Day 11: Live In Reality

Can I thank you again for joining me in this 21 day feast? Yes, the act of worship is and should be worship-full and joy-filled regardless of circumstances. But honestly, this journey is best done together, don’t you think? When we sit at the table of our feast individually, yes, He is blessed. I know it. But joining together in community encouraging each other to keep going, to keep praising His name (no matter if we “feel” like it or not) makes the feast so much the more tasty. Today’s verse brings me back to a concept that continually invigorates … Continue Reading »»

Day 10: Where Credit Is Due

Where Credit Is due Today let’s keep the feast simple. No, it won’t lose it’s impact yet it will reinvigorate our perspective. In a moment, after you read this I’m going to ask you to shut the lid to your laptop or slid the off screen or do whatever you have to do to disconnect for just a bit from your technology of choice. Not yet, though. We have some pressing in to do before we pour out…literally out. Press In In the following Scripture, do you see some key words? All (all creation!), saints (holy people), bless (bless Him!), … Continue Reading »»

Day 9: You Are Not Excluded

If I mentioned 3 words, would you know personally what I mean? Would these words conjure up for you the same type of emotions that swirl around in my heart, too? The Cool Club. Three words that embody what I was never a part of. Even writing this puts me back to the halls of junior high and awkwardness ever abundant. It puts me back to that broken heart from being excluded. Not fun. As an adult I see the cool club all around me. And it makes me so mad. I even see it in the church. I see … Continue Reading »»