Ok, everyone has New Year’s resolutions. I look at mine as a New Year, New Habit. I feel like I been slacking on reading and studying the Bible as a whole. So, this year, I will follow a reading plan to read through the whole Bible. I found a great plan on the Rick Warren website that has easy outlines. Click here to check it out. So, my plan is to record on my blog what I have read everyday. This is more for my own accountablility than anything else. Maybe you will be inspired to do the same. I will list the chapters that I have read and write a little bit about what stood out to me. Leave me a comment on this post if you would like to join me in this endevour.
I am also going to keep up with my quick devotional writing that I have always posted.
Genesis 4-6
This passage was about Noah. We all know the story, but have you ever focused in on this verse:
Gen. 6:8″ But Noah found favor in the eyes of the LORD.” What in the world could Noah have done to gain God’s favor and be exempt from the flood. The Bible doesn’t say much in this regard, but we do know that the earth was not a pretty place at that time. Chapter Seven does say that Noah was a righteous, blameless man who walked with God. It sounds like Noah stood out from the pact and did not succomb to the temptations of the earthly desolation going on around him.
LIVE IT OUT application:
What I take away from that is that I want to daily find favor in the eyes of the LORD. I want to walk with Him daily through reading His word, prayer and worship. I want to be different than the world around me. Do you? Do you want to stand out from the crowd? What do you need to do differently today to find favor in the eyes of God? (Please don’t misunderstand me in this phrase. I fully believe that we can not earn our salvation. That is by accepting Christ as Lord and Savior. But, we can act in a way that pleases and glorifys God)