Special Invitation

I’m working on the concept of feeling disconnected with God.  How does the Blah Faith sit with you? Would you know what I’m talking about?

It is frustrating when we know we are not completely turned off by God or doubting His greatness, but we also don’t feel completely sold out in our love for Him.  Blah… I wrote about my experience for She Seeks and my plan of action to Just Show Up even when I don’t wanna.

It is also frustrating when we participate in worship at church and everyone around us seems like they are in perfect communion with Jesus and we just feel…well…blah.  We know He is worthy of passionate worship.  We know our faith only strengthens when we sing and praise His name.  We know all of this, but our heart is not in it.  I would even go so far to say that I feel a bit hypocritical  if I take part in worship, but I’m only going through the motions.  {Kudos to you for just showing up to church and making the effort!}

Let me pitch something out to you.  If we are just not feeling it with in the four walls of church, what about switching it up for awhile?  Rather than depending on your worship band to lead you into meaningful time of worship while you are in a blah kind of mind, find a different place or manner to connect with God.

Anytime we just show up before Him with a heart willing to give thanks and praise THAT is worship!  It is super important to worship in community with other believers, but sometimes the true connection and adoration of the LORD happens in private.

Psalm 100: 4-5 exemplifies the heart of just showing up no matter the setting:

4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving
and his courts with praise;
give thanks to him and praise his name.
5 For the LORD is good and his love endures forever;
his faithfulness continues through all generations.

God gives us unique means of connection with Him — special ways to experience His love.  When we quiet our heart and make ourselves available, we will hear the soft, loving invitation to join Him in awe and wonder.  It is through these unique invatations that our hearts are mended in those dark secret spots that only God recognizes and ministers to.  It is often these dark secret spots in our hearts that instigate the blah.  When we just show up in response to His special invitation of worship, God takes the blah and transforms it into a beautiful passion for His glory.

Here is the caveat, though.  If we attempt to duplicate the worship experience of others, it will fall way short of the perfectly tailored worship experience God planned for us specifically.

Mary sat at Jesus’ feet and experienced His glory eye to eye (See Luke 10: 39)

The woman with the expensive perfume in her alabaster box poured out value and worth over Jesus in a way no other could express her devotion. (See Matthew 14:3-9)

Everyone thought David a crazy man as he danced in a beat only known between David and God. (See Samuel 6: 14)

John, widely known as the Beloved Disciple, hung out with Jesus and leaned on Jesus at the table during the passover dinner as only best friends could feel that comfortable.  (See John 13:23)

All of these people recongized their special connection with the LORD regardless of their location or what others would think of their display of worship.  Our special invitation to praise of God can take place in many different ways only known between YOU and God.  The key is to live in expectation of this uiquie opportunity of communion with Jesus and making ourselves willing to mix it up…do something different…just show up! The routine types of worship only perpetuate the mundane feeling of blah.

Are you expectant of recieving your special invitation from the King of Kings who is oh so worthy of our passionate praise and adoration?  How has God called you into a time of private, unique worship in the past?

I would love to hear your thoughts…


Special Invitation — 2 Comments

  1. Wow. God is so good for putting this in front of me. I have been feeling this for a couple of weeks now and have not been sure how to go about it. He always knows what I need to hear and when I need to hear it. Thank you so very much for posting this. I am going to read these passages and do my best to just “show up”.

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