Oh The Words We Use

My little guy was quite chatty in our car ride after school yesterday. Usually I get the obligatory “fine” or “good” upon asking about school, recess, or lunch. (His two favorite subjects at school, of course) So you better believe I fed into it with absolute and utter interest in his chatter about super heros and playground antics that led to mud stains on his jeans. For this super hero talk would surely lead to more words to discover how the day truly unfolded. And so it did. And so I discovered that my little first grader received a warning for talking too much in class. Gasp!  

While trying to play the *responsible* mom, I calmly reminded him the importance of listening, learning, and keeping thy mouth shut during teaching times. On the other hand, the chatty cathy in me inwardly cheered my guy on. Why? I saw myself in that moment. You see, little Sarah Francis often received reprimands in school for talking too much. And look how great I turned out? *wink wink* It could be said that I haven’t shut my mouth since those days…ahem…

In fact, I actually haven’t shut my mouth. Oh the words we use. 

Kind friends ask how our transition is going, how the house selling is moving along. With a toss of my hair and a roll of my eyes, the complaints come blathering out of my mouth. You see, this transition is not going as planned. Not one bite on our house. Tick tock, Lord!

Oh the words we use. This outward dialogue with my friends peels back a layer in my heart. Dare I actually say it out loud: my heart is not finding rest in God’s agenda and timeline. I cringe at the reminder of Scripture that says,

A person full of goodness in his heart produces good things; a person with an evil reservoir in his heart pours out evil things. The heart overflows in the words a person speaks; your words reveal what’s within your heart. (Luke 6:45 THE VOICE)

Is this really what is in my heart: distrust and unbelief? Surly not! Wait…is it? But these are the words I choose, the words I use, rather than bold declarations. Bold declarations that I’m leaning on the path that I know God has already laid before us. My friend Maggie, one smart chick, reminds me of a phrase…fake it till you make it.

These were words I once used while pounding the pavement in my tailored suit in that long forgotten role of sales person. Those years are long gone. Maybe there’s something to be said for it, this fake it till you make it.

Maybe bold declarations that I know in my head (believing God for this transition unfolding in God’s best timing) will migrate down to my heart. Will I be humble enough to admit that I’m still figuring it all out––that dark corners of my heart still exist full of trust issues? Yes bold declarations, even if I’m faking it just a bit, stand effective in changing my disposition toward my current circumstances.

Oh the words we use serve as a measuring stick of our current heart condition.

Might we be willing to evaluate our words––take a hard look at the effect they spill on our lives and even those around us.

So here I go, determined to trade hair flips, eye rolls, and complaints with authentic words founded on truth. You see, we can fake it till we make it, yes. We can make those bold declarations of belief even when our heart is not quite there yet because we stand on the Word that never changes…never fakes us out. The words He uses––our all knowing Author of our faith––are true, good, steadfast, everlasting. This is even when we are tempted to look at our watch and live frustrated over the unseen timeline.

Oh the words we use

For me today this looks like a shift in focus. Rather than dwelling on that end goal of moving, building a new life in Texas, I’m simply going to dwell on God. That’s it. Just God. I’m standing on the words God uses to direct my focus toward what’s most important, eternal. I know in my head that when I seek Him with all my heart I will find Him. He is the end plan. The end goal. Jeremiah 29:11 tells us that the plans He has for us are good. WE often stop at verse 11. Oh let us not read forget to read on to 13 and 14: Seek God. He will be found. He is the end goal.

What does this look like for YOU today? What are the words YOU use? How can you declare bold statements of faith to turn your words around so that your end goal is God HIMSELF?

Leave a comment…let’s chat!


If you would like to read more about bold declarations of faith I write about it in Just RISE UP!: A Call To Make Jesus Famous. Would be honored if you would click HERE to check it out!

Just RISE UP! Cover



All my complaining about my house not selling in my timely manner convicts me…big time. There are those without out a house…with out the ones they love in Nepal. My family has committed to give to Samaritans Purse in their relief efforts in Nepal. Click HERE to give.


When You Just Need To Figure Things Out

I click over and I stall. How does this even work again? What is my password? What is the process, again? I blink a few times, take a deep breath and dig into the depths to figure it all out. You see, it has been a while. A long while, in fact, since I’ve occupied this tiny space on the world wide web that I call a blog. Why? I’ve stalled because I’m just trying to figure things out.

