Stress Point Week 3: Girlfriend Interview

Well, what do you think about week 3 so far? If you read my Facebook post about our body image topic I promised that it wouldn’t be an easy week but that we would do it TOGETHER. **I’d love to hear from you so be sure to leave a comment with your thoughts on how you are growing and taking this stress point to the throne of your King, Your Creator. I’m thrilled to introduce you to my friend and fitness guru, Michelle Myers. Michelle is one cool chick who is super knowledgeable about all things health and exercise. But, … Continue Reading »»

Give Yourself Permission

Today will you join me? Will you give yourself permission to… embrace your perfect imperfections. No one, not one person on this earth is perfect. Only Jesus. embrace His perfection. embrace that when you love God, when you release yourself to Him as your King of Kings and Savior, you are perfect. embrace the little flaws on your body. For these little flaws are oh so minute in the eyes of your Creator. When you are LIVING OUT! the Kingship of Christ you are made new. He sees only your goodness. That goodness enables you to go through the day … Continue Reading »»

Stress Point Week 3: Body Image

Welcome to week three, the topic most dreaded by probably 99.999999999% of us and myself included. I’ve said numerous times how I DID NOT want to write this chapter. I did not want to sit down and do the video blog. I did not want to sit here and write this study post. Why? Because it is so very raw and personal for me. But, I realize that I must put aside my fear of this topic because we have a GOD, our Elohim–Creator (we will talk about this in a second) who is bigger than our body image fears. … Continue Reading »»