My hope…

I’m so very honored to have my devotion run on Encouragement For Today with Proverbs 31 Ministries. If you are clicking over from P31, welcome!


Today I wanted to get vulnerable and share with you my hope…my hope for those who read the words of my book, Stress Point.

~My hope is that through this book, you will engage with Jesus in a new and fresh way. That you will see Him as your King of Kings and live your entire life with Him at the center.

~My hope is that you will see yourself in Scripture. My hope is that you will grow to love the Bible as your personal TRUTH–seeking the LORD first with each and every one of your stress points.

~My hope is that you will see yourself in my girlfriend case studies for these are real women, dealing with real life issues — for better or for worse. The stories I share about myself are meant to show that though I often fall short, my King of Kings never relents in His pursuit of me and you.

~My hope is that you will come be a part of a community of young women who desire to LIVE OUT! the Kingship of Christ and journey through their twenties with a sense of purpose, peace, hope and joy.

~My hope is that if you are a parent of a 20-something woman, this book is a starting point of meaningful conversations between you and your daughter.

~My hope is that this book serves as a catalyst to spur you on in regular interaction with your King — not segregating ANYTHING from your faith.


Here is a video made to show you more of my hope…my heart…in doing life and ministry with women in their 20s. (Here is the link if you are unable to view it from this page:

So let’s chat. What is YOUR HOPE for this journey through your 20s? If you are not a 20-something, what do you hope for your younger girlfriends? Let us encourage each other. Leave a comment and be entered to win a copy of my book, Stress Point: Thriving Through Your Twenties In A Decade Of Drama! (Winner will be randomly picked and announced on Friday!)


***Also! Would love for you to join me THIS SUMMER for an online Bible study/book study going through Stress Point. Starts June 18th. Sign up in the sidebar =====>


My hope… — 47 Comments

  1. Thank you for sharing your devotion today on Proverbs 31! My oldest daughter just graduated from college and is facing a difficult time now finding a job in her field. She calls home seeking words of encouragement, but many days it is difficult to calm her stress. Your words today give me new words to share with her and for that I am most thankful!

  2. my stress point is my everyday life and knowing i have to put God and reading his word first. yet i get so detracted with my everyday routine and chores! being a full time working mom, i need to lean on God more and put Him first to get me through my day! knowing and acting always two different things! :/

  3. I enjoyed your devotional @ P31. I have a soon to be 21 year daughter that I fear uses shopping as therapy. I am praying that she will learn that only God can fill her and meet her needs, not the accumulation of stuff. Your book looks like a good read for her. Blessings!

  4. I would love to use this book to connect with my daughter, who is in her late 20s and seems to have quite a few stress points in her life!

    • Kathy, One of the reasons I wrote this book was to help parents with meaningful resources for their 20-something age daughters. You sound like a sweet and caring mom!

  5. Your devotional on P31 today was excellent, thank you so much for sharing. I’ve had a very stressful couple of weeks recently, and it was a blessing to see God work out the solution for me. I’ll definitely be looking into your book as it looks like an excellent resource to have!

  6. I so enjoyed your devotional today on P31. I married in my thirties and now that I’m in my forties, my hope for the younger generation of women and wives is that they will remember that the journey is not about the times the sails are full of wind. It’s about how we deal when the boat is taking on water. I’m so thankful that Jesus came to my rescue.

  7. Thanks for your devotional today at P31. Although I am in my 30’s your words spoke to me. I’d love to read your book!!!

  8. Welcome from P31! I’m excited for your upcoming devos! I’m a single 30-something, and I can personally attest, the stresses I’m sure you will address in Stress Point will be applicable to any woman at any age in her life! Looking forward to it!

  9. Thanks for writing a book for young women in their 20’s. I have 3 daughters who have navigated or are navigating through this mine field of emotions. One just graduated from college and is starting her career and is seeking God’s answers about” mister right”. She has been dating a man through college and is questioniong whether he is God’s choice for her or her choice for her! Big decision! I am praying for her decision process and know God has the answers as she seeks Him. I would ask you to join me in praying for her so that she takes the time to TRULY listen to God’s voice and the counsel of the Godly. My husband and I have been married 40 years and know what an important part of her life this is. My other daugthers have gone through similar times and with God’s grace have picked their spouses well…we trust she will do the same! I do covet your prayers! Thanks!

    • Carol! Yes, totally praying now–whew! Three daughters!?! I know they are blessed to have such loving parents.

  10. I am so blessed by your P31 ministries devotion. I’m 25 and am in the beginning if my marriage, looking for a house, job searching for my next job, healing from a running injury, teaching a college class and trying to balance it all. I often reach for food for comfort, which I learned to do from my father. Other times, I’ll find myself venting to my husband or friends instead of taking it to God. Well, I’m so excited about this book you’ve written! I know I need to go to God with all my stress, but I let myself get in the way. I’d love to create new habits and a greater relationship with my father God!

  11. Considering you make the biggest decisions of your life- college, career, marriage- usually in your 20’s, it is a lot of stress! This sounds like a great book to share with my daughter and nieces.

  12. Before I sat down to read this I couldn’t explain my overwhelmed emotions. I was going to text my husband and tell him I am sad, that’s the only word that came to my mind I am sad. When I saw your devotion about joy and finding it in the Lord wow, then I lost it. Thank you so much your words gave me so much peace. It was the best reminder that God can fill up my sad overwhelmed empty spirit!!! God bless you !!!!

  13. I just found your blog today from the Proverbs 31 devotional. I absolutely loved your devotion today! Thank you so much for sharing it. I’m single, an don’t have any children, but I still really enjoyed the message!

  14. My hope for my 20s is to make it through them! :)

    Honestly I hope that I am making the right decisions now to lay the strong foundation for my future; for my marriage, for my family, and for my career. I stress over ALL the decisions. I spend too much time worrying if I am making the right choices. I take comfort in the verse from Isaiah 30:21: “Your ears will hear a word behind you, “This is the way, walk in it,” whenever you turn to the right or to the left.” It’s comforting to know our Father is there guiding us, always, even in the small, everyday things.

    I found your blog through P31 ministries! I am hoping to read your book soon and then participate in the online study!

    • Aly! The first line of your comment cracked me up. Yes, sometimes it feels like all we can do is just survive. But in Christ, we can THRIVE! Hugs!

  15. Thank you so much for sharing this on Proverbs 31 today, I was really encouraged by it. It reminds me that God really is hearing my heart’s cry. Thank you for allowing Him to use you to answer my prayer.

  16. I find myself trying to find happiness in the little things, but I am finding my true Joy is in my relationship with God. I am trying to spend more time praying instead of worrying!

  17. I really enjoyed your devotional today on P31. I’m so thankful that I have found your blog to help me stay focused on god and his word. I’m someone who struggles daily to trust in God with my stressful situations. Its like I know in my heart that god won’t give me anything I can’t handle, but by mind gets to going and throws me off my tracks. I know I need to go to God with all my stress, but I let other stuff get in the way. I think your book would be so helpful. Keep up the good work. God bless!

  18. I grew up in a Christian home but have only recently fully committed myself to living a life for God. I spent my teens and early 20’s trying to find happiness in the ways of the world, comforting myself with food, shopping, and partying with friends, only to find myself feeling even more miserable. I am learning that true happiness and joy can come only from God. I am certainly in a transitional period in my life. I am 27, just graduated from college, looking for work, looking for a place to live, and looking for the man I will one day marry. Each of these can be stressful situations, especially when taken together, but I am learning to trust that God has a plan for me that is better than any plan I could create for myself and His timing is always perfect. Thank you for your message on Proverbs 31! These words of encouragement help to strengthen my faith in God, and it was just what I needed to hear today!

    • Amanda, sweet thing! You sure do have a lot on your plate. I love your attitude. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  19. Hi Sarah! I have a daughter also named Sarah who is 26. She is now in a program getting her PhD in Psychology. She is a believer but stress is taking its toll on her. She needs this reminder that God is
    bigger and her help. I am going to give her your blog address. Her schedule is hectic so I’m praying she can take some time to check you out.
    Thank you so much for being there for these young women! God bless you!

  20. I came to your blog from the Proverbs 31 devotional. I am way past 20-something! :) For the young women that I know who are in their 20’s , I desire that they would be guided by Jesus. There are so many influences that are not good and they need-actually we all need!-to be guided by Jesus.

  21. Hi, I found your blog through Proverbs 31. Your article was encouraging. Thank you for sharing.

    Although I’ll be 29 next month, I feel your book would be a very helpful resource, as I have difficulties handling stress. After I graduated college seven years ago, I started a small business (although not financially successful, I learned a great deal) and helped home school my brother (he graduates high school next week). For months I’ve been trying to find a job and haven’t even had one interview. I’m feeling a little discouraged that perhaps I’m unemployable. I realize it’s a tough time for many people finding jobs and I’m trying to have a positive attitude. My hope is that I can finally be able to support myself, give back to my family, and start saving money for my future family. Ten years ago, I had absolutely no patience and wanted things to happen immediately. I do have a better understanding of waiting, but there’s still room for improvement.

    I just downloaded your free sample chapter and look forward to reading it tonight. Thank you!

  22. Really enjoyed your devotional at P31 today! I’m 21 so I know the stress is only beginning but I hope to always put God first no mater stressful or complicated my life gets. And to all of my 20-something sisters in Christ, we’re all in this boat together! With God on our side, who can knock us down?

  23. I’m not in my 20’s anymore yet your P31 devo resonated with me. My lip gloss was shoes and food, especially the bad for you ones. I’ve curbed it a little bit by going on a spending plan (there’s nothing like seeing it on paper that I can’t afford to keep on buying shoes) and not keeping chocolate in the house (out of sight, out of mind!).

  24. Thanks so much for your Proverbs 31 devotion. I am a married 20-something with a lot of stress points, so I’m eager to check out your book.

  25. My hope as a soon to be 25-year old is to find rest in Him. I’m a constant worrier and am in a season of life where my worry has at times been all I can do! I’m a new graduate RN and have had trouble finding work in my city where there are 10 nursing schools graduating more and more new RNs every few months. I’m exhausted from my worry and I hope I can embrace that God will provide exactly what I need when I need it.

    • Gabriele! Congrats on your graduation. RN school is a great accomplishment. I hope and pray you find a job soon!

  26. Loved your devotion today! I want to be able to share this book with my students. I advise university students and it would be wonderful to share the Lord with them. I see them worry the way I worried as a 20 something….and I know your words would have been a great encouragement to me. Thanks for this giveaway. I’d love to share the Lord’s love with a few of my wonderful women I work with.

  27. hi! my name is kristin. i’m 23 and i hope to go through this book soon! i am getting married in 2 weeks (so exciting!). this with about a million other things have led me to believe i may need some help dealing with stress points. what a blessing to find a book that addresses some key issues, as i am entering a phase of life where i will be confronted by my messes and refined through their surfacing. thank you for putting such a positive resource out there!

  28. Good Morning Sarah,
    Thank you for your encouraging words! I wish this book had been out when I first entered my twenties! I entered my twenties full of hope but fell off track along the way and after years off trying to have a go at it alone without God’s “interference” and being exhausted at living my life this way, I am trying to rediscover my relationship with God again and see if I can salvage what is left of my twenties. When I do enter my thirties, I would like it to be with joy and with the Lord’s map more clearly defined but I have a problem with giving Him complete control and really trusting the Bible 100% . Growing up, I went to church with my family all the time but once I was on my own I started getting out of the habit of attending especially when I felt the church my family went to wasn’t for me but some of the churches I have visited are too different. I have started taking baby steps but I seem to keep taking 2 steps forward and 1 back but God seems to keep putting random Christian women in my life that have given sound advise so that gives me hope :) .

  29. Sarah…I really enjoyed your devotion today. I am a chronic shopaholic when life is stressful! :) Currently my husband and I are going through lots of stress points which include a move to Brazil later this Summer for my husband and November for me. Selling our house, renting a new house, shipping all of our stuff, quitting my job, moving from all that we have ever known is stressful. I know this will be a GREAT experience for us and bring us so much closer as couple. I am really looking forward to your Stress Point bible study in a few weeks and eagerly awaiting my copy of your book in the mail!

  30. Thank you for sharing. I am hoping I could win this book–life in the 20 somethings sure can be stressful especially as my husband and I experience some ups and downs financially but constant blessings through life in the forms of our baby girl, friends/friendships, family and so on.

  31. Sarah – Thank you! Your awesome devotion and video here have opened a new perspective for me. An enlightenment and an invitation to go deeper is given. I see value in gaining insight into the 20-something women’s heart seeking after God amidst the stresses of life. I began my path to knowing Jesus when I was 37 yrs old. No God before that. My life was lost in darkness, denial, and deceit. God was quite amazing how He seized my heart and snatched me up into His marvelous light and healing love. I’m 56 yrs old now. No husband or children…..yet :) I’ve got some dear sisters in Christ who are in theirs 20’s and I’m thinking here reading your book would be a great way to connect with them on a new level. I will pass along your Live It Out! website and resources. God Bless you richly in your ministry.

  32. Sarah,

    What a blessing, thank you so much for sharing your hope of Stress Point! I have a daughter that will be turning 21 in July, I hope that we can read your book together and learn how do live out the Kingship of Christ together in HIM! Thank you for your faithfullness in obeying the Lord and writing this book. I pray it will touch lives and draw whoever reads it to live life out for Christ.

    God bless, love in Christ,


    • Thank you for the sweet words, Veronica. I know that your daughter is so blessed to have a caring and loving mama!

  33. I ran away from my calling for five long years. I felt like Jonah. I knew what to do, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. But, also like Jonah, God found me. And now I’m not only answering His call, but I’m loving it. I’ve never been happier! I just turned 20, and I want things to be different now. When God speaks I don’t want to hesitate. I want to jump up and say “Here I am, Lord. Do what You will”. Even when it’s stressfull.

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