1 Samuel 1-4, Oh Don’t Miss It!

I am now moving on to 1 Samuel. No, don’t worry, I did not skip the book of Judges or Ruth. I apologize for not blogging on those books, life just got in the way! Our new friend Samuel is the son of Hannah who prayed diligently for a son and committed him to the Lord. So, in the beginning of 1Samuel, we find little boy Sam ministering to the Lord in the temple under Eli. Then one night, Samuel heard a call: 1 Samuel 3:3-5and Samuel was lying down in the temple of the LORD, where the ark of … Continue Reading »»

Judges 1, Spring Cleaning

Moving on to the book of Judges. Here is a little background. Israel is now in Canaan, the promise land and they continue the vicious cycle of disobeying God and falling for the false gods of the Canaanites. Take a look at Judges 1:27-36 to see why they keep falling into this pit of disobedience. Here is one verse of the list: Judges 1:2929 Nor did Ephraim drive out the Canaanites living in Gezer, but the Canaanites continued to live there among them. This is just a snipet of the list of tribes that did not force out the pagans, … Continue Reading »»

Joshua 17-21, Just Take Hold Of It Already!

Its amazing how on short verse in the Bible can stop you in your tracks and make you say, “hmmm…” At this point in the book of Joshua, the Israelites are in the promise land and Joshua has the task of alloting all the land to the 12 tribes. I would think this would be a daunting task since everyone would have their specific requests as to what land they want. Chapter 18 starts out with a few tribes that had not taken over their inherited land. Take a look at this verse and just picture the expression and body … Continue Reading »»