When Does It Feel Like Home?

The boxes, the ugly brown boxes with slick tape and words like fragile, living room, guest room stack up in the new garage. Those same boxes occupy my new, would be writing room. But there is progress happening in our new home. Those same boxes used to take up living space in the family room, my closet, kitchen are shuffled to a more manageable place so we might do life. I’m asked by sweet friends if we are settled in. I hesitate and take a deep breath. Well… My first inclination is to say not quite. The walls stand bare. … Continue Reading »»

Oh The Words We Use

My little guy was quite chatty in our car ride after school yesterday. Usually I get the obligatory “fine” or “good” upon asking about school, recess, or lunch. (His two favorite subjects at school, of course) So you better believe I fed into it with absolute and utter interest in his chatter about super heros and playground antics that led to mud stains on his jeans. For this super hero talk would surely lead to more words to discover how the day truly unfolded. And so it did. And so I discovered that my little first grader received a warning … Continue Reading »»

Three Ways To Stop The Comparison Game TODAY

We’ve all played the game. You know it and I know it, the comparison game is one that rears it’s ugliness and traps us even in our best moments. Somehow, someway this comparison game runs rampant among women. And, not just among women but between women as this game we play in our heads facilitates broken friendships, missed life callings, and all out sin. Yep, I said sin. I don’t like writing that anymore than I like reading that my seemingly innocuous thoughts and comparisons are considered by the Lord as flat out sin. This truth straight from the book … Continue Reading »»