at the bedroom door in which she is locked up in as the victim of sex trafficking. She sits on her bed, waiting in terror-filled anxiety, until … Continue Reading »»

Tunnel Vision

Today as I walked into worship I ran smack into old feelings of being that left out girl in junior high. You know…the feeling of knowing everyone else but you was invited to THE sleepover of the year. My instance was really lame and there was no reason why I should feel left out and lame. But I did and it inturrupted my worship for the next ten minutes.   We all get side tracked by hurt feelings and people just being plain mean. Your co-worker might have snagged that interview for the promotion you dearly wanted. Your girlfriends might … Continue Reading »»

One BAD Day

Bad days are just part of life. I usually take them in stride and move on. However, yesterday was ONE BAD DAY that locked me in a pressure cooker about to explode at any minute.   After attempting to work out to alleviate the stress, (a KILLER Jillian Michaels workout, btw) I decided a glass of wine would do the trick. One glass turned into two, which turned into half a bottle by the time I wobbled to bed. You better believe that the cotton mouth and the headache this morning served as a strong reminder that pouring the wine … Continue Reading »»