Book Giveaway: She’s Got Issues

If you are here from reading my post on She Seeks-welcome! You stopped by on the perfect day. I’m so stoked to introduce you to my friend, Nicole Unice.


Nicole and I have never met in person, but through the wonders of Skype and email, we have become great friends. I think Nicole and I clicked so easily as friends because she is so authentic. I appreciate someone who lays her heart on the line and shares her “issues” so that someone else might be encouraged. This is what you will find in Nicole’s NEW BOOK: She’s Got Issues.

 I had the privilege of reading an advance copy of the book and here’s my thought’s on She’s Got Issues:

Nicole Unice is the perfect girlfriend to hash out issues like insecurity or anger with. Her authentic style, hard-hitting stories, and poignant biblical truth will encourage you to get real about your stuff and move you from an ‘ordinary’ life to a fully abundant life.


Take a look at this video where Nicole helps us diagnose if we’ve got issues


Ok, so how cool does this book look?! I’m giving away a copy of She’s Got Issues this week.

Leave a comment on your biggest issue in order to enter the giveaway. I will draw a random winner on Friday.

Let’s get real together!


Book Giveaway: She’s Got Issues — 21 Comments

  1. My biggest issue is looking at my past and sometimes present and seeing that I truly am worth it. That I am forgiven and loved. It’s a big thing to accept when you can’t seem to come to terms with mistakes.

  2. My BIGGEST issue? Fear/Worry. I am a constant worry-wart and it get so bad sometimes that I let my fears steal my joy and peace. When others, family or otherwise, tell me about their fears or what they’re dealing with I’m usually pretty calm, cool and collected about it all and can usually help them sort it out swiftly…giving them sound advice…but when its my own fears I have to face I usually just let myself shut down and try my best not-to-deal, and…well…that doesn’t exactly work too well!

  3. My biggest issue is understanding and really accepting God’s love. Of course this leads into other issues such as fear, inability to trust Him, concern for Jesus shining through me to others, and many other issues. But He has proven his faithfulness time and time again and I’m beginning to accept that I’m just a work in progress that despite my own reservations, He’s excited to and already using me.

  4. My biggest issue is feaing about what my furure will look like over and over even if I know God is with me .

  5. My biggest fear is letting go and giving control to someone else. I’m a control freak! It’s really evident when I get on a plane … I am a basket case! I have to remind myself daily and just give it to God. :)

  6. My biggest issues are insecurities and trust. They hinder my relationships. They hold me back in every way. I am trying so hard to push past these issues.

  7. My biggest issue is not knowing when to go to God so he gives me rest. I’m always trying to solve every situation on my own. It has been a year that this has been going on..and i am so unhappy because i seem to never get the peace God gives. People might think its easy but its not. We are in a word in which self accomplishment and strength is being valued…they need to promote the fact that weakness is also part of our existence and that being weak is ok…

  8. I think my biggest issue is control. I have a hard time handing over control to God, although He’s always been the one in control! Maybe it’s that I have a hard time accepting that some things I have no control over. I want God to be in control of my life, but accepting things on His timeframe is difficult sometimes…even though I know His timing is always perfect!

  9. My biggest issue is impatience! I want so bad to retire and be a full time missionary and wife. We have bills to pay off so this isn’t an option at this time but I continually struggle with restlessness. Always wanting to go into all the nations teaching people about my Lord and Savior!

  10. My biggest issue, is getting past hurt. Whether it is intentional or not, I struggle big time with letting it go and moving forward.

  11. I could have gone w anything from anger to envy for my biggest issue, but I am choosing insecurity because I feel that insecurity in myself and who I am breeds every single other issue I struggle with. My insecurity in my physical appearance, mental capability, and overall personality and worth to others leads me tO compare myself to others, want what others possess, and question even my value to my Lord. It is the root of all my issues. I am focusing wholeheartedly on learning who I am to God and it has helped me so much in these other areas!

  12. The biggest issues I face are fear and lonliness. I have the tendency to be fearful of so many things in life, even if I’ve only imagined them. And I’m currently dealing with lonliness, especially being so far from home with little social support.

  13. My two biggest issue is worrying, especially about money and about what other people think about me.

    • I just read each of these comments and can’t believe how easy it is to relate to all of you! It’s incredible how, despite different ages and circumstances in life, we all struggle with some of the same issues! I hope you all find hope in the book, because I do think we can find our way to freedom from these things as we seek God in the midst of them!

      • Nicole!
        Thank you for the awesome words in your book and for being so real and raw with your own issues!

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