Slow Walkin’ at Wal-Mart

“Excuse me, on what aisle might I find the humble pie?”

This is the new characterization of my life right now. I am eight months pregnant and I just can’t move as fast as I used to. I find myself in slow motion as I am buying groceries and shamelessly leaning on the grocery cart handle by the time I reach the check out lady.

Insert fork with the bitter taste of that good old humble pie.

Upon swallowing a big bite, I realized that this might be a lesson learned and that the Lord in His infinite wisdom might be using this situation to teach me or show me something about myself that needs to change.

What pride am I dealing with that needs to be countered by the dessert that I am fed these days? Probably the pride of needing to look good all the time. (Boy, I am really spilling my guts today) It doesn’t look cool to be leaning on the Wal-Mart cart for support!

Ok, Lord, I get it! I don’t need to be focused on what others think. But, instead, my focus must be on what you think and how I am reflecting your glory.

So, as I am writing this, I will take that humble pie as a blessing and be thankful that I have a bundle of joy to deliver in 2 months! Thank you, Lord for redirecting my thoughts back to the great things you do for me.

“Good and upright is the Lord; therefore he instructs sinners in his ways. 9 He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way. 10 All the ways of the Lord are loving and faithful for those who keep the demands of his covenant” Psalm 25:8-10

How about you? You might not be eating humble pie right now, but maybe its another type of dessert that God is serving up for you. Take it, savor it, learn from it, and do something different! Mmmmm, tastes good when you see the blessing!


Slow Walkin’ at Wal-Mart — 5 Comments

  1. r father and I feel so blessed by God for this little grandchild that’s coming in eight weeks. It’s kinda hard to believe it’s a blessing, when your not sure how your stomach is going to stretch any more. God blesses us in many ways, three weeks after he is born you will not remember any of this discomfort or pain. You’ll wonder how this little miracle ever came about Love, Mom

  2. It is amazing that in the seasons of life you go deeper and deeper into the “mysteries” of life and of the Lord. In the season I am in right now, “elderly”, I seem to be learning the same thing as you yet in a deeper way (deeper) only because I went through the pregnancy humble pie too). God always has a way of reminding us that He is God and we are not! I love you. Lynn

  3. Sarah, just as God blessed your mother and me when he placed you in our hands, God is blessing our little Grayson as he prepares to place him in your loving hands. Love, Daddy

  4. Your parents are SO sweet! For me, motherhood has been FILLED with big servings of humble pie!!! Just the other day I was in Target going to the bathroom and my Kennyboo SCREAMED on the top of her lungs, “YAY MOMMY!! You pee pee on the potty!!” I about DIED!!!

    You’re almost there! I can’t wait to see pictures of him!! You’re going to be a great momma!

  5. I saw your comment on the LPM blog about being 8 months pregnant and popped on over to let you know I know how you are feeling! (Especially after reading this post!) I had a baby in January, and I was HUGE. As in, people were asking me starting at 7 months if I was having twins. I am still amazed at exactly how huge I got (and, let’s be honest, the aftermath that the ginormous belly has played out on my body), but your mom is right–that kiddo is so special, and once you lay eyes on him, the state of your abs won’t matter a whit. “The greatest of these is love”–so true, when you consider that your God-given love for that baby will eclipse a lot of vanity. Or it did in my case. Makes you think about the humility Jesus underwent because of his love for us.

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