Question: To Stink Or Not To Stink

This week I went on and on about my stinky mood. Well…because I still suffer from said stinky-ness I thought I would continue to write about it.


This afternoon I just about threw my beloved laptop out the window. I’m serious. I fantasized opening my window and taking great pleasure at seeing this thing fall ten feet and crashing into cyber oblivion.


Insert stinky mood…yet again.


To spare you the details, you would NOT have enjoyed hanging out with me this afternoon. I just about ripped off every head that stood in my fury.

I chose to be in a foul mood.


Source: Pinterest



We all have choices on how we handle the smelly stuff that life throws our way. Ever heard the Biblical phrase “do not conform to this world?” (Romans 12:2) Unfortunately chose to conform to the worldly tough stuff and allowed it to mess me up for several hours.


Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. (Romans 12:2)



To Stink or not To Stink…that is the question.


Next time you head down a smelly path…bad attitude..ask yourself these questions:


~Am I allowing this life junk to alter my mood and how I treat people?

~Is this present situation reality or am I making things worse in my head?

~Does Jesus still sit on His throne in complete control? (UMMM…YES!)


How will you chose to transform your mind and not allow yourself to stink?


Let’s chat…leave a comment…




Question: To Stink Or Not To Stink — 9 Comments

  1. Oh Sarah! So convicted by this one especially: “Is this present situation reality or am I making things worse in my head?” Guilty as charged, friend. I think the minor annoyances get to be major annoyances only when we let them grow in our minds. (Prayers for a less stinky and more sweet mood ahead!)

    • That is one question I MUST ask myself all the time. BTW…tomorrow’s post has a much sweeter smell to it. :)

  2. I was in a super stinky mood a few different times this week already. I’ve definitely let my work-stress and worry-wart-stress get the better of me, and its definitely affected how I’ve decided to treat my family and my boyfriend. Sad part is a good portion of the time that I was in my “smelly mood” I totally knew it and just went with it anyway! Yeah… Sigh. I know I’ve just gotta let go, pray and choose not to be in such a bad mood. Thank you for the reminder, friend!

    • OH I’ve totally done that–just going with the stinky mood. Well…tomorrow’s a new day, right?

  3. So yesterday I was in a stinky mood too. This morning I awoke with some of the stink still in my heart until I picked up the hairbrush. What I did not notice was that my toddler decided to put toothpaste on part of my brush. To say my annoyance still blinded me is obvious, yes? Anyways I start brushing and look in the mirror to see my hair turning blue! In that split second I knew I could either freak out or laugh! I chose to laugh. I needed a good laugh to break through and break down my stinkiness! So I am praying for more laughter for you and I today sister! Thank you for sharing your amazing heart with us Sarah!:)

  4. About my mood about a week ago ,! No pretty!:( Lord help us all!:)
    Anyway great post again Sarah!:)

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