Leviticus 7, Caught up in Details

It is so easy to read through Leviticus and get overwhelmed by all the details. The Israelites were required to go through so many tedious steps to be forgiven of their sin. All the various offerings, animals, procedures makes my head spin. I imagine that, eventually, some people would get caught up in the procedures and forget about the One who was forgiving their sin. They might focus solely on the religion and not on the Redeemer.

Thankfully, we have a more simple way of finding forgiveness. Now, “simple” is not the best word to describe what Christ did on the cross. It was far from simple. But, the reason that I use that word is that there is not a long, confusing, detailed list to follow to ask for forgiveness. All we have to do is recognize that we did something to grieve God and ask Him to forgive that grievance. Then, can you believe it, the slate is wiped clean. God keeps no record!

So, if it were that “simple” why doesn’t everyone do it? One thing that comes to mind is pride; good ol’ fashion pride. When we won’t fess up to our wrong doings, this is called P. R. I. D. E. Or, when we just think we are perfect and can do no wrong. This is called PRIDE. Oh, how it sneaks in before we even know its there. Then, it creates this huge gap between us and the Lord. Not cool.

Take heed to this warning out of Proverbs 16:18
Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.

Save yourself the trouble… If the LORD is telling you that you have some business to take care of with Him, don’t let that pride stand in the way. God doesn’t let that kind of behavior last long for those who are His children. Sooner or later, He wants us to learn our lesson, some how some way. God, the Father, wants the best for us. And, just like our loving earthly fathers, He sometimes doles out tough love.

Jesus committed the most un-simple act so that we take the simple path to forgiveness, to abundant life on this earth, and eternal life with Him in heaven.

Leviticus 1-6, Pure Obedience

So, I am at a loss here. I read the first three chapters of Leviticus last night and attempted to blog about it, but nothing came to mind. I was lost in all the details of sin offerings, grain offerings, burnt offerings, peace offerings, etc. Whew! I felt the Lord telling me, “Just keep reading. This is obedience to my command to you to read through the WHOLE Bible.” This certainly includes these Old Testament books that are difficult to relate to. I was then led to the following verse which gave me encouragement:

Romans 15:4
For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.”

God is not calling us who read Leviticus to go and slaughter animals for sin offerings. Did you catch how bloody that must have been? Wow! What alot to go through for atonement of sin.

Oh but Jesus went through much more. He became that perfect sin offering by dying on the Cross for all of our sin. The Israelites in the Old Testament had to take their offering and go through the motions every single time they sinned. But, Jesus shed His blood ONCE and for ALL who believe Him.

This might not be new news to you. But, be encouraged by the contrast of Leviticus and your present day redemption of sin through Christ. Imagine yourself kneeling before the Cross of Calvary as Christ’s blood drips on your head. His pure red blood makes you white as snow to the Lord. Take that image with you every day and have hope and joy that you are free from condemnation and free to be in the presence of Christ our King.

Quick Devotion-Legacy of Faith

Three verses in the book of Luke is all she got; just a quick mention. Anna, an elderly prophetess about 104 years old who never departed the temple. This kind of dedication should at least get her a whole chapter. But, no, just three meaningful verses in Luke chapter 2.

Luke 2:36-38
36 Now there was one, Anna, a prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was of a great age, and had lived with a husband seven years from her virginity; 37 and this woman was a widow of about eighty-four years, who did not depart from the temple, but served God with fasting and prayers night and day. 38 And coming in that instant she gave thanks to the Lord, and spoke of Him to all those who looked for redemption in Jerusalem.

Just to give you some context, this passage picks up right at the time that Mary and Joseph bring Jesus to the temple for dedication as a infant.

There are three big takeaways from this short passage about Anna. First, take a look at the description of her in verse 36. Anna was a prophetess. She was not a fortune teller or a revelator, but rather, a dedicated woman of God who wholeheartedly proclaimed the word of God. Most likely, she sat at the temple teaching the people from the Old Testament and it was probably all from memory. This amazing woman hid the Word of the Lord in her heart so it was always at hand to proclaim to the worshipers at the temple.

As a woman of God, we too can be prophetesses. We can have an impact on our spouse, children, friends, coworkers when we hide the Word in our heart and have it ready at all times. We can confidently speak about Jesus and use His word to bring others closer to Him. What a great responsibility. But, this takes hard work as we study the Bible diligently just as Anna must have done all of those years.

Now, take a look at verse 37. Anna spent all of those years within the temple grounds dedicated to worshiping the Lord and waiting for her savior. I imagine that she didn’t want to leave for fear that she would miss His coming. She didn’t want to miss the big moment! So, she dedicated herself to waiting and worshiping in the presence of the Lord at the temple. We too can stay in the presence of the Lord, waiting for the coming of Christ. Through prayer, worship, Bible study, and a relationship, we are always in God’s presence and power. Let us not get sidetracked and stop waiting. Let us always be dedicated to being in the LORD’s presence.

Finally, it is amazing that Anna didn’t let the things of the world get in the way of her worship. Because she was always in the temple, she was not tempted by earthly things that would take her away from total devotion to God. Rather, she spent her time in constant prayer and fasting. With this activity day in and day out, you can bet that she knew the LORD intimately. This is precisely why Anna just knew Jesus was the Messiah the moment she laid eyes on Him. We too can have an intimate relationship with Christ and know His work when we see it. We too can be devoted to Him, not letting the things outside the temple get in the way of our worship.

Let these few verses be an inspiration to you on LIVING OUT the Kingship of Christ. Anna is an example of a woman with total devotion, complete dedication, and commitment to proclaiming the Word of God. Because of this, Anna was rewarded by seeing Jesus face to face. How cool! One day, we will see Him face to face and be able to worship Him in all His glory. In the meantime, be dedicated to waiting in His presence, be devoted to prayer and worship and be committed to proclaiming His Word!