Why I don’t DREAM BIG!

I’m a little late to the game in discussing new year’s themes, planning and resolutions. Fact: I don’t do much planning as it gives me a touch of high blood pressure and heart burn. Sounds funny coming from a TYPE A person who loves planning but the idea of new year planning seems so daunting to me. Kuddos to YOU if you can take on the task with out whirling into a frenzy of anxiety like I do in the attempt. As I mentioned yesterday in my Epiphany celebration, my new year’s theme is… Sit Still at the Feet of … Continue Reading »»

InScribed On My Heart And Mind

Hi friends. Well, I stepped out of my “writing cave” for just a bit. I have to warn you, if you see me as I step out of the cave, I might not look too pretty! Let’s just say my mind has been on all things typing and studying and praying instead of well…things like washing my hair or putting on makeup. But, I bravely came out of the cave (dirty hair and sans lip gloss) to share with you what has been InScribed on my heart and mind for many months now. (sidebar: be sure to read to the … Continue Reading »»

No Mater What

Just a few thoughts to ponder today… No matter your employment situation…or lack thereof…Jesus is bigger than your bank account. He yearns for you to seek Him in your time of need. Trust Him. Serve Him first. No matter your feelings of uncertainty in life…Jesus reigns on the Throne of Grace. He is bigger than any turmoil stirring in your heart, your life and the world around you. No matter how frustrated you get during political season…Politicians are not messiah. They will not save the world, they will not flip a switch and make things better overnight…they are only HUMAN. … Continue Reading »»