Leviticus 7, Caught up in Details

It is so easy to read through Leviticus and get overwhelmed by all the details. The Israelites were required to go through so many tedious steps to be forgiven of their sin. All the various offerings, animals, procedures makes my head spin. I imagine that, eventually, some people would get caught up in the procedures and forget about the One who was forgiving their sin. They might focus solely on the religion and not on the Redeemer. Thankfully, we have a more simple way of finding forgiveness. Now, “simple” is not the best word to describe what Christ did on … Continue Reading »»

Leviticus 1-6, Pure Obedience

So, I am at a loss here. I read the first three chapters of Leviticus last night and attempted to blog about it, but nothing came to mind. I was lost in all the details of sin offerings, grain offerings, burnt offerings, peace offerings, etc. Whew! I felt the Lord telling me, “Just keep reading. This is obedience to my command to you to read through the WHOLE Bible.” This certainly includes these Old Testament books that are difficult to relate to. I was then led to the following verse which gave me encouragement: Romans 15:4For whatever was written in … Continue Reading »»