Let us NOT shrink back

Most people know that I am a political junkie of sorts. My television is permanently programed to Fox News Channel and I listen to the whole gammet of conservative talk radio in the car. You better believe that this past election cycle really got my blood boiling! So much so that I have become very passionate about encouraging Christians to wake up and pay attention to the legislation that is brought forth in Washington.

Today I will spare you and not go into the nitty gritty of all my woes concerning this world we live in. However, I do encourage you to take a vested interest in what your congressmen are doing as it often affects our conservative, Christian values and more often than not in a negative way. And this is exactly why we must take a stand for Christ and make an impact for Him upon this world.

Why should we make the effort? Well, one answer is that Christ is coming soon and we want Him to find us living as salt and light of the earth.

I recently came across this passage in Hebrews and I can’t get it off my mind:

Heb 1o:35-39
35Therefore do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward. 36For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God you may receive what is promised. 37For, “Yet a little while, and the coming one will come and will not delay;38 but my righteous one shall live by faith, and if he shrinks back,my soul has no pleasure in him.”
39But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who have faith and preserve their souls.

I can’t get over the phrase, in verse 37, “if he shrinks back, my soul has no pleasure in him…”
Oh man, I don’t want to be found shrinking back! I just had to look up the Greek meaning of “shrinking back” It means just what you think it would, but the definition is worth taking a look at.
Draw back

Do you ever find yourself withdrawing from your relationship to Christ and drawing closer to the worldly things that displease Him?

Do you ever hesitate in your faith and not believe God is the Almighty and can handle any of your circumstances? Moreover, do you question if God can handle the mess that is going on in our world?

Here’s another angle, we are called as Christians to fight the good fight and not shrink back from our Biblical values. Wouldn’t it be shameful if, on the day that Christ returns, you were found totally engrossed in things that do not “preserve your soul?” verse 39

But rather, let us take a stand for Christ. It will be tough, it will be tempting to draw back, you WILL need endurance. Rest assured that, your reward in heaven is much greater and glorious than anything this world can award you!

LIVE IT OUT application:
Take a moment to check out your favorite news source today a pay close attention to events in Washington D.C. that are undermining your Biblical values. Pray about that situation and ask God how you can take a stand and not shrink back!


Let us NOT shrink back — 2 Comments

  1. Great stuff! I was reading online a poll about whether or not “we” care if Obama goes to church or not and surprisingly it was something like over 60% of Americans do care as in….he’s better go! We as Christians need to be in prayer more than ever before for our nation!

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