A page from my journal

My most dedicated times in the Word are when I have my pen and journal out and ready. It is so easy to get distracted while reading the Bible. If my hands are active, this keeps my mind focused on the scripture before me. Take a peek at my journal…


I will extol You, my God and {my} King, and bless Your name forever and ever. (Psalm 145:1)


This is MY God and MY King. I make it personal. My king is not some far off entity that I just look at with longing eyes. No! He is my King sitting on His throne in all authority and power AND He pursues me in an intimate relationship.


I have access to my King 24/7. He is not some concept that is interesting to ponder and consider. No! He is the reality in which I must acknowledge in a personal manner as I approach the King, MY King, with a willing yet reverent heart.


My mind swirls around verse three that says His greatness is unsearchable. Don’t women love a mystery and the constant unraveling of details bit by bit? I will never run out of things to marvel over my King. I wait expectantly for each new day as the Holy Spirit reveals some sort of truth about Himself––some bits and pieces of His unsearchable character that fuel my intrigue. Somedays I am not open to seeing and hearing these Truths and sadly, this is to my own detriment. I miss out on the joy of discovery that day. But, the days where I sit quietly before the throne of my King, He rewards my devotion by filling the deep dark spaces in my heart only designed for the satisfaction of my Maker. Oh how He calms my spirit and makes my heart smile on those days that I show up and let Him show me more of Himself!



A page from my journal — 4 Comments

  1. this is beautiful, sarah…

    and it’s been way too long since i’ve been over at your blog — i love your design and layout! feels so spring-y and fresh. so great!

  2. just want to let you know that I have been reading your blog for a few weeks now and I am really enjoying it.

    I am going through a somewhat stressful time in my life right now. Your blog really brings a smile to my face. Reading your blog is really a highlight of my day.

    Thank you for making my day with every post you write and being an encouragement to me!

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