Exodus 38-40; Glory of the LORD

We made it through Exodus! Oh I pray that you stay with it. Most people who set out to read through the Bible only make it through Exodus. So, push through. We can do it together.

I love the final segment of chapter 40. This one part just captivated my imagination:

34 Then the cloud covered the Tent of Meeting, and the glory of the LORD filled the tabernacle. 35 Moses could not enter the Tent of Meeting because the cloud had settled upon it, and the glory of the LORD filled the tabernacle.

The glory of the LORD. What does that mean? I am honestly not sure that I can even explain it. In this instance, the glory of the LORD was His presence in the tabernacle. He filled the tabernacle up and nothing else could occupy that space. I imagine there was something about the area that no one could put their finger on but they could feel energy and excitement and the power of God.

We too can be filled abundantly by the glory of the LORD. When we allow Him to occupy our heart completely, there is something about us that others can see, but they can’t always put their finger on what it is that makes us different. It is this occupation of the LORD that is often the best way we bring people to Christ. They simply see Him in us and want it for themselves.

Do you allow the Glory to fill your heart completely? Or is there something else that fills that space. It could be other passions and obsessions. It could be love for work, love for money, love for success, or even love for a hobby. When these things take precedent over God, they make empty space in our heart that blocks the Glory of God from really shining through us.

When we enjoy the glory of the LORD, we are taking part in the blessing of knowing Him, creating a meaningful relationship, and benefiting from His abounding love. Don’t let other things make a home in your heart. Move them out and open the doors for God’s glory.

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