One Sister to Another Part 2-Friendship

This is part of a series of ideas I want to share from my own experience. I’m a girlfriend who wants to share so that you, my friends, might learn from me rather than deal with the heartache yourself. This topic is so tender on my heart that I am almost tempted to scratch the whole post. But, here it goes anyway… I expect too much from my friends. There I said it. I pour out my heart to those I love. Words of encouragement, prayer, support, advice, etc. It is my love language and I enjoy it immensely. I … Continue Reading »»

Do you ever feel kind of frumpy when you go shopping? I totally do. Regardless of the cute outfit I already have on, I always feel wrinkled and worn compared to the pristine articles of clothing that are nicely pressed and displayed in the best of lighting at my favorite retail stores. Just like my old clothing that I long to trade with new, fabulous finds at the LOFT, there are old and frumpy memories and thought processes that I long to trade away now that I am set and secure in Jesus. It all starts in the mind for … Continue Reading »»