Are you IN or OUT?

One more video blog from my car. This one touches one more time on that She Seeks devo I wrote and mentioned in the last vlog.

Can’t wait to hear your thoughts so leave me a comment about ways that you stay IN the cool, refreshing presence of the Lord through out your day.


Are you IN or OUT? — 11 Comments

  1. Sarah! Love you visual of the cool refreshing air/hot heat outside and standing in the door frame. Great way to think about it!

    PS-Love the vlog via car! LOl… TOO cute.;)

  2. Loved this video blog! Thanks for sharing the visual…that was a really good way to put it. It is so so easy to step out into that heat. The other day I had a great and sweet devotional/quiet time with the Lord and a few hours later went to visit with a good friend and some people that she knew. One of her friends and I didn’t quite hit it off and I was sort of battling with myself whether to engage in an argument with her or not….well “the heat won” and I gave her a not-so-nice and snarky comment. Almost immediately I felt the Lord say, “Sara, why did you just say that?” I felt totally awful and realized that sometimes its better just to keep quiet and let the Lord work on the person rather than me. I apologized for the comment and no one really thought anything of it or that it seemed intentionally rude but STILL in my heart i knew I shouldn’t have said it and the Lord really taught me that if I want to bear fruit in my walk with Him than I need to keep my mouth shut sometimes and stay in that cool/refreshing air conditioning rather than having one foot outside in the heat and one foot inside in the AC. LOL :)

  3. Sarah, thanks for your encouraging words! I have just recently stumbled upon your blog & I’m really enjoying reading your entries & watching your video blogs. They are helpful with daily struggles. Thanks for sharing your thoughts & insights from the Word.

    God keeps me in check through His Word in the bible & through my church. There always seems to be the right message at the right time. He knows what I need to hear & when I need to hear it! I like the video blogs from your car, they are more personal & fun to draw vision from.

  4. You look beautiful in this video, first of all. Loving the top. :)

    I am looking forward to using the “soaking with the psalms” guide. I love the psalms and I am incredibly excited to really dig deeper into it.

    Interesting analogy using stepping into the heat. This really spoke to me and I love the way you used that to help your point.

    Thank you for this post. I loved it.

    • Aww thanks! Just something I wear for work to try to stay cool yet look professional! So glad you downloaded the Psalm guide…keep me posted on how you do with it!

  5. Sarah, thanks for your encouraging words! I have just recently found your blog & I’m really enjoying reading your entries & watching your video blogs. They are helpful with daily struggles. Thanks for sharing your thoughts & insights from the Word.

    God keeps me in check through His Word in the bible & through my church. There always seems to be the right message at the right time. He knows what I need to hear & when I need to hear it! I like the video blogs from your car, they are more personal & fun to draw vision from.

  6. Sarah, I love your illustration…especially in the crazy heat of a Carolina summer, which I know you understand and relate to! It is so, so easy to slip back into the heat of the every day, but I think how the Lord helps me in this is just by pushing me to focus on the good in the situation; how He is blessing me throughout whatever junk I’m going through. This has definitely been one of those weeks where I’ve just wanted to step back and go, “Really, God? Whyyyyy?!” (you know, in that whiny kid voice, haha) but He’s been SO sweet to just show me how His hand is all over it! Thanks so much for your sweet, encouraging words!

    • So glad that you stopped by! Yes, I unfortunately identify with the Why God?? whiney voice thing. Right there with you, girl, but learning to sit and rest in His courts.

  7. Ok, so I’m well over a year behind at seeing this post but I love it. God is amazing in the way He puts thoughts in our heads and then leads us to things (such as your vlogs) which make us go further into the thought process of it all. I literally said to a woman I work with today, how do you keep the joy going all day long? I walk into work happy and high on Jesus, and then BAM…someone bursts the bubble by a comment they make or whatever, just like what you were saying in you video, and there I go, walking out the door into the firey heat of anger and frustration…but…Verse 12 sums it up…”Blessed is the one who trusts in you.” It is a very intentional choice that we must make to trust is God for Him to keep us, at the very least, in the doorway…if not all the way in to His cool and calming presence!
    Thanks for this food for thought Sarah!

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