Would you ever admit to duplicity? {no…not talking about the movie here!} Probably not, I would venture to say. Here is the definition, please take special note of the second definition: Duplicity:noun: 1 : contradictory doubleness of thought, speech, or action; especially : the belying of one’s true intentions by deceptive words or action2 : the quality or state of being double or twofold You know when you were in highschool and the biggest put down was to be called “two-faced?” That is basically what I am getting at. In America, this is a problem among Christians, we are “two-faced” … Continue Reading »»

Guilty Pleasures-Expanded

This is a devotion that ran on She Seeks a couple of weeks ago and below is the expanded version of it. Let me know what you think! Can I please just start out with a confession?! I. heart. guilty. pleasures. PERIOD. I mean, don’t we all love to vegg in front of the T.V. after a long day at work and immerse ourselves in the lives of others on reality T.V.? Or, maybe you’re one of those who curls up in bed with Hershey Kisses and reads chic lit? Mine is a bit of both. I rarely miss an … Continue Reading »»

Do you ponder?

Every year as I read the Christmas story narrated in Luke 2, I usually end up on verse 19 describing Mary treasuring these things and pondering them in her heart. 19But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.” I imagine Mary holding the newly swaddled Baby Jesus snuggled close to her as she contemplates the magnitude of Who she holds in her arms. Of course she is aware that she is holding the KING OF KINGS, a baby who will grow up and save the world; a tiny innocent infant who will carry that innocence … Continue Reading »»