The List

For this week’s LIST I thought I’d share a page in my journal that I wrote last year. Lately I’ve been chewing on the idea of “seeking God’s face” and just stitting still in His presence daily. At the end of the post I list a few ways I can seek His face.


Take some time today in prayer with the Psalm below and make a list on things in your life where Jesus shows you His beauty, His glory, His presence and…His face.


Here is a peek into my journal…

Lord I’m intrigued by this concept I see popping up in Scripture: Seek The Face Of God. I want to know how to seek your face. David, Moses, Paul, John all sought your face and I don’t want to miss out! I want in on what the angels see––I want to see Your glory, your beauty, your majesty, YOUR FACE.


I do know that I need to give thanks to Jesus for the making a way for me to see Your face Lord. Thank You Jesus for the cross. Thank You for opening wide the curtain so I can experience God.



O Lord, our Lord,how majestic is your name in all the earth!

You have set your glory above the heavens.

Out of the mouth of babies and infants,you have established strength because of your foes,to still the enemy and the avenger

When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers,the moon and the stars, which you have set in place,

what is man that you are mindful of him,and the son of man that you care for him? {Psalm 8:1-4}

Let me not live in numb apathy––missing out on little sparkles of heaven you surprise me with every day. Open my eyes to see Your face…

in the beautiful sunrise and crystal clear morning


in the smile of a stranger on the street


in the graciousness of a friend who offers an unexpected hug


in the thought that I can curl up next to you and share my heart.



Your turn…leave a comment!

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THE LIST — 6 Comments

  1. This is absolutely beautiful Sarah!! This has been my constant prayer lately! God, we want to seek Your face and hear the desires of Your heart for our lives, our families, church, city, nation and world!! In Jesus Name! Don’t let us miss You!

  2. What a wonderful way to think of God! Look around my darling daughter and you will see His face everywhere!
    A smile from you son or husband. In Art you love. In songs you sing. Close your eyes in deep meditation and you will see miracles appear of Him the Lord of Lords. You have the gift to see and he is everywhere!!!!

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