Genesis 22-24, Hearing God’s Call

The passage about Abraham and Isaac is such a chilling and heart wrenching story to me now that I have a son of my own. Oh, I shudder at the thought… Notice through out Genesis 22 that God calls upon Abraham three times and Abraham answers, “Here am I.” Abraham hears God’s call clearly and is actively available to answer that call. It was especially important for Abraham to answer God in verse 11 when God exempted him from sacrificing Isaac! Here am I. Are you clearly hearing God’s call? Are you ready and willing to answer Him? Check out … Continue Reading »»

Genesis 16-18, Read thru the Bible

Today I read through Genesis chapters 16-18. They were familiar parts of the Bible so it took extra concentration to look at the passage with a fresh perspective rather than just skim through the parts that I already know so well. I focused in on a tiny little verse in Chapter 18. The Lord appeared to Abram and Sarah to let them know that Sarah would indeed bear a child. To her, this was absurd being that she was quite far along in years and she actually laughed at the notion. Get that, she LAUGHED at God! To make things … Continue Reading »»