Stress Point Study Week 1: Career

Welcome to the Stress Point Online Summer Study! This week we will dive into the topic of our career. It is my hope that by the end of this week you will be LIVING OUT! the Kingship of Christ in your job and career!

Grab your copy of Stress Point and your Bible and join us in the conversation below.

Also, in case you didn’t get a chance to see my welcome video I posted last week, I will repost it below, too.

Stress Point Welcome

The Real (video blog)

The Raw (discussion questions)

~At the beginning of this chapter in Stress Point I shared some stories from a few women dealing with their career. Did you identify with any of the girlfriend case studies? If so, tell us how you identified.


~Do you have a dream job? What is it?


~What do you think about the idea that sometimes we have to take stepping stone jobs to gain experience and knowledge?


~In the video above I mentioned that we need to align our dreams with God’s true will for us. For me, this is hard. I am a dreamer and a planner. I concoct grand plans for my life. We will get into this topic later in chapter 9 but I wanted to throw this out to you. What would it look like if we sat down and prayed, asking God to reveal to us (in His perfect timing) what direction we should take our career? Would this be hard for you to give up control? It is definitely something difficult for me, but I see the benefit now that I have experience with putting Jesus in the center of my career. What do you think?

The Relevant (Bible Study questions)

When we determine that we are, in fact, going to allow God to guide us, direct us and show us His plans for us ––for our dream job––we might very well find our selves in a holding pattern. Waiting on the Lord is tough. I mentioned the concept of trusting in the Lord. Here is that verse again:


Place your trust in the Eternal; rely on Him completely;

never depend upon your own ideas and inventions.

Give Him the credit for everything you accomplish,

and He will smooth out and straighten the road that lies ahead. (Proverbs 3:5-6 THE VOICE)



In verse 5, the word trust in Hebrew is bāṭaḥ

which is pronounced baw-takh’

It is defined as: to be confident, to be bold, to hope, to be sure


~How do you think bold factors into trusting God with our career as we wait on His ultimate guidance and direction? (hint: think about the world’s standards for taking control of our own career, forging our own path in the world.)

Through out chapter 1 I focus on Jeremiah 29:11-14a

“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.  And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. I will be found by you, says the Lord…”

I love love love the promise God makes to us that when we seek Him (wait on Him and trust Him) with our whole heart, we WILL find Him.


Flip to page 22 in Stress Point. In the very last paragraph I give scenarios in which we can seek God. How can you seek Him today with boldness and confidence (in God) that He will come through with a job and career best suited for you?


~What are some steps that you can take today to seek, trust and wait on God?

When we are bold and confident in our God that He is in control of everything, we also come to know that He only wants what is best for us.

In your Bible, take a look at Romans 8:28.

~List out some things regarding your job/career that you just don’t understand. Do you trust that He orchestrates it all for your good?

Sometimes our career takes a turn that we are not happy with. Sometimes we don’t understand why we don’t yet have our dream job. But when we worship, wait and find focus on the throne of the King –– even with our career–– we can go to work every day with bold confidence and trust.

The Conversation:

Ok ladies…your turn. Let’s chat. Please feel free to share your thoughts on any of the questions. Or, if you want to chat about something else I wrote in Stress Point, ask away. Leave a comment with your thoughts and jump in on someone else’s thoughts by replying to that comment. I’m super excited about some great conversations!

***Update***I’m working on the email subscriptions and the email alerts to new content. So sorry if you didn’t get an email to alert you to this blog post today. I think the problem is fixed so here on out, you should get an email (if you are subscribed) with the new Bible study content first thing on Monday and Thursday mornings. :)
~~Are you on Facebook or Twitter? Come join the LIVE IT OUT! blog Facebook community to continue the conversation. Or follow me on Twitter and use the hashtage #stresspoint so everyone will see each other’s tweets about Stress Point!


Stress Point Study Week 1: Career — 79 Comments

  1. ~Did you identify with any of the girlfriend case studies? If so, tell us how you identified. No unfortunetly I did not :(

    ~Do you have a dream job? What is it? Yes I do, and I am in it right now the only thing is that its doesnt pay enough for me to do just hat I have a 2nd Job to help cover what that doesnt pay in order to pay all of my bills.

    My Dream Job is being a babysittier (I LOVE KIDS! ) which is what I do now but it doesnt pay enough maybe someday it will or maybe someday I will find another family that i babysit for! I have business cards and flyers out right now but nothing has come up!

    • Meg,
      This is really cool that you are doing something you love to do. I am so happy for you and I trust that the Lord will provide for you financially. I know that the children you care for are blessed to have you as their babysitter!

  2. Sarah, the following question really penetrated
    my heart: How do you think bold factors into our career and waiting on the Lord?

    It takes boldness in a world like ours to trust in the Lord’s mysterious plan. If we are doing so wholeheartedly our act of trusting shouldn’t make sense to the world around us. Unlike those of the world, God’s dreams for us are not centered on financial, or even professional, success. God desires for us to sacrificially love others and to proclaim His Gospel always, even if it means passing up an opportunity for a promotion. Our workplace, certainly our entire life, is His mission field. This should shift our focus to make us others-focused instead of self centered. I pray that our Lord, my El Elyon, will give me boldness to stand up for His Name alone.

    Thanks for all your time and guidance, Sarah! Excited for the rest of the study!

    • Ansley! Awesome thoughts. Yes, there is also a boldness when we do not as the world does in self focus, but do as Jesus does in “others” focus as we love others…even at our jobs! Oh I’m so glad you brought this up. Good stuff!

  3. Do you have a dream job? What is it? I do. I’ve always wanted to work for a record label where I could help with producing music with performers in classical as well as Christian music.

