Running my tail off…

If you are part of my Facebook community you would have read my status updates around my latest “hobby” of running. So of course I just HAD to blog about it!



Would love to hear your thoughts…


Running my tail off… — 8 Comments

  1. I LOVE this vlog! When I started running a couple years ago I finally gained more understanding as to what Paul was saying in Philippians. I always knew what it was to run a race but to actually set a goal of training and preparing for a race showed me more about my walk with the Lord than anything else I’ve tried in the past. One thing that has stuck out with me in my training is that there are days when my runs are just horrible. I end up walking and quitting. But then a few days later with the next run, it is great and I accomplish something huge. Just like in our walks with the Lord, not every day is going to be a great day and that’s okay. We must keep going no matter what. I feel like that is what Paul wanted to get across in Philippians. Thank you for sharing!!!

  2. Sarah-LOVED this today girl! You know my little “running journey” I’ve been on the last few weeks, and I totally understand where you’re coming from with always stopping a few feet from the stop sign, or from something else. I do this all the time! So many things stop me, physically and in other ways from fully sprinting to Jesus like you said. So well put!

    Keep at it girl!

  3. Sarah you are adorable! I know how much you have been sticking to this running “hobby” and I know you’ve had some aches and pains along the way. But look at what you are doing! Look at the way Christ was able to use this to help further His glory. You, me, we have these races set before us and while not always easy it is how we respond to the aches and pains. Do we just give up? Or do we press on and say, “Not for my glory but Yours, Lord!” I’m so blessed by you, allowing the Lord to use you as a vessel for leadership, encouragement, teaching, and sister-hood! Keep on running. You will make it to the finish line.

  4. Hi Amanda,
    I just wanted to drop a little line and tell you how “used” you were for Gods purpose a couple days ago, when by a chain of God events I stumbled along this video, “running”… See the funny thing is I hate running too! LOL I did long distance running in high school and loved it! After having kids & 3 c-sections running, not so much…. It was somewhat painful and not in a good way. I took up speed walking & I love it!! Its my 1 hour prayer & talking time with God and enjoying His beautiful creation. I walk 4 miles 5 days a week sometimes 6 and have been for years!

    Anyway, back to how God used you to speak and confirm the direction He’s is leading me in. This week on Tuesday, I was hard pressed, by all sides, anything and everything you can imagine! Satan is using his attacks to keep me in fear & doubt so I won’t press forward and press through to the finish line. Its actually been this way for years to one degree or another, but now its all coming to ahead…. Your analogue with running, spoke to me just as he’s been speaking to my heart to “push through.” But hearing you put in perspective the physical pain of pushing through running, reminded me pain I push through by attempting Jillian Miachels ripped in 30 videos workouts 5 days a week, and being 40 years old! I might note, I’ve been on week one, for about 3 months now and I am in no way am near ready to take on week 2! But how invigorating & good it feels to push yourself beyond your limits with physical activity, and how I had missed doing that like I did in my early 20’s and highs school when working out. God gentle spoke to me while watching your video and said I have all that and more waiting for you, but u have to pull yourself up by the bootstraps and hang on to me for dear life to get through this and get there.. What I have been showing you is real….

    I watched your video about “Stress Point” as well, and once again it was confirmation of what God has placed in my heart. See I feel that same passion as you to ” be real” and to be passionate about my life and about feeding into the lives of others to promote my God and Savior and bring glory to His name. So listening to you in the videos and seeing your blog and how it’s set up, was like God saying see, “this is what I’ve been showing you, this is what it looks like”…. Now start doing it, I am tried of waiting! LOL No, not really on the last part, that would be me, I’m tried of waiting…. LOL I’ve know since the first of this is the year he wants me to start a blog, I’ve carried his vision of speaking and writing for women in my heart for a little over 8 years now… I was saved when I was 31 and within a few weeks of being saved on a Sunday, baptized on that Wednesday and diagnosed with stage 2 cancer Friday all in the same week! I I had a 2 1/2 year old daughter and a son that had just turned 5 but was not in school yet. Somewhere in the midst of all that I had a vision and could see myself speaking and writing for women and to bring glory to His name. And its time, & he’s right I have let fear & doubt paralyze me far to long…. I MUST push through to ever experience Gods perfect plan for my life… I know this, like I know this, like I know this…:( Yet, I let fear and doubt keep me from His promises… Your words on that particular day at that particular time in my life were just want I needed to hear, to push through and move forward with his plan and let no devil in hell stand in my way!:) Thank you Amanda for your bravery, and for being an example of what I feel and see…. May I be as brave as you and have faith like a mountain to move forward with Gods plan.:)

    May God continue to bless you and use you for the glory of his kingdom….:)

    • Carrie! You are so sweet to share this. If you are dreaming about writing and speaking I highly suggest the She Speaks conference that Proverbs 31 Ministries puts on each summer.

      Keep praying it through!

  5. Thank you Sarah for your encouragement..:) I have been wanting to attend the “She speaks Conference for 3 years now… It would be an amazing experience! I also think being able to speak to the book publishers would be amazing as well. God has given me an amazing testimony to share that should reach many people on many different places in their life, and I feel Him guiding me in the direction of a book as well. I hope to financially be able to make it to this conference, or shall I say I hope God makes it financial possible in the near future.:) Hope to meet you there someday!:). I would love for this to be the year! But honestly it will take a miracle from God to make that happen this year.:)

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