James 1-Video Bible Study

Join me on Wednesdays for the next few weeks to study the book of James.

Lets dig into James 1 a bit more… {would love to read your thoughts so post a comment with your answers!}

1) Read James 1:1 again. Focus in on the word JOY and give me your definition of the word.

2) What is your definition of the word TRIAL? How do you feel about putting the word JOY and the word TRIAL in the same sentence?

3) I talked in my video about saying to God, “Bring it on” regarding future trials that will come my way. Does the thought of saying that to God freak you out? Why or why not?

4) Read through the rest of chapter one. Anything else stand out to you?

I would love to hear your thoughts…

See you next Wednesday!


James 1-Video Bible Study — 7 Comments

  1. Joy means you are full of happiness knowing God is there with you at all times. It's always been said Trails
    are the fears we face to become closer to God and to
    know his love. He is always with us. We have to give our fears to the Lord and rejoice in joy that He is standing right there with us. I loved your saying, Bring it on. I would add" Bring it on for I know You,Lord, will be there." It's easy to say but hard to trust because we are human. God bless you Sarah for giving me the time with you this day to study the Lord's holy scriptures. See you next Wednesday. Blessed,Mom

  2. Joy to me, means gladness. Not happiness, but true gladness and knowing that no matter what, God will always be by your side and you can have joy in that fact. To me, a trial is a test, a test that is meant for us to learn and/or grow from, and to grow closer and learn to truly trust and lean on our Lord. I feel that joy and trial go very well together in the same sentence although you may not see it very often. To have TRUE joy in the Lord is to see the brightness of Christ through our trials. The thought of saying "bring it on" to God, DOES freak me out just a little bit but we are called to get out of our comfort zone for God and that is exactly what will happen when we pray such a prayer. I have found in my life in the past, that when I pray a prayer that will inevitably make me uncomfortable in my lifestyle, it is answered with much more clarity than most other prayers. God WANTS us to be uncomfortable for Him and to be able to speak His name off our tongues in the midst of trial.

    Chapter 1 really stood out to me. One of my favourite verses in the Bible is actually James 1:19 where it says, "My dear brothers, take note of this: everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry." I have made it my perogative to try and remember this throughout my everyday life. I love the book of James because it is so relevant to this time period and our lives, as well as during the time of James!

  3. Hi Sarah, Sorry I am tagging along late, but wow this is great, thanks.

    I read & listened to the James 1 study yesterday morning as I was brushing my hair & teeth and getting dressed ( & hiding out from the toddler & teen!!)
    Taking Joy in suffering…hmmmm, I am in a season of hardship and a good dollop of suffering at the moment and one of the things that I greive is the absence of joy. Joy in the simplest things. Finding it is really hard while you are hurting.
    I though on this all day yesterday and admit that I am far to scared to say “bring it on”. Im more at the “hide me please, Lord stage”!!
    Then last night I was reading my verse from the day to day (My utmost for His Highest) and it was on….. suffering!! How funny is God??
    Oswald’s finishing line in his devotion was: “If God can accomplish His purposes in the world through a broken heart, then why not thank Him for breaking yours?”
    Arghh – Im surrounded: From this morning it has gone from asking for more, to being thankful for it!!! Boy have I got some bold praying to do!!?? Definately a two coffee day tomorrow!!
    Thank you again, Im so glad I found your study, right words, right topic and even the right timng for me to start it.
    In His Joy,

  4. Hi Sarah,

    I realize this is a little late but I came across your blog and found this study very interesting. So here are my answers:

    1) I think joy is something that goes beyond happiness. While happiness might be fleeting, joy should endure and stay with you at all times. Joy is deep-rooted and comes from our faith that God does everything for our good because He loves us. I find it really hard to be joyous for an extended period of time (smthing always seems to get in the way!) so I think I have a lot of growing to do in my faith-life!

    2) Trial, for me, is a something that tests you whether spiritually, physically or mentally. It’s a challenge. And like you said, I think joy is a reward we get from facing challenges and knowing that God is faithful. So when our next trial comes we look back and have faith that everything will be ok because God was totally amazing and saved the day over and over again in the past.

    3) I think “bring it on!” is something I would love to say, but am not at the point where I can right now. I would say it but maybe I’m still saying it with some fear. So in order for me to say it fearlessly I need more quiet time with God, closer relationship where I trust God more and more everyday.

    4) You’re so right! There are so many nuggets of great advice that James has put in such a compact chapter. But on a related note I like verse 12 because it again points to the face that God has something stored for you at the end of each trial. Something amazing. “the crown of life”

    So thanks for your great series, you’re a pleasure to listen to and I look forward to reading chapter 2 and viewing your next blog tomorrow!

    Love and hugs,

  5. Hey Sarah,
    These James videos are so great. I have’t seen them all but the first couple are great. Thank you so much. I have been feeling like the Lord has been urging me to start a blog and I’m a bit scared, but I’m going for it. Thanks so much for your videos. Its so great to know there are other girls out there who are doing the same thing. I look forward to read more of your stuff!


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