Political Rant

I admit it, I’m a political junkie.  I also admit that I am facinated with analyzing political issues with a Biblical Worldview lens.  So, if you will indulge me every so often on this blog, I’ll share my rants and raves and hopefully get a good convo started here!

Today’s political rant:

As much as I don’t want to give this group lip service on the world wide web, I must mention their name so as to call attention to the atrocities of the Westboro Baptist Church.  {just typing the word church and associating it with this group makes my skin crawl}  In short, this group notoriously protests funerals around the nation, namely those of fallen soldier’s in protest to various political issues such as gay rights.  The hurtful actions of this cult dishonor the brave men and women who’ve lost their lives serving the very country that allows the protestors to do just that…protest.  I can’t imagine additional pain inflicted on the soldier’s families due to the misguided and non-Biblical actions of the people from WBC.

This morning I listened to the daughter of the pastor of WBC on the radio this morning defending the group’s decision to protest Elizabeth Edward’s funeral in Raleigh, NC.  In the name of Jesus, this woman spewed hatred and judgement across the radio waves. I know that anyone listening to this interview would outright claim this lady as crazy, but there is another underlying issue that boils my blood.

They call themselves CHRISTIANS and any media outlet reporting their misguided actions tag them as CHRISTIANS, too.

Anyone else getting just a bit upset about this as I am?

I have one thing to say to this group: Where is your fruit?

Jesus said in John 15 that anyone living a life in Christ bears the “fruit” as proof of their love and devotion to Jesus.

What is this fruit you might ask?

Oh only the  love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness and self control spelled out in Galations 5.

I don’t know for sure, but there doesn’t seem to be much of anything fruitful coming from the actions of WBC.

So here is where I think you and I come in.  Let’s counter act the non-fruity antics of groups such as the one we read about today with

pure joy

loving kindness

goodness of character

patience of temper

and the peace of understanding WHO it is we serve.

By living out this fruit and serving Christ as we love others-no matter how much we disagree with their actions-we differentiate ourselves with the WBCers of the world. Wouldn’t it be great if one day non-Christians who hear crazy stories like this on the news would say…
“There is no way that WBC group are Christians.  I know plenty of Christians who sure don’t act like them…”

So there is my political rant for the week. I feel better now.  Thanks for letting me vent.


Political Rant — 6 Comments

  1. I actually did a paper on the Westboro Baptist Church in college and really did my research on them. And I have the same feeling whenever I even read/type their name. It makes my skin crawl and make me just wanna scream in protest to their so-called “theology”. Another similar entity as them, is a man who calls himself Brother Micah. He is a man who goes to college campuses (including mine) and spews off the same hatred. He called me a “slut” to my face because I was wearing jeans and a teeshirt and that my arms were exposed. He then told me that my place was in the kitchen and I was a sinner for studying psychology. If you look him up on YouTube, you will find a plethora of videos on this man. It makes me sick that these people portray themselves as Christians and then we get the bad reputation of being “hypocrits.”

  2. I am so glad you wrote about this issue. When I hear about this church protesting, I am always so upset. We should be examples of love, hope, and acceptance, not hate. Thank you for this post!

  3. Love your view and that you are presenting a solution in love and kindness! The misery people in Tuscon are going through right now should be comforted by a Christian shoulder and these blasphemous, self-proclaimed Christians are rearing their ugly heads trying to spread the ridiculous rumor that God sent this men to shoot these people. I can attest that my God does not send men to point aimlessly into a crowd for any reason and fire a fatal shot to a 9 year old child. This poor child (and every other victim or bystander) and their families should be being reassured that God is their rock, their salvation and their comfort. I hope we, the real Christian people who have JESUS use US can reassure and comfort them in their time of need and clear from their minds the craziness these people that are using JESUS for THEIR lies! Thanks Sarah for being a strong enough woman to let the world know what we’re really about!!! Regardless of any of our political stances or views….our Christian views ramain united. This should not have happened and it is sickening that someone is using the name of God as a scapegoat.

  4. Sarah, this is strange because I know you wrote this awhile back, but I was just perusing your site a little more today, and I actually was praying over Galatians 5 before bed last night. Just in general, I think you make great statements about how it is wise for Christians to keep acting out the truth in love and how to respond to difficulties that arise by remaining faithful to living out the fruit in our lives…it was a gentle reminder that we have access to this and can remind others of the true One who we are serving through it.

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