Tunnel Vision

Today as I walked into worship I ran smack into old feelings of being that left out girl in junior high. You know…the feeling of knowing everyone else but you was invited to THE sleepover of the year. My instance was really lame and there was no reason why I should feel left out and lame. But I did and it inturrupted my worship for the next ten minutes.


We all get side tracked by hurt feelings and people just being plain mean. Your co-worker might have snagged that interview for the promotion you dearly wanted. Your girlfriends might have forgotten to invite you to the last girl’s night out and you read all about on Facebook. You might have heard someone talking about you while in the lady’s room and they didn’t know you were in the next stall. Whatever… these things hurt and they side track us.

Today I propose we develop tunnel vision.



Let us focus not on our hurt heart, but instead on WHO heals our hurts and what really matters in life. The opinions of others, at the end of the day, really don’t matter. Our identity is not dependant on what invitation we did or did not receive. Let’s live our lives complete focus on our King and our eternal purpose…not the fleeting hurts and missed opportunities.


If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. 2 Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. 3For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. {Colossians 3:1-3 ESV}


How will you live with Tunnel vision today? Let me know in the comments section!


Tunnel Vision — 10 Comments

  1. AMEN! What a great reminder. It can be so easy to get caught up in our emotions. Been there and done that many times in life. The older I get, the more I understand this, and the easier it gets. Doesn’t mean I wont be wounded periodically because man will always let man down but the Lord will never love me any less or abandon me. I’ll be soaking up His word tonight.

  2. Living with tunnel vision I think can definitely be a struggle especially in a society where everything and everyone are competing for our attention. I find myself sometimes having to check thoughts, motives, desires and questions if it’s something that will really matter in an eternal perspective. If it involves investing time/money, etc into relationships and building up people that it is something I want to pursue. If if not focusing on what I should be and having clear tunnel vision on what my priorities SHOULD be, than it’s easy to find myself wanting to get this/that, do this/that, acheive this/that and lose focus on what really matters.

    Thanks Sarah!

  3. I wrote recently about how I created an all-out pity party in my head with thoughts like these. Amen, on knowing whose you are. Don’t let yourself believe lies. Thanks for sharing!

  4. I really needed this today, my bestfriend and I are very close single twentysomethings but whenever we go and meet new people (meaning every guy in the room) it is always her who everyone wants to talk to while I am more of an after thought. Bringing on the Tunnel Vision in remembering that God made me beautiful too, and that he loves me more than any ol’ guy.
    Thank you for sharing!

  5. Good day, Sarah! Greetings from Austin, TX!

    Great recipe for Living It Out…’tunnel vision’ on The One and Only! It takes extreme dedication, most often than not, to tune the things in this world out. I often feel like the alien too. I am learning though that Jesus is the ONLY true one we can rely on for our security in ALL situations. i find myself whispering Jesus to come to my aid throughout the day, when insecurities creep in. I have asked my children to do the same; invite Him into their worlds. He is Always there…omnipresent. He is our imaginary friend!!! Thank you, Sister, for encouraging us to Live It Out!!

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