1 Samuel 1-4, Oh Don’t Miss It!

I am now moving on to 1 Samuel. No, don’t worry, I did not skip the book of Judges or Ruth. I apologize for not blogging on those books, life just got in the way!

Our new friend Samuel is the son of Hannah who prayed diligently for a son and committed him to the Lord. So, in the beginning of 1Samuel, we find little boy Sam ministering to the Lord in the temple under Eli.

Then one night, Samuel heard a call:

1 Samuel 3:3-5
and Samuel was lying down in the temple of the LORD, where the ark of God was. 4 Then the LORD called Samuel. Samuel answered, “Here I am.” 5 And he ran to Eli and said, “Here I am; you called me.” But Eli said, “I did not call; go back and lie down.” So he went and lay down.

Take note of who Sam responded after hearing the call from the Lord…he went running to Eli. Before we get to that, I have to love how Samuel got up and RAN. He was eager to respond, but he just responded to the wrong person.

As the chapter continues, Samuel goes back to bed and goes thru this routine 3 more times before Eli realizes that it is God calling Samuel. He instructs Sam to properly respond.

What struck me here is that, even though he was eager to answer the call, Samuel didn’t stop to really think about who was calling. He almost missed what the Lord had to tell him.

This might happen to us all the time and we don’t even know it! Yikes! The best way to not miss God’s call is to stop and take time to pray over the nudging from the Lord. Take time to digest what the Lord is saying to you and pray for peace and understanding over it. When we pray in this manner, we put ourselves in a better position to do exactly what the Lord has planned, not what we might have on our own agenda.

About two years ago, my husband and I were joking about how we just weren’t ready to have kids. We loved our life and the simplicity and quietness of it. Greg and I would happily take care of our friend’s kids, but we would also happily give them back. Then, one day, I felt this overwhelming need to be a mom. I tell you, it came out of no where! I just felt the Lord speak to my heart and tell me it was time to have a baby. You can only imagine how surprised my hubby was when I shared this with him. He was quite confused, especially sense we were literally just joking the week before about “no kids for us!

I am so very glad that I did not miss this call from God. Our 10 month old has turned our life upside down and then rightside up again. God called me to be a mommy and He has blessed me for my obedience with a wonderful, healthy, energetic little boy.

Don’t miss your call. Don’t go elsewhere when you hear His voice. Take it right back to the Lord and ask Him to make His call known to you. You WILL be blessed for your obedience!

Judges 1, Spring Cleaning

Moving on to the book of Judges. Here is a little background. Israel is now in Canaan, the promise land and they continue the vicious cycle of disobeying God and falling for the false gods of the Canaanites. Take a look at Judges 1:27-36 to see why they keep falling into this pit of disobedience. Here is one verse of the list:

Judges 1:29
29 Nor did Ephraim drive out the Canaanites living in Gezer, but the Canaanites continued to live there among them.

This is just a snipet of the list of tribes that did not force out the pagans, yet they let these people dwell in their Promise Land alongside.

What’s the problem here? Isn’t this the peaceful way to exist? The problem that I see is in the clue that these people were pagans-they worshiped FALSE GODS! The ONE and ONLY God is very jealous and demands undivided attention and worship. So, when the Israelites allowed these Canaanites to live among them, they were subjecting themselves to the temptation to fall in line with the pagans and worship these false idols.

And, yes, this is exactly what happened. Thus, we now have the book of Judges. The Lord appointed a Judge to basically watch over and protect the Israelites and whip them in shape. We will read more about how and why these Judges were elected by God.

So, back to these false idols…the lesson here is that when we do not clean house and sweet out things that divide our attention, these pesks can creep in and do just that. Just like fleas or vermin, they find cracks in our house and slither their way in to turn us away from our one true God.

The Israelites should have done some major spring cleaning when they took over their inherited land. Do you have some sweeping out to do for yourself?

Joshua 17-21, Just Take Hold Of It Already!

Its amazing how on short verse in the Bible can stop you in your tracks and make you say, “hmmm…” At this point in the book of Joshua, the Israelites are in the promise land and Joshua has the task of alloting all the land to the 12 tribes. I would think this would be a daunting task since everyone would have their specific requests as to what land they want. Chapter 18 starts out with a few tribes that had not taken over their inherited land. Take a look at this verse and just picture the expression and body language that Joshua must have exhorted as he made this statement:

Joshua 18:3 (The Message)
Joshua addressed the People of Israel: “How long are you going to sit around on your hands, putting off taking possession of the land that God, the God of your ancestors, has given you?

I love how the Message says it-How long are you going to sit on your hands and take hold of the glorious land that your Gracious Lord has blessed you with! I can see Joshua with his hands on his hips and an irritated tone in his voice.

Is the Lord saying this to you with the same tone as Joshua had with the Israelites? Are you sitting on your hands not exploring the gifts of your earthly promise land?

Joy and Peace
Total fulfillment as your Serve your Lord in the “land”
Blessings the world doesn’t understand
Relationship with the Creator
Redemption from past mistakes
Relationships with other believers
Wonder-full worship of your God

The list could go on. So…get off your tushie and grab hold of this blessed life that the Lord gives those who call Him Savior!