Money and the Four Letter Word

***This is part one of a series of ideas I want to share from my PAST experience. I’m a girlfriend who wants to share so that you, my friends, might learn from my mistakes rather than deal with the heartache yourself.

DEBT. An ugly word. You are not alone if you find yourself uttering this four letter word.

“No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.”( Matthew 6:24)

This is Jesus speaking to his disciples and directly to you and me about the love of money and elevating it to a place in our heart higher than Him. Quite a dangerous place to be, according to him. Often times, with the love of money, comes the shackles of debt.

Maybe you find yourself in a similar spot as Heather. ( I found this in a news story)

“Heather Schopp is a chiropractor in California dealing every day with her clients’ physical pain. But her own pain is financial: At age 29 she is more than $170,000 in debt.

“I think about it every day,” Schopp says. “I mean, I lay in bed, thinking in my head, ‘Okay, how much money do I have? What will I have to do tomorrow? Do I have to buy anything?’ “

Schopp is part of the exploding number of young women who are rapidly turning into “Generation Debt.” These twenty-somethings are weighed down by hundreds of thousands of dollars of credit card bills and student loans.

Schopp works two jobs, six days a week, just to make ends meet and keep pace with her debt, but it is still not enough.”

There is no amount of debt that Jesus can not handle. Jesus actually says in the book of Luke that there is nothing that is impossible for God. (see Luke 1:37)

Take a look back at the verse above from Matthew 6:24. It is actually the love and worship of money that leads to debt. The greek word for “serve” in this passage is “douleuo” which has an undertone of “being in bondage to, to be a slave to” money. Ouch! Before we fall into times of debt, we often become servants of money. Whatever your present financial circumstance, I encourage you to find financial counseling and work diligently to pay down this debt as soon as possible. The longer we are in bondage to money, the more obsessed we b
ecome and less focused on worship our King, the One who takes away our bondage.

In fact lets start now with a short exercise to examine our spending habits. We can take small steps in changing our habits that will make a big impact on our debt.

Make a list of the top five purchases that you would call guilty pleasures, or unnecessary to every day living. Beside the item, write the approximate number of times you purchase this item over four months. Then, write down the approximate dollar amount of each item.

Here is my list:

Cheap PINK Shiny Lipgloss: 3 times, $8.00 each

Coffee from coffee shop: 10 times, $5.00 each

Books, Books and more books: 4 times, $15.00 each

Quarts of Ben&Jerry;’s Icecream: 8 times, $6.00

Cute, funky, cheap shoes or jewelry: 10, $19.00

Your list might consist of many different types of things like makeup, videos, iTunes or extra trips out to dinner. As long as they are not necessities, these items qualify to go on the list. Now, multiply each item by the number of times you purchase and then add it all up for your grand guilty pleasure total.

Over the course of four months my grand guilty pleasure total is $372!!!

Yikes, over the course of a year, I spend about $1,488 on stuff that doesn’t fill that momentary void of emotional spending. Can you imagine if we made a list of all the items on our guilty pleasure list?!

When we worship Him instead of money paying down the debt becomes easier. I would venture to say that $1,488 would make a nice dent in a long standing credit card bill or a student loan. Going forward, lets rethink our need to purchase and redirect that need toward worshipping our God. Nothing is impossible for Him…nothing.

So tell me. What was your grand guilty pleasure total? How can you use that extra money to pay off some bill or loans?


Money and the Four Letter Word — 5 Comments

  1. I have no idea what my grand total is. Some months I spend more on stuff I don't need than others depending on how much I make. (part-time minimum wage job at a movie theatre until I move into a career) My guilty pleasure is Starbucks. I try to keep it to a minimum to one or two a week. Even though it's a necessity, most of my check that I don't save goes in my gas tank which really doesn't leave me much to spend or save. Then a couple times a month I find myself at Kohl's or Target or the local Christian bookstore and I see something I want and I stop and think about how much money I have, how much I need until I get paid again, and if the item is worth the price….I don't want to get into debt when I start paying my loans back in a few months.

  2. Good wake up call. We have set a detailed family budget, but I've yet to really consult it as the month wears to see if we really can afford the extra dinner out or new clothes.

    One of my biggest guilty pleasures is spending money on kids' clothes. I tend to buy them cheap at garage sales and consignment shops, but I buy wayyyyy too many things.

  3. Is it not an indication of my huge problem that I don't even want to think about what my guilty pleasures are?? Oh man… This girl needs financial discipline/help. But I guess the good news is I am willing to admit that I have a problem? Haha… maybe that is me just trying to look at the cup half full even though the bank account is mostly empty. Eeek… Well… I have gone to the cash system which seems to help me think twice before spending. Sort of…

    Guilty pleasures:
    Starbucks… don't want to know how often that is indulged.
    Gifts for people… I love to love people with gifts… I know… need to refrain, but it is so hard when I see something that makes me think of them…
    Anything cute that falls into the accessory category… Jewelry, purses, handbags, shoes, make-up
    Books… my biggest downfall. As an English major I can't ever have enough books. When will I learn that the library is a gift from God and that I don't have to keep every book I read?? j
    and Target is not allowed… I don't go in there. They have everything a girl could ever want… sigh…

  4. Sarah this is awesome!
    I'm currently in a Dave Ramsey Financial Peace class and I've been growing weary but this blog is a great reminder/motivator for me. Thank you!!

    P.S. Your blog is SO cute! Love the design!!

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