Close Encounter

********Repost from 2010. Hope you all are having a great week! Will be back with THE LIST on Friday*************


I want a close encounter with Jesus, don’t you? The concept sounds amazing, but it is a bit allusive. I mean, we can’t touch Jesus or see Him face to face, so how exactly do we encounter Him? All I know is that if I need a revival in my faith, more of His presence will do the trick. Maybe this passage in Mark will give us some perspective.

Mark 7:32-35

32There some people brought to him a man who was deaf and could hardly talk, and they begged him to place his hand on the man.

33After he took him aside, away from the crowd, Jesus put his fingers into the man’s ears. Then he spit and touched the man’s tongue. 34He looked up to heaven and with a deep sigh said to him, “Ephphatha!” (which means, “Be opened!” ). 35At this, the man’s ears were opened, his tongue was loosened and he began to speak plainly.

I had to stop to ponder this situation. {Sidebar: to get more out of the scripture, don’t just read it, ponder it. Break it down and put yourself in the scene} Just several passages before, Jesus simply touched the sick and lame or spoke healing over them. Why would Jesus pull the deaf man aside and put spit in his ears? Here are some possibilities that I came up with. I actually put myself in the place of the deaf man-take a look:

*Jesus knows this man’s heart and maybe this man doubted His ability to heal
–Jesus knows my heart and knows when I doubt Him, too!

*Jesus wanted a private moment with the man away from the noisy crowd
–Jesus wants a private moment with me away from the TV, internet and blackberry {distractions}

*Jesus knew the power of His touch when He stuck his finger in this man’s ear. He not only touched the deaf man’s ear, Jesus touched the depth of this man’s heart-whatever condition it might be in.
–The Lord doesn’t just go through the motions in my life. He knows when and how to get my attention. Sometimes I need His touch more than anything else.

Can you imagine how sweet a sound the man heard when Jesus said, “Be opened?” This man probably lived the majority of his life, if not all, in silence. What a wonder to experience to tune into Jesus’s gentle, yet powerful voice as the first sound he heard in ages. A voice that was not preaching to a large crowd, but speaking straight to this man’s heart in the most intimate way. He had a close encounter with Jesus.

We don’t know what followed this scene. We don’t know how the man lived out his close encounter. But, we do know how we will react when Jesus pulls us aside from our distractions, touches our hearts and speaks into our life. I don’t know about you, but I want to have a close encounter with Jesus EVERY day. This only happens when I come to Him ready, willing and vulnerable. Jesus knows the depths of your heart and just what kind of encounter with Him you need. Are you willing, ready and vulnerable?

Jesus! Touch our hearts and speak to our soul, “Be open!”

Strong Woman

***Reposted from 2011. As they say in the restaurant/waitress biz “I’m in the weeds” the next few weeks. Hope you like this blast from the past. Can’t wait to read your comments. Even though I wrote this almost two years ago…I totally need to practice what I preach! ha!****


I have a strong personality.  Some have described me as demonstrative.  Others domineering.  As a child my parents described me as precocious.  The other day, a customer of mine commented that my mouth never stops moving! One thing is for sure, I have a strong personality and I’m well aware of the strengths and weakness to this trait.

This is why I tripped up and almost spilled my English Breakfast morning tea as I read, a verse in the Beatitudes section of the Sermon on The Mount:

Jesus says: Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth.

MEEK! meek? Oh I am far from meek. Surly this verse doesn’t apply to me, right?  Meek describes those quiet, shy, wallflower types.  What am I supposed to do with this verse?

For those of you with TYPE A, demonstrative personalities like me, chew on this definition of the word meek:

Gentle Those who do not assert themselves over others to further their own agenda in their own strength, but will “inherit the earth” because they trust in God to direct the outcome of event. (Taken from the English Standard Study Bible notes for Matthew 5:5)

This hit a chord with me this morning as I admit that I tend to assert myself over others from time to time.  Oh, and I will confess that I also take the reigns in situations to “further my own agenda.” {ahem} In a nutshell, meekness/gentleness is something I need to work on.  Turning to Matthew 11:29, I am reminded that Jesus is the perfect example of the definition meek/gentle:

Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.  Matthew 11:29

If I am living by Christ’s example I am to embrace the strong personality that He blessed me with at birth while tweaking it a bit to make room for more gentleness and meekness.

So here is what I’ve prayerfully come up with:

~Gentleness means I am sensitive to the Holy Spirit and change my tone of voice when it teeters on the gruff or overpowering side.

~Gentleness means I lower the bar a bit and forgo the high expectations I place on others to meet standards in which I pridefully place in front of them.

~Gentleness means I halt my own agenda for a moment to consider the point of others.

~Gentleness means I recognize someone’s need for the rest and peace of Jesus and point them to Him out of simple love and care for their spiritual well being.

~Gentleness means I’m slow to speak and quick to listen. (tough one for those whose mouths never stop!)

There are countless ways I need to be more gentle…

Lord, I believe You gave me a personality trait of gentleness in the form of compassion and encouragement of others.  But, I can also be pushy and demonstrative which needs to be tempered.  Help me to be gentle in my communication with others; especially those who are hurting.  Help me to not place unrealistic expectations on others and add an unnesscessary load on their shoulders, but rather guide them to Your easy and light yoke in which they will find rest.  Soften my heart, Lord.

Are you a woman with a strong personality like me?  How can you tweak it to be more gentle and meek?

I would love to hear your thoughts…


Humble Pie. Yep…that’s what I had to eat this week. The reason for no blogs  is because I was flat on my back for the better part of the week. I pulled a weird muscle in my back…ouchie. This happens to me several times a year as I have a bad back in general.

What better way to do this week’s LIST than to celebrate that humble pie. Have you ever been served a plate? The best way to eat it is to grab a fork, maybe spray on some “whip cream” and go ahead and dig in. Life/growth lessons come in yummy, scrumptions humle pie.

I will go ahead and list out a few things I learned while being humbled this past week and I encourage you to think of a time where your humble pie was served up nice and neat.


~I was forced to ask for help. Heck…I couldn’t even bend over to put my socks on. This is a lesson for me because I pride myself on being a strong, independent woman. Fact is, we are not independent. I need others and I of course, need Jesus for help.

~I learned that even though I was in pain, it wasn’t the worst thing in the world. So many people suffer on a daily basis. I know that my pain will subside and that life will get back to normal soon. But, I’m grateful for the healthy body that God has blessed me with.

~I learned that work can be put on hold while I’m laid up in bed. I got way behind on some projects this week because I couldn’t even sit up with my laptop. God reminded me that things will work themselves out and deadlines will be met. It is important to take care of ourselves when sick. Stressing about deadlines and work while stuck in the sick bed doesn’t help a thing.

I would love to hear if you have ever joined me in eating humble pie. Take some time to reflect and list some reasons why a bit of humility is a good thing. 

Can’t wait to read your LIST. Leave a comment…let’s chat!

***One more thing! I wrote an article for iBelieve that I would love for you to check out: Finding Your Own Faith.