These things I’m trying to figure out, well, they are bigger than how and where to click and type. They are more daunting than just the surface level if I allow myself to get beyond that first layer. These things scare me because at this point, I just don’t know how to put it into words. And that is a problem for this wordy gal who talks too much and too loud.

So to just get down to it, I’m flat out in the process of figuring out what is next and how to even navigate the road ahead. Have you been there? Please tell me you have! We can hold each other’s hands and exclaim, “I get it!! I’ve been in that weird space of the unknown.”  This is me saying that I just need to figure it out and I’m going to be ok with not even knowing what the “it” is. I’m confident that I’m not the only one in this awkward space. You too? Welcome…let’s be awkward together!

This is me, on a rainy day, with my hot pink raincoat. Anyone else feel this way?

This is me, on a rainy day, with my hot pink raincoat. Anyone else feel this way?

So just some updates for those who have allowed me to share my heart with you over the last however many years. (Thank you, by the way, for reading so faithfully and subscribing to this blog!)

~I spent the first quarter of 2015 living out a ministry dream of mine. We launched The Women’s Collective in my local community out of pure faith…or maybe it was out of pure ignorance. Ha! It was challenging, overwhelming, and flat out hard at times. But, to gather women from my community to collectively  RISE UP! and make Jesus famous was worth the sometimes blood, sweat, and tears. For every challenging moment, there were sweet songs of praise to our Lord. For every time I wanted to throw in the towel, there was the realization that women from all walks of life gathered in one room and broke barriers. For every sleepless night, there was the picture of my friend opening up His Word, memorizing the entirety of Psalm 145, and speaking that over a room full of women. She did this regardless of the fact that it is sometimes scary to be vulnerable in front of a room full of women.

I poured out so much I had not one more word to share. After those months of hard work, I circle back to the “what is next” and I just need to figure things out. The unknown threatens my daily clarity.

~ As I type this there is a sign in the yard, pointing toward a house for sale that we’ve loved for 10 years. We are digging up our roots here in North Carolina and moving back to Texas. Oh the timelines and the lack of clear answers! My timelines. My deadlines. My expectations. So much life up in the air. If I was ever forced to walk out what I “preach” I am forced to do that now. Trusting God with this very tangible life change honestly makes me question if I’ve got the chops. Can I really live out what I write about everyday?

Will you join me on my journey? One thing I know while I’m just trying to figure things out is that I’m not alone in my questions, my uncertainty, my underlying doubt…right? 

Over the next however long it takes, let’s figure things out together. I will be showing up to this space each week (On Wednesdays!)  to share what I’m learning. Your situation might not be the same as mine. Maybe it is. Maybe it isn’t. But, really, I know that the underlying root of what drives us during these awkward times of figuring it out is common to all. Let’s uncover that root and allow the Holy Spirit to move in our midst.

I would love to hear from you! What is something you just need to figure out these days?

Leave a comment…let’s chat!


Three Ways To Stop The Comparison Game TODAY

We’ve all played the game. You know it and I know it, the comparison game is one that rears it’s ugliness and traps us even in our best moments. Somehow, someway this comparison game runs rampant among women. And, not just among women but between women as this game we play in our heads facilitates broken friendships, missed life callings, and all out sin. Yep, I said sin. I don’t like writing that anymore than I like reading that my seemingly innocuous thoughts and comparisons are considered by the Lord as flat out sin. This truth straight from the book of Galatians served as a holy kick in the pants to get over myself.

Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, JEALOUSY, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience,kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. (Galatians 5:19-23 emphasis mine)

 For, this jealousy and envy that we allow to have it’s say in our minds serves no good purpose and steal the joy we find when we sit and live content right where God has us. 

Because I’ve played the comparison game and lost way too many times to count, I thought I would lay it all on the line and share some tools that I personally use to just STOP the game. These tools and weapons and “game chips” have been wielded during those time when the ugliness of comparison threatens my joy and I’ve found meaningful victory, true, God-given victory.

ibelieve image

Read the Three ways to top the game TODAY by clicking HERE!



Also, I’m really excited to share with you from my time with Jamie Ivey on her awesome podcast Happy Hour. Click HERE to listen as we talked about all kinds of fun things such as how to talk to kids about sex, date nights, my hair shampoo experience…random and fun. Thanks for having me Jamie! ***Be sure to enter in the giveaway of 3 copies of Just RISE UP!***