Ok. Get ready. This list might be a little on the side of “Debbie Downer.” I want to take temperature of your thoughts on the Bible and maybe uncover some interesting topics to write about on the blog in the future.

This week’s LIST:

What are a few things that confuse you about the Bible? You can list one thing or one hundred things…just think about it and list it.

Here are a few things that confuse ME about the Bible:

~The Old Testament books by prophets (Habakkuk or Malachi) are hard to follow and need to be read in context.

~Why the same stories in the different books of the Bible are told with some different details.

~Keeping track of the travels of the Apostle Paul as he went about spreading the Gospel. That guy was all over the place!

These are just a few on my list. Please hear me say that I believe that the Bible is completely accurate and with out errors. The confusion on our part is just a chance to dig in deeper and really get to know the Bible.

Now it’s your turn. What things confuse you about the Bible?

Leave a comment. Let’s chat…


THE LIST — 8 Comments

  1. Wow! If you are going to get honest tonight then so will I.

    I don’t understand most of the laws and traditions that the Israelites had to follow.

    I don’t understand the culture of the bible all that well.

    I don’t understand the background of all of the prophets.

  2. I’ve never tried to track Paul… just the thought of it intimidates me.

    As for the different details, I’ve always had it explained to me like this:
    You and I are flying to… where should we go? Hawaii. We both go through security, we both stop at Starbucks, we both sit at the gate, we both get on the plane, we both giggle in excitement, we both get off the plane, collect our luggage, and get to the hotel. We were together all day (except that time I went to the bathroom. You didn’t go with me). We’re sitting on the beach reading (or are we writing?) and someone asks us how our flight in was. You’re going to tell the story differently than I do. Maybe you noticed the barista’s beautiful eye shadow while I saw the chocolate pastry. You thought the flight was turbulent but I didn’t think it was that bad. You’re pretty sure the bell hop was flirting with me but I thought he was just being nice. You’re loving the ocean view and I can’t get over how tall the palm trees are. We were both there but we tune into different details.

    (So that’s the detail-oriented writer version of how it was explained to me… the actually explanation was more concise and with a real-life example not one that just sounds like fun).

  3. Hi there,
    I am in a Bible doctrine class right now for school, and last week we went over one of your things that you listed that you don’t understand. “Why the same stories in the different books of the Bible are told with some different details.”
    This too has puzzled me – but from what understand from what I learned last week – God gave the different writers a different perspective. God wanted the different ways to be told, because some people may find one perspective more helpful than another. The details that are involved are just the different perspectives that the writers have. All perspectives are right, since it’s the Bible, and it is “God breathed.” Just God wanted to express things in different ways so that way we can relate to them.

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