
RISE UP: Taking Inventory — 3 Comments

  1. Hi Sarah. Loved the vlog! I’ve been busy taking a look at my weaknesses lately, after discovering there was a lot more to my sin than what I thought. My biggest areas to work on seem to be jealousy, and patience. I am Type A like you, and have a really hard time LETTING GO and LETTING GOD. I want to plan, I like to make checklists, I want to have a clear cut idea of where I’m going and what I’m doing. It’s so hard for me to remember I am NOT in control, and I must be still and listen for His guidance and His plans for me. When I do, I am blessed beyond measure. Jealousy is something else I’ve been struggling with for my entire life. A lot of this stems from self-esteem issues that I’ve had since way before I accepted Christ. I take a lot of backwards steps in these areas. Encouragement is hard to find in my church; we are a small community with few young adults who live for Christ. Your blog is a huge source of encouragement for me and I look forward to each entry. The idea of rising up has really resonated with me. Thanks for all you do! God Bless!

    • I’m so honored that you’ve joined me on this RISE UP journey. Thanks for sharing your weaknesses…I totally identify!!!

  2. Sarah, loved this! So important to identify our weaknesses so we know where to work towards. Like you, I’m a type-A and it’s great for many things, but also a place where I falter. I have a tough time trusting Christ because of this! Thanks for a great call to action. And so so excited for tomorrow, friend! Your encouragement has been priceless.

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