    How do you think bold factors into trusting God with our career as we wait on His ultimate guidance and direction?: I think this factors in because in the world today women are to take a hold of their own careers and focus solely on them, and nothing else. We as women are so apt to be like men and just do what men do and want to be treated equally, so when it comes to trusting on God, we might want to do something completely different than what God has intended for us. We need to step back and make sure that the path that we choose, we need to choose it with God’s help instead of just doing it on our own. The society that we live in is a pleasure society and fast paced, that we need to slow down and be trusting that the career God has for us is the right one.

    • DeAnna!I totally agree with you. I used to have a hard time stepping back and waiting on God. I used to jump in feet first, guns blazing (figuratively of course!) ready to forge my own path. Oh how I strived so hard to make that path my own and created more worry and work for myself.

      Love your thoughts!

      • Recently I have been thinking about what my life will be when I graduate college and I have started planning what I would like to accomplish by a certain time period. After reading some of your thoughts I have taken a step back to rethink if I am the one who should be planning it. The verse you presented to us, Proverbs 3:5-6 really really hit home with me! It descirbes exactly what I need to be doing, “..never depend upon your own ideas and inventions..” Thank you for a greaet first week and I am so excited to dive in even more!

  4. List out some things regarding your job/career that you just don’t understand. Do you trust that He orchestrates it all for your good?

    At only 24, I am surprised how many twists & turns my career has already taken. The last year was especially difficult…I realized what I thought was my dream job wasn’t at all, but I had no idea how to move forward from there. I can see now how God was orchestrating it all for my good, but during the transition it honestly just felt like chaos. I did learn some super valuable lessons throughout the whole experience, though.. 1) I don’t have to try to figure out everything God is doing as He moves. Once I realized I wasn’t made for what I thought I was made for, I started analyzing every little thing, as if my whole life’s secret purpose would be revealed in the events around me. “Oh, I met this person who works here..that sounds like something I’d be interested in, maybe God’s purpose is for me to work there!” or “maybe this means I should…” type of stuff. Once I finally let go of that tendency I was better able to rest in God’s promise to provide. 2) I learned to cling to the things I did know were of God—-Faith in Between & writing in general, to be specific. One day it just hit me that even if I had no clue what I was going to do for the rest of my life, I knew I had a passion for words, building community, and this generation, and God helped me find satisfaction in that.

    Loved this chapter, Sarah!

    • Yes! Brittany! Love what you said about clinging to things that you know were of God. Even when we are in the turmoil of transition, we can still stand on the firm foundation that God lays down for us when we trust Him. Thanks for sharing!

    • Love this too! I think it is so easy to just focus on the negative or the situation instead of remembering Philippians 4:8, “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” Just like Sarah said, our God knows us! He provides for us, even with the quietest of prayers He hears them and answers us. He is faithful to our needs and to our desires. When we truly seek Him, we find Him.
      Psalm 37:3-7
      Trust in the Lord and do good;
      dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.
      Delight yourself in the Lord
      and he will give you the desires of your heart.
      Commit your way to the Lord;
      trust in him and he will do this:
      He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn,
      the justice of your cause like the noonday sun.
      Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him;
      do not fret when men succeed in their ways,
      when they carry out their wicked schemes.

    • I am going to start paying attention to the things that I know are of God… Even when looking back trying to figure out where He was in tough situations. Love this!

      • Yes Amy I agree with you! It is hard! But we can do it cause we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us!!!

  5. My Dream job would in anything related to Christian music like working for CCM Magazine or a Christian radio… but it’s a very had field so took another one I don’t like too much but now I feel stuck to stay in that field just in case the rest goes bad… any advice anyone? Thank you!

    • I would say that right now, it is ok to be in a job that is not your dream. Look for ways to learn and grow like I talk about in the girlfriend case studies with Andy from the movie Devil Wears Prada. God puts us in certian places so we can learn things, add to our resume, and build up our knowledge. Does that make sense?

      • Thanks Sarah , I was actually talking about studies but I totally agree with your thoughts , about the case study, I don’t have your book yet , waiting to receive it soon but I saw and read the Devil wears Prada so I understand what you’re saying! Thanks again fot being the ” Big sister” to share some wisdom with all of us.:)

  6. I don’t think I have a dream job… I work as a nurse, and thought that the ER was “exactly what I wanted to do,” but after a year I can say confidently that it is not! I have been emotionally/physically stretched and learned many valuable things from this job, but know it is not the one for me. I often pray, asking God to reveal His career plans for me because I would happily pursue them. Should I stick it out in the ER, ditch the gig and become a yoga teacher in Colorado, or join the peace corps?! Instead of taking rash moves, I network, shadow other jobs, and pray, hoping to find something that matches better with my personality. I am not sure I will ever find out what it is I want to do, but I will keep knocking on doors, and seizing opportunity. Maybe I am too proactive, but I believe that ultimately God will reveal the right job at the right time.

    I am actually about to go back to school for my masters degree (something I have always said I wanted to do) and work part time in a doctors office. I don’t have a God-given word or mission, but I have a peace about these choices that IS from God and think this is the best thing for me. I hope so… I move next week!

    • Sarah! I think honestly that you are doing all the right things. Such a great attitude about it. I love that while you are in a job that is not your “dream job” but yet you are doing things like networking and shadowing other jobs while you figure things out. Awesome.

      • Thank you, Sarah, for a FANTASTIC book! Becky Bernier gave me a copy the other day and can I just tell you that it was perfect timing?! I have been totally stressed this past year juggling dating, jobs, faith, friends, and body image. I can’t wait to do this study :)

        P.s. My name is Sarah Frances .. how cool is that? