Stress Point Study Week 2: Self Image

I’ve heard from a couple of you who are really looking forward to this week’s Stress Point: Self Image. Know that you are not alone in this struggle. So let’s dig in and starting allowing Jesus into the center of even our Self Image! Grab your copy of Stress Point , read chapter 2 and get ready to interact with this community!

** Please remember to take your time to work through Stress Point and the journals. Each chapter is broken up into 5 sections. So, you can take one section per day to really engage at the THRONE of the KING. Feel free to check back each day HERE and share your thoughts in the comments as you read sections of the chapter. 

We have many new people joining in since we’ve started so I want to add the Welcome Video (sorry if you’ve already seen it!). Also click here for the string of posts from Stress Point Week 1.

Jumping into Stress Point Week 2: Self Image…

The Real (Video Blog)


 The Raw (Discussion Questions)

~Opinions of others: On page 33 I mentioned a quote from Dr. Phil that has stuck with me for years. Does concept impact you too? If so, how?

~What girlfriend case study do you identify with most and why?

~In Chapter 2 I talk alot about “getting comfortable in your own skin.” This is really something that takes time as we navigate through our 20s and beyond. The more we engage with God and let Him pour His love and ultimate approval over us, we are more comfortable with who He made us to be. Flip to page 50 and read what my friends Kristen Lila and Brittany had to say about “getting comfortable in your own skin.” What do you think?


The Relevant (Bible Study Discussion Questions)

~The word “comparison” often arises when we think about the stress point of self image. After watching my video blog above, read in your Bible Galatians 5:16-26.  I proposed that envy is synonymous with comparison. What are your thoughts about envy/comparison listed in the same sentence as murders, hatred, contentions (verses 19-21)? Does this make you think differently about comparing your self to others?

~Turn to page 39-40 of Stress Point and re-read my description of the characteristic of God: Majestic King.

O Lord, our Lord,how majestic is your name in all the earth!

You have set your glory above the heavens. {Psalm 8:1 ESV}

Do you see the benefit in turning your self-focus into a God-focus toward your Majestic King?

~In Journal 2 (page 41) I encouraged you to explore the question Who Am I?  Based on your knowledge of who God is as your Majestic King. This is something that we work on daily as we grow into a deeper relationship with Jesus. After reading the suggested Scripture for this journal (Psalm 8 and Psalm 95, what kinds of things did you journal for the question, Who Am I?

The Conversation:

Ok, so let’s get the conversation started! Your turn. Please feel free to answer any of these questions or address anything else in Stress Point: Self Image Chapter. I’ve LOVED all the great encouragement and interaction going on so far so keep it coming!

****Are you on Facebook or Twitter? Come join the LIVE IT OUT! blog Facebook community to continue the conversation. Or follow me on Twitter and use the hashtage #stresspoint so everyone will see each other’s tweets about Stress Point!*****


Housekeeping: If you sign up for this Stress Point online study in the side bar===> be sure to go back to your inbox and confirm your subscription. Be on the look out for a subscription confirmation from Feedburner.




Stress Point Study Week 2: Self Image — 139 Comments

  1. In the video it was mentioned how as time goes by we become more comfortable with ourselves. This is very true! For most of my life I questioned and criticized myself. Am I smart enough? Am I capable? Why do things seem to work out for so-and-so and not me? Why is my nose so big? I’m now almost 29 and up until a few years, fell into this trap of constant self-doubt and worry. Then, I finally realized I have so much to be thankful for! I am smart. I love to learn. I am capable. I can do many things and learn new skills. Things do work out for me. I’ve accomplished many things in my life and will continue to learn and do new things. My nose is exactly how God wanted it to be. It allows me to enjoy fresh air, flowers, freshly baked cookies, etc. By counting my blessings, I stopped the pity party. Do I sometimes fall back into the trap? Yes, occasionally, but I immediately remind myself to look at the situation differently.

    I love the quote by Rene Swope that was included on page 46: “He [Satan] knows if he can paralyze us with self-doubt and insecurity we will never live up to the full potential of who we are and what we have in Christ.” By being so self-focused, I wasn’t living up to my full potential. I was paralyzed, because I didn’t think I could do anything good enough and sometimes wouldn’t even try.

    The Dr. Phil quote was an excellent introduction to the chapter. Others are so concerned with themselves that they aren’t worried about me. We all have insecurities and fears, but when we let them consume us, that’s when Satan wins. All that time I spent worrying about myself could have been used in a more positive way, such as spending more time with God or helping somebody in need.

    This was a great chapter and I look forward to reading the comments! Have an awesome week, everyone!!

    • Bree

      I like what you said We all have insecurities and fears, but when we let them consume us, that’s when Satan wins. All that time I spent worrying about myself could have been used in a more positive way, such as spending more time with God or helping somebody in need.

      Thanks for the great reminder! So good!!

    • You are right Bree, we need to stop worrying about others and stop being self consuming of ourselves. But we should consume our lives with God. I feel like I am just starting to step back from what others think or have in their lives that I don’t, because God has great things for me and I am willing to be patient for these great things. I don’t want to be like others I want to be what God wants me to be.

    • Bree! I’m doing a happy dance right now. You got it really got it! I love how you turned around the self-inward focused questions that were self critique and began to thank God! Yes!

      • Thank you, Sarah. As I said, most of life I was too focused on myself. After many years of resistance, I finally let God show me the importance of having a heart of gratitude. I’m so thankful, because that negative junk has been lifted off my shoulders and I feel closer to the Lord.

    • Bree, I also really loved the quote by Rene Swope in this chapter. I think if we as women of God can really come to understand how powerful self-doubt and insecurity are in the hands of Satan then we will be able to cling tightly to God’s promises and overcome the negativity. Thank you for sharing!

      I pray that the Lord would help each of us to turn outward and spend our energy strengthening our relationship with Him and others.

    • Rene Swopes quote made me think of another by Joyce Meyer… She said “The devil doesn’t want you to break through because he knows if you do, you will become a world changer.” Those two quotes have reshaped my outlook on my current struggles… I am beginning to break through and the devil isn’t happy about, I can tell!

  2. Hey Everyone!
    So excited to hear your thoughts on this chapter! I will be out for most of the day so I won’t be able to respond to your comments until this evening. BUT!!! Feel free to talk amongst yourselves and encourage each other!

    Hugs to you all!

  3. ~Opinions of others: On page 33 I mentioned a quote from Dr. Phil that has stuck with me for years. Does concept impact you too? If so, how? Oh yes! I am constantly thinking about what other think of me.. even my church family! I was picked on alot and talked about behind my back when i was younger so now i am afriad that my friends and church family do this.

    Also just recently a friend sent me a nasty faceboook message.. and one of the things that she said was (I had just gotten a new haircut) Oh by the way that haircut looks really cute on you now you really look like a dyke?Seriously! She says that she is a Christian. And another friend whom i was really good friends with.. has broken a trust with me and she says that she is a Christian. Really? ‘

    I am just having a hard time with this Trust issue? Really who CAN i trust!

    • That is so tough! I am so very sorry to hear about that! Some people can be so cruel. I do not have very many friends for that reason. My best friends are my boyfriend and my sister. It is so tough to trust people anymore! I am so sorry to hear about this and I will say some prayers for you. If you ever need a friend you can e-mail me at i would be happy to just listen. Prayers!

    • Meg I will pray for you and these judgemental people. Just recently I have heard some very horrible actions of so called christian people. I don’t know them personally but to hear these things makes me cry for the people at the other end of their verbal and mental abuse. It seems sadly to say that Christian people or so called Christian people are even more judgemental then non Christians sometimes. But as good strong christian believers we need to not let the actions or thoughts of others hurt us because the only opinion we should worry about is God. Our self image should be based on what God wants and not what others think it should be.

    • I’m sorry you received that horrible FB message. Unfortunately, some people use sarcasm to try to get a laugh and make themselves feel good. In reality all they’re doing is possibly humoring others at the expense of another person. I think it’s awesome you got a new short haircut. It’s probably nice and cool for the summer.

    • Oh MEG. Wow…those things your “friends” said to you are horrible. I just know your super cute new hair cut is fantastic! It is hard to trust people after we’ve been burned and our hearts hurt. The thing about it is that there will always be mean people. It is just a fact in the world we live in. But, as we grow closer to our Majestic King and allow Him to fill us up (we will talk more abut “fill up” in the money chapter) though those mean words will hurt, they will not effect us as badly. I would say, pray for the Lord to show you who your trust worthy friends are. Also, pray for those who’ve hurt your heart. I really think they lashed out at you because they have their own issues going on and it made them feel better to hurt you. This is not right, but it might give you a reason for it.


    • I compare myself to others on a daily basis pretty much! It is so hard not to sometimes. I agree this is a great subject and I hope to learn a lot this week!

  4. When I first think about self image I think about what I see in the mirror- and most days I’m pretty comfortable with that. But this really made me think about how often I compare myself to what is happening in the lives of others on facebook. (being jealous when someone else gets engaged, new job, etc) I know I really need to be grateful for all the wonderful blessings in my life and envy/jealousy really stands in the way of that!

    • Nicole I agree with you as well, I chose Study #3 Kristen and Facebook. At first I was like that is totally not me, but once I started to think about it I was wrong. Once I started to read this chapter I did think about what others thought and what they had. I did realize I was comparing my self to friends and other family members. But facebook is just a front for most people, when in reality something worse could be going on deep down. Praising God and studying his word is what I want. If he wanted me to be married with kids, or have things that others had he would have let me have them but he didn’t because he has another more suitable path for who I am or what my life should look like

    • Starting the day with a heart of thanksgiving really makes a difference when we are tempted to see the “perfectly edited” lives of our Facebook Friends. (see the video on this page where I talk about “perfectly edited”)

  5. Journal # 1- What does the dialogue in your head sound like when you think about your self-image and how others view you? I feel self-conscious sometimes with certain people. I may not be outgoing enough is one of my biggest issues; I am somewhat introverted and keep to myself. I make friends easily but I like being by myself most of the time. When I am in a big group of people I tend to be quiet. Then people will say, but not in a mean way you talk too much even though I am not saying anything at all. Or there have been people you have said that I have no personality and that hurts to hear so this is a big issue for me. Another issue is, I seem to compare myself to my exboyfriends wife, don’t worry at the time we broke up they were not married lol. She is pretty, outgoing and has a very strong personality. I thought I wasn’t good enough for him after we broke up because I was comparing myself to her. But know I realize he wasn’t good enough for me because he wasn’t meant for me but it did take me a while to realize that. I have started to feel much better about my own self-image over the last few years. Being almost 30 years old your priorities start to change at least that is how I feel. My looks and style and personality make me who I am, because God is so great he is going to use my strengths to guide me on my own path. I need not worry about what others have because what I have already is a please.
    If that dialogue is negative, let’s work through that in this chapter. Do you see the value in bring this stress point, self-image, to the throne of your king? How do you need Him to speak to you today about your stress point? Yes I see great value in bring this stress point of self-image to the throne of the Lord, I have put things down on paper today that I have been struggling with for a while know but not really dealing with it. I need him to guide me on this path with a pure heart. I need not stress over what others have that I don’t or how they look or act. With his help I will focus only on what is pleasing to him, I pray he takes this envoy out of my heart and to look at the good that has happen in my life.

    • Jodi,
      I am trhe exact same way! I can be very shy when in a group of people and I tend to keep to myself around new people. Once you get to know me I can talk your ear off (just ask my boyfriend ha ha). I think sometimes introverted people get judged easily and are perceived as snobby or another word I will not say here. When in fact, we are just quite and shy. I struggle with this a lot so I totally understand!

      • I’m also the same way – shy at first (especially in a group of new people), but after awhile that shyness fades. I’m introverted AND extroverted. It just depends on the situation.

    • Jodi!
      Girl…thank you for sharing your heart and your journal entries. I am so so so glad that you took some time to work through this and dialogue with the Lord!

      • Thanks again, at first I wasn’t going to post this but I felt I needed to. I really want to encourage other girls especially the ones in their early twenties who are just starting their lives as being independent women and taking care of themselves.

  6. -Sarah’s Blog question: Does the Dr. Phil concept impact you too? If so, how? It makes me feel a little less self-conscious to think that maybe I am not always being judged and maybe it is more Satan making me think so. Sometimes you catch people looking at you and you assume the worst that something is wrong with how you look. Now I will just think just because they are looking at me they are not judging me or just ignore that others are looking at me. But being a girl it is hard to do so because that just seems to be in our nature. I don’t want to admit this but I know that I look at other girls and judge them when I shouldn’t. I pray to God to take this judgment out of my heart, I don’t want to be judged so I won’t judge others. If we all looked the same life would be pretty boring, God made us all different and unique. So we need to embrace that and use it for good things.

    • You are so right about judging. This is something I just prayed through today…so tempted to judge…myself and others!

      • Jodi! I am that way too.. and i have had people tell me i talk to much too and i know they are just picking on me but i really dont like it! But once you get to know me.. I talk ALOT more!

  7. The comparison trap is probably one of my bigger strongholds, especially this year when it feels like all my friends decided to get married or engaged. I’ve been to 4 weddings already this month. I love the quote in our video how God always has our best interests at heart. Deep down, I know my current situation and future situation are awesome and that finding a man won’t fix all my problems and make me magically happy and complete. I need to cling on to that. And thankfully God has given me really awesome single girl friends. Thanking God daily for what I have is usually how i get over falling to deep into envy.

  8. I am really having a hard time tonight my best friend and her family left for Colorado today (to move there) and really missing them alot already!

    • I am sorry to hear that! I moved from Indiana to Arizona and I miss my family so much! I will pray for you and if there is anything else I can do don’t hesitate to ask!

    • I’m sorry, MEG. Praying now that God pours into your heart more of HIM especially when you are feeling lonely.

    • I’m sorry to hear your best friend moved away, Meg. Have you heard of Google video chat ( It’s completely free. Also, if you have a Google+ page, you can chat within that site. Perhaps once she’s settled, you can keep in touch these ways.

  9. ~What girlfriend case study do you identify with most and why?

    Both 2 and 3…

    Number 2 becasue my father also left when i was 2 years old and wasnt there for me growning up and then i had a stepfather who was physically abusive so I am so fearfull of trusting any guy that is even interested in me for fear that A. He will abandon me and B. that he will be physically abusive. Thank you Sarah for posting this Encourage a friend today.. I needed to hear again that God does Love me and that he is not abusive and wont EVER leave me.

    Number 3 because I am constantly thinking why isnt any guy interested in me am I not pretty enough? I am especailly struggling with this right now because 5 people I know are getting married this summer and some who are younger than I am… Why God? Do you not want me to have a husband? Am i too ugly for anybody?

    • Meg, oh friend. I am so sorry to hear this. Like I just told Karen in another comment. Keep clinging to what you know as TRUTH. Hugs!

    • Jeremiah 31:3 The Lord appeared to us in the past, saying:

      “I have loved you with an everlasting love;
      I have drawn you with loving-kindness.”

      I love the phrase drawn you! My Bible (Thompson Study Bible) has a side note of divine attraction. How cool is that! Our Heavenly Father, Majestic King is Divinely Attracted to us. It then references Hosea 11:4, “I led them with cords of human kindness, with ties of love; I lifted the yoke from their neck and bent down to feed them.” Can’t you just see then tenderness in His hand? Meg, He has lifted this yoke around your neck, that it no longer weighs you down, but it does not define you! God’s hand has removed this weight and replaced it with His provident hand, His loving kindness. Jeremiah 32: 18-19 is incredible “You show love to thousands but bring the punishment for the fathers’ sins into the laps of their children after them. O great and powerful God, whose name is the Lord Almighty, great are your purposes and mighty are your deeds. Your eyes are open to all the ways of men; you reward everyone according to his conduct and as his deeds deserve.” But look deeper into Jeremiah 32 verses 17-20 ” “Ah, Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you. You show love to thousands but bring the punishment for the fathers’ sins into the laps of their children after them. O great and powerful God, whose name is the Lord Almighty, great are your purposes and mighty are your deeds. Your eyes are open to all the ways of men; you reward everyone according to his conduct and as his deeds deserve. You performed miraculous signs and wonders in Egypt and have continued them to this day, both in Israel and among all mankind, and have gained the renown that is still yours.” It is no accident, no co-incident, that the Lord has brought you to this study. It is a God-thing. It is His providence that has given you great encouragement, sisterhood. I’m sorry for what you have had to go through in your life. He will overcome. Nothing is impossible because He is possible! Remember that you are at this place in your life for a reason. He has a plan. He is in charge. He loves you! Praying for you!

      • Shari, I know your response was directed to Meg, but I have to say that I love how you said, “It is no accident, no co-incident, that the Lord has brought you to this study. It is a God-thing.” This is exactly how I feel. God’s timing is perfect. I personally feel so blessed to included in this study. Great words of encouragement!

        • I’m super blessed that all of you girls are joining me in this study!!! Every time I read your comments and the ways the Lord is speaking to you, my heart bursts with joy. Hugs!

  10. I was in a wedding this weekend and learned how true Dr. Phil’s statement is… As we were primping in front of the mirror, each girl was totally consumed with her own self. “How do I look?”, “good, how do I look?” “good.” None of us were trying to be mean, but I think under the ceremony’s time crunch, our self concern was magnified. The best part of it was: everyone was looking at the bride, not us! It was both liberating and humbling, and a good illustration of this concept.

    This chapter on self-image is very near and dear to my heart. I became a Christian at the end of high school and gravitated towards a “call to perfectionism.” I thought that my life as a Christian meant I needed to be great at everything: the perfect daughter, friend, Church-goer and volunteer, career woman, health-nut, etc. My last year of college I was put under immense pressure trying to juggle so many roles and finally broke. It was a very hard time because I felt like I was loosing my identity. However, this break from certain roles and expectations was exactly what I needed. I am seeing that letting go deepened my relationship with God, and made me more genuine. I was so afraid and let fear rule my life and choices. My perfection was a false illusion of security and control. I feel far from perfect now, but I like it that way (most of the time). Of course I have moments of questioning and doubt… but I know that I am on a healthier and happier journey :)

    • I love what you said about how no one was looking at you all and they were looking at the Bride! ha! How many situationas are we in where we think everyone is looking at us but they really aren’t?!? I totally still get caught up in this!

      So excited that you are on such a great journey with the Lord!

  11. In the interest of this weeks study, I put on this shirt today not really tihnking about it, but once i started to look at the shirt I started to think about everyone on here. It has two hearts on it one is a solid red and then the other is just an outline and inside the outline heart it has the lyrics to this little light of mine. Not only should we let our lights shine for God, but we shouldn’t be afraid to let our own unique little light such as how we act or look shine. I love to wear bright colors and normally don’t buy name branded clothes I just buy what I like. I normally have bright pink or yellow colors on that is just who I am. I may not have a very outgoing personality but my style is fun and outgoing. It just made me smile one I saw my shirt and I wanted to share with all of you Thank you

  12. I have not had a chance to read through this chapter yet as I started classes this week and I am a little overwhelmed. I plan on reading and journaling through journal one later today. It takes me a little more time to journal through them because I have the nook book so I have to write down each question. I am really looking forward to seeing what the Lord has in store for me and for everyone else. God bless all of you and may the Lord watch over you and protect you.

      • Sarah,
        Thank you! I am loving this study so very much! I love reading everyone’s comments! One of these days i want to get a physical copy of the book so I can read through it and highlight and make notes! Thank you for leading us! :-)

  13. ~In Chapter 2 I talk alot about “getting comfortable in your own skin.” This is really something that takes time as we navigate through our 20s and beyond. The more we engage with God and let Him pour His love and ultimate approval over us, we are more comfortable with who He made us to be. Flip to page 50 and read what my friends Kristen Lila and Brittany had to say about “getting comfortable in your own skin.” What do you think?

    I agree with both of them as I have trouble with crowds as well as my self image I need to be comfortable walkin in and not worrying about anything cause they are not supposed to judge. ( I have hard time with fellowship dinner s at my church) I don’t like eating in front of anyone but need to remember that no one is staring at me ad they all are eating too!!

    I also agree with Kristin when I was hanging aroun with my friend a lot I was becoming ” like her” swearing all the time and talking like her. I don’t swear so that was not normal for me and after a few days I stopped swearing . Whew!!

    • Meg, you’re not the only who has anxiety eating in front of other people. I had that issue, too. In high school and college, I wouldn’t eat lunch – even though I was hungry – because I didn’t want to eat in front of anyone. At parties or work gatherings, I’d barely eat anything. Instead of enjoying my family, friends, colleagues, and delicious food, I was being self-conscious and paranoid that other people were watching me. You hit the nail on the head when you said, “remember that no one is staring at me and they all are eating too!!” Really, why should anyone be concerned with what I’m doing? They’re busy enjoying themselves! I squandered those precious moments with thoughts of only me. I admit, there are times when I revert back to being self-centered, but I quickly remind myself to not repeat the past. I mean, really, it’s no secret. . . . .I eat! Everyone does, too!! What am I hiding? Nothing. So, why take what should be a great time and ruin it with negative thoughts?

      I’m looking forward to discussing the next chapter on body image. I picked myself apart most of my life (even in elementary school). Throughout my early-mid 20s I had an eating disorder. Then, I had an obsession with exercising. I had this belief that I needed to be perfect. Well, perfect doesn’t exist here on earth. Perhaps my experiences can be helpful to someone, so they realize the importance of shifting their focus towards the Lord.

      • THanks Bree, Now if only i would keep telling myself this.. and not chicken out” when I have to eat in front of other people!

      • Great point, Bree! Thanks for encouraging all of us with how you worked through it. And I really think next week will be great too. It was the hardest chapter for me to write and I deal with body image every day.

  14. Sorry meant to say after nothanging out a few days we are not friends anymore either but I think it’s best even though she really hurt me, I need to forgive her.

  15. What girlfriend case study do you identify with most and why?

    I identified with both 2 and 3. I have a fantastic boyfriend who loves me for me. But I still struggle with not being “pretty enough or skinny enough”. I have gained some weight in the last year or so that has not helped my self image at all. I have tried multiple times to lose some weight and I have not succeeded. I get frustrated with trying and give up. I see pictures of girls I knew in high school on facebook all the time and wish I could look like them. But I have come to realize three things: Number one is that no matter how much weight I lose I will never look like those girls. I am just not built that way. And number two is that no matter how much weight I lose, it will still not make me happy or fill that void I have. And number three is that no matter how much weight I lose, if I do not learn to love myself for who I am on the inside and how God sees me, weight loss will not matter. I want to learn how to be more like Betty from case #1. I want to be confident in who I am. And I know the only way to do that would be to grow in my relationship with Christ and learn to see myself the way He sees me!

    • Kristen, I’m right there with you in a similar situation. I feel like no matter how much weight I lose, I am still constantly judging myself and wishing that I could lose just a little more. Even if I set a weight goal for myself, and I meet it, it isn’t good enough. I pray everyday that I can love myself and my body for how God sees me.

      • Helen and Kristen! Just wait till next week’s topic…I really think those of us who have body image issues (me!) will have some major breakthroughs!

  16. I have a pray request, I started a second Bible study this week but for some reason AKA Satan I can’t seem to stay focused on this Bible study and my other one. Please pray that i keep my focus on God and that he fills my heart with joy to stay focused thank you

    • Dear Lord,

      We pray for Jodi right now, Shes i having a hard time staying focused. Lord help her to focus, and learn from these bible studies and Satan in the name of Jesus and by his shed blood we command that you leave Jodi alone she is the Child of the most high king and you need to flee from her right now. In Jesus name Amen

      Jodi, will continue to pray for you!

    • Praying for you now! What bible study are you doing? I am looking for some suggestions on bible studies. Maybe we could do it together and keep each other motivated? I think we should have either groups or partners during these studies to help keep us focused and motivated. What do you guys think? I will continue to pray for you!

  17. Kristen, I understand where you’re coming from when you said, “I still struggle with not being pretty enough or skinny enough.” It’s exhausting trying to be perfect! However, it doesn’t exist on earth. After YEARS of nit–picking myself, I finally(!) let go. God showed me the need of having a thankful heart. You’re right when you mentioned about stop comparing yourself to other people. You can gain confidence by staying true to how God created you.

    • I need to let go! I just do not know how. I do not want to be so focused on my outside apperance and lose sight of who I am and who God made me to be.

      • In order to let go, realize the things you think are negative about yourself are Satan’s lies. Additionally, I’ve already worked through the third chapter, so I’m going to share two quotes that stood out to me:

        “Does it warm your heart that your Creator looks at you, savors your beauty, and appreciates the goodness He created in YOU? Let us worship at the throne of our King, where He graces us with His delight in His glorious creation. How can we then criticize, defile, and destruct what our King deems as beautiful and good? How can we disobey the Creator and treat our body in ways that disrespect the craftsmanship that no earthly artist could come close to creating?” (62)

        “Anytime I am more consumed with myself than I am with God, I end up focusing on everything that is wrong in my life. On the flip side, anytime that I am more consumed with God than I am with myself, I am better equipped to walk out of that dressing room with the understanding that I am okay. I recount the ways He thinks I am beautiful; I’m reminded that I am His creation and he finds me special.” (70)

        If you start questioning your looks, it’s not only a slap in the face to you, your boyfriend, but also God. You, because you have a working body to go out in the world and help other people. Your boyfriend, because he loves you exactly the way you are. Why discredit his tastes? And most importantly, God, because He sees you as a beautiful person.

  18. Ladies I have a prayer request as well I am going on a missions trip to Alaska in August and just found out today that tickets are over 1,000 dollars and so far I have 340 dollars and we leave in 5 weeks and u am a little anxious but as my fried reminded me if he wants me to go he will provide every penny!

  19. Hey everyone! I have a super duper fun surprise for you for tomorrow’s Girlfriend Case Study!! Stay tuned….

  20. Prayer request:

    I have a friend who is going through a rough time right now. She is struggling in her marriage and does not know what to do. He is verbally abusive to her and she is very broken. Her husband told her that if she left him that that would be wrong in God’s eyes because she was breaking a covenant. I feel so bad for her and I do not know what advice to give her. Please pray for her and pray that God will comfort her. Thank you ladies!

    • Will pray Kristin.

      Lord we pray for Kristin’s friend right now please give her comfort an strength and give her wisdom with what to do and please give Kristin wisdom to know how to help her friend

      In Jesus Name


  21. Ladies

    I’m sure you have heard of the wildfires going on in Colorado springs. I have an idea. I know we can’t physically get together but I thought we could pick a timeand pray for the firefighters etc. I know some of you are in different time zones too

    What does everyone think?

  22. Meg , great idea , I’ve been praying on my own but praying as a body would be amazing and powerful. Let’s see what others think and hopefully plan a time to do it!:) Have a great day!

  23. During my sophmore year in college I was having a hard time finding myself and I was doing what every one else did to fit in. I wanted attention. I soon realized this wasn’t who I was and I was not living my life as I should. It came to me that I needed to accept myself for who I was before I could let anyone else into my life, like a boyfriend. I prayed over this for months and I dropped the act I had been putting on. It was amazing, as soon as I started believing in myself and living the way God would want me to I not only felt better, but an amazing man walked into my life. He didn’t care how I looked, he said it was my personality that attracted him. Who knew!? Looks aren’t all that mattered, but that was all I cared about previously. I learn more every day that I need not to compare myself to other girls who I think are prettier or more fun. I am who I am, and that is all I need.

  24. ~In Journal 2 (page 41) I encouraged you to explore the question Who Am I?  Based on your knowledge of who God is as your Majestic King. This is something that we work on daily as we grow into a deeper relationship with Jesus. After reading the suggested Scripture for this journal (Psalm 8 and Psalm 95, what kinds of things did you journal for the question, Who Am I?

    I am the one Jesus thought of when he created dolphins

    I am the one Jesus thought of when he created the color purple my favorite color

    I am the one Jesus thought of when he created music he knew it would calm me and put me to sleep at night!

  25. Do you see the benefit in turning your self-focus into a God-focus toward your Majestic King?

    Yes I do it becomes positive.

    A lot of times when I am going through a hard time I like to minister to other people and pray for them cause it gets the focus off of me I also do this whe. I am having pity parties and just down in te dumps.

    • Oh good point. Turning our focus on someone else and serving them helps us realize what we have to be grateful for. Glad you mentioned this!

  26. When I think of self image, like most, I automatically think body image. There is so much more to each I is than the outward appearance. I know that I struggle with beig confident with who I am as a person or fear of being judge by others. There is always that thought of “What are other people going to think?” I have a hard time with this because I have strict values and refuse to budge with certain decision that I have made. For example, I don’t drink, I don’t go out to the club, and I don’t believe in sex before marriage. In this day and age alot of people have a hard time grasping those concepts. I have to be confident and believe that God has instilled those values in me for a reason. For me it has been helpful to surround myself with good Christian people that can respect my values.
    I took the challenge from passage 3 on posting a status on Facebook that was real regarding a situation in my life. I was greatful to see the support from some amazing people that gave faith in me and believe in me. It is amazing what God can do through you when you let Him shine within you!

    • Ashley, you’re not the only one with stringent values. I don’t drink. I don’t go to clubs. I don’t believe in sex before marriage. I also refuse to budge with my decisions. Unfortunately, I don’t really have any friends, more like a few acquaintances. It would be awesome to connect with people who also respect my values, which is one of the reasons why I’m searching for a church. That’s so great that you’ve been able to surround yourself with people who respect you. I pray every day to be guided to a church where I’ll be able to make that same connection.

  27. I proposed that envy is synonymous with comparison. What are your thoughts about envy/comparison listed in the same sentence as murders, hatred, contentions (verses 19-21)? Does this make you think differently about comparing your self to others?

    I am not understanding this question can someone please help me?

    • Meg, not sure if you heard me talking about this point in the video I posted on this lesson. Because the word envy (comparison for our purposes) is just as bad in God’s eyes as the really bad words in Galatians 5:19-21, it made me think differently about comparing my life, my gifts, my blessings from God with what others have. Does this help with answering the question? Sorry if I didn’t make it very clear in the post. :)

  28. I was just rereading through pages 39 and 40 and on page 4o it says Am i reflecting Jesus in a way that brings glory to him? Or am i always worried about what other think about me! Ouch!!! I have to say I am ALWAYS worreid about what people are thinking about me! Especially when eating or if they are starting at me. It is my prayer that i start to find ways to bring Glory to him instead of always worried about what others think of me!

    • Meg, I know all too well the anxiety of being worried about what others may be thinking. Keep reminding yourself of that Dr. Phil quote on page 33, “you wouldn’t worry so much about what people thought of you if you knew how seldom they did.” If people verbally make negative comments about you, my advice is to just disregard them. This may seem easier said than done (believe me, I know!), but it’s true. Always keep this in your mind, because it doesn’t matter what they think! God loves you. Your family loves you. You’re valued. As Sarah wrote on page 39, “we were created to worship and immerse our entire selves in the Lord,” and this cannot be accomplished if we’re obsessed over ourselves.

      I’m unemployed and having a difficult time finding a job, as are many people. I read the first chapter and responded to the journal entries, but I’m still having trouble understanding that He has plans for me to prosper. I’m going to reread that chapter (maybe a couple of times) until I fully have faith that He does have plans for me. Perhaps you may find it beneficial to reread this chapter on self-image. Break it down and really think and pray about the words Sarah has written.

      • Thanks Bree!

        I am sorry that you are unemloyed. I wa unemployed for about a month in march and was very anxious during that time I will pray that the Lord will show you what to do.

        • You’re welcome and thank you, Meg.

          I’ve been searching and applying for months without any interviews. The jobs I’ve applied for are slammed with applicants (sometimes more than 400). Most of the resumes I’ve submitted aren’t even looked at. About 20% of the time they’re viewed by HR, but I never hear anything back from them. It can be very discouraging and at times I feel like a failure, which is why I need to reread the first chapter.

      • I have been uneomplyeed for a little over a year. I quit my job in Indiana to move to Arizona. I have a heard time believing that God has a plan for me as well. I am finishing up getting my associates degree right so I pray that once that is finished I can find a job. I will pray for you as well! And thank you for the suggestion about re reading the first chapter! thank you for the suggestion!

  29. What hit me this week was the facebook challenge. Trying to be yourself, not worrying about what others think but to CONSISTENTLY be yourself, true to yourself, and to be authentic to the woman God is molding us to be, me to be. I found myself trying to be a voice of reason this week to my sweet younger cousin (she’s 24 married, I’m 28 single). Her A/C went out in her house. She was upset, and I just felt so inclined and encouraged to try to point her to Truth to our Majestic King. It was an eye-opener to me that people can see our responses and they will know we are BELIEVERS by our actions. The two of us have different life experiences, but what bonds us together is our love for Christ, our sister hood. I tired to point out the positive in the situation, that there is still shelter, food, company, and her God. But it wasn’t just my sweet cousin that affected me with the facebook challenge. It was remember how good God is and has been with my posts. I love to share scripture or something that relates to my walk with Christ. I had a friend who didn’t like my sharing of scripture. But to the one negative I had MANY positives, and many that voiced how much they appreciated to the encouragement. Sometimes there are little fires in our life that make us questions if what we are doing is right, should I stop just because one person said so? Or should I listen to the others that said how much the Lord had encouraged them that day becuase I felt the Lord leading me to share? And as I’m writing this about to move onto the text topic, I flipped to pg. 43 where Sarah says, “Be real. Be raw. Do ministry and make connections by simply sharing your heart. Set a foundation among your community of friends, family, and coworkers in which everyone is authentic and willing to share their struggles.” Oh Majestic King, how I strive to be that foundation where people feel so incredibly comfortable with me that they share and open up and know there is no judgement but prayer, love, and an example of Your grace!

    We read the scripture in Mark (chapter 4, verses 1-9) about the soil. I love to garden and have been pondering this all week as I water my plants. I noticed that some seeds fell upon the rocks on the side and are growing and some are flowering, but I wonder what is their root system like? Are these little guys (yes I talk to my plants and pray over them too) capable of surviving in such a shallow system? And then I turn and see the rest of my flowers. They are growing and abundant. There might be a few weeds here and there but they are not over run. Their roots are set. They have a solid foundation to which they can grow. I tend to their needs- water, till their soil, fertilize, weed, and prune. The same can be said of our Majestic King and us. John 15:1-17, “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father’s commands and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit —fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. This is my command: Love each other.” Because of His love for us, our Father takes the time to prune and shape us. He nurtures us, provides for us. He cuts off the dead branches so our energy and nourishment aren’t spent there but can be re-routed to the rest so we bloom and flourish! Because He loves us, he wants us to be beautiful! He wants us to blossom. I know that the tough pruning times aren’t easy, but think about what we will grow into! We will be that rose of Sharon, a lily of the valley. We will stand out amongst those who don’t know Christ so that others will see there is something different about us. Song of Songs 2:1-2, “I am a rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys. Like a lily among thorns is my darling among the maidens.”

    ** Sorry ladies I’m a little late in posting this week. Praying you all have had a wonderful week!**

    • Shari! This is so awesome on all counts. Don’t let one nay-sayer keep you from being real and raw–there IS ministry in that, girl! Thanks for sharing the scripture too. Love those verses!

  30. why am i here? God do you love me? Do any of my friends love me? Why bother even staying here… These are thoughts i have been struggling with today. Why does it seem like everyone is getting married but me.. Am I not pretty enough? really?

  31. I havent gone to church on years. I just recently started to really want a relationship with god. We went to a church tonight and it was awesome! Such a great blessing!

  32. Ladies,

    I just have a prayer request.. I am getting tested for Autism tommorrow.. I am very nervous.. Its 2 hours long and very intense.. actually its 4 hours long but i had the first 2 hours done at the beginning of June and we are finishing up tommorrow. She says that i need to get Very good sleep tonight and be low key for tommorrow morning until my appt at 1:00. Please pray for me.. thanks

    • Oh Meg! Yes!!! Praying…

      Father God, we pray that You will cover our friend, Meg, with Your peace and give her rest. Give wisdom to the doctors so they may properly diagnose her. All to Your glory! AMEN!

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