Cling To The Community

Have you ever felt alone or that you stick out from the crowd? Have you ever felt alone because you are the only one around who loves the Lord? Today’s post is for you. Meet my sweet friend Everly. She has a word for each of us about the importance of clinging to the family and community of God.


They call it a family, this group of Christ-followers. “The family of God.” It sounds like some holy, happy reunion. And it is! It’s just a glimpse of heaven, but it’s truly good. A holy family accepts our ups and downs, our bumps and bruises, our ugly beauty. A holy family bands together and walks toward eternity, link-armed, with fervor. But sometimes, in this giant, joyful bunch, I feel completely and entirely alone.

I know I haven’t been kicked out of Christianity or booted from the brood. I know I’ll always have a place in this swirling world and a network of like-mindedness in the souls of fellow followers, but this walk to heaven comes with many dark valleys and one of them is loneliness.

Scripture tells us not to conform to this world, but to be transformed by the renewing work of the Spirit. If we do not conform, we are inevitably misfits. God’s kingdom is often called “the upside-down kingdom” because it’s the stark opposite of how this earthly kingdom (run by The Enemy) functions. It just doesn’t make sense from the outside, so the believers become the weirdos.

Now that we’re weird and dedicated to following a God we cannot see, and living our lives in a way that seems completely absurd to the rest of the population, we’ve set ourselves up to be lonely. Lonely for the world. Lonely for earthly things and the friends we had before we realized the life isn’t about me, but about Jesus.

When God created man, He immediately said that is not good for us to be alone, so He created a friend from a rib and they had the best, most faithful marriage in history…for a time. But the snake slithered into the garden and he works like a crowbar.

He pried the happy couple away from God and apart from each other. I believe Eve gave Adam the fruit because she didn’t want to be alone in her sin and Adam did not protest. Without “the other woman” ever being created, their marriage had been defiled, along with the rest of their lives. They were suddenly ashamed of their bodies and filled with fear of a God they had always loved and trusted before.

With sin in the garden, this world became a place unworthy of saints. This world became a place where we work for a stent while we hope and hope and hope for someplace better. If you are a follower of Jesus, you are an alien. You are misplaced.

We are promised persecution in this life and part of this is going to be in the form of losing friends. This can be such a trial, but one always pulls us a little tighter into the embrace of the Father. If we are willing to give up the earthly comfort of friendship in order to honor our God, He says “well done” to His good and faithful servant.

In my life, the phases of loneliness have waxed and waned. Sometimes I feel like I can’t find another living soul who believes what I believe or who lets that affect their life. This can be so discouraging! But then, before the sun sets on my lonely lot, God always brings someone to refresh me.

You may be the only Christian in your dorm or at your office or even in your family, but if you are part of the family of God, you are never alone.

Your dad says he will never leave you or forsake you. That means ever. He’s at the beginning and the end of the story.

And in the middle? In the place you are right this moment? When you’re laughed at, lonely, looking in the mirror and wondering why relationships seem to run from you like oil from water? They are there. We are there. I am here, for you.

Your “brothers and sisters” may seem to be undercover, but it’s possible to find them, and it will be worth it when you do. Even if you have to knock on every chapel, overturn every rock, join every Facebook group or walk up to a complete stranger, you will find them.

This road may be narrow, but there is room enough to walk together. We were never meant to arrive at the end of the race alone. This is not a competition. And can I let you in on a little secret? There’s no such thing as an independent Christian. To follow Christ means to realize that we stink at living this life and need new management. And we need you too.

Welcome to the family.

Everly Pleasant is a 20-nothing with a heart for encouraging her own generation in the Lord. She is a homeschool graduate who lives with her family at a place called Eyrie Park where she makes messes in the kitchen, reads as time allows and blogs at

To Pursue

Lately I’ve struggled with feeling distracted and completly unmotivated. This is a departure for me as my TYPE A personality always demands that I go go go and that I’m always doing something. So when I read a verse in 1 Timothy with the very active and motivational word, pursue, the side of me that is always the cheerleader (even when I’m an unmotivated cheerleader) sparked a little flicker in my heart. Through the fog of distraction, this passage also caught my attention with a check list of sorts. When thoughts are swirling in my head with no grounding or I can’t seem to finish anything I start, a firm list of what exactly I need to do appeals to me and brings back some sense of focus.



Do you see what I mean with a check list? This verse leads me towards some sort of order in my life as I pursue…

~righteousness: act in a manner that shows people you love Jesus

~godliness: make decisions in my life to do or not to do things that are against God’s Word

~faith: know that even though I don’t feel passionate about even faith right now, that doesn’t change who God is in reality

~love: remember to love and serve others and get over the pity party I’m throwing

~steadfastness: get up and do something, the first step is the hardest but the momentum created by just doing something dispels my laziness

~gentleness: find some quiet space to allow the Lord to pour His gentle love on my heart and reignite the passion of faith

So as I circle back to the word pursue, I conjur up an image that says, “get off your patootie, quit feeling sorry for yourself and live your life outside of the fog.” Through the fog of distraction I push through and pursue what I know is truth…

God gives me life and in ABUNDANCE. (John 10:10)

This gift is free for the taking but it is my job to PURSUE it. It is my duty put my faith in God’d LIFE ABUNDANTLY offered and pursue with passion and priority my relationship with Jesus.

This verse was a kick in the hiney for me and I hope it is for you should you feel as if living in a thick fog of distraction. Don’t just sit there…PURSUE!


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THE LIST: Why I Wrote Stress Point With Grads In Mind


The List

I think back to my graduation from college with fondness. Boy was that a seriously fun time in my life. But as I launched out into the world as a “big girl” I thought I knew it all…I really did think I had everything I needed for sucess in life.


I was wrong.

Big time.

There are life lessons to learn in our twenties that we just have to learn by trial and error no matter how painful. Our parents or loved ones might try to pitch in advice (which is awesome) but maturity often happens through making our own mistakes.  I wrote my book, Stress Point: Thriving Through Your Twenties In A Decade Of Drama with the idea that I’d take on the role of “slightly” older sister who’s been there done that sharing her own mistakes…hoping to keep others from doing the same. As it turns out, I really feel like the stories I share, though valuable, serve as a catalyst to help my readers approach their King for His ultimate guidance.

I tell so many of my friends not to lament the mistakes and past sin in their life. If we choose to hand over that guilt or shame, God never wastes anything. We can learn from the past and allow God to transform our faith and use those lessons for our own personal minsitry. I wouldn’t have material for Stress Point if I hadn’t experienced what I did in my past…God uses those stories to teach and encourage others.

For today’s LIST, take some time to think about some life lessons you’ve experienced and how you might see God at work through them.

Here’s mine:

~I kissed a ton of “Frogs” in my past. All those frogs helped me to recognize a wonderful prince when God placed my husband in my life.

~All those nights I should have been studying but just went out and had fun taught me that I must work at my goals with focus if I want to be successful with my career.

~Friends come and go, but family will ALWAYS be there.

~Money is tough to accumulate…a budget is a great thing.

Alright…your turn…

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Stress Point grad

Also! It is graduation season. Think about Stress Point for the graduate in your life (high school and college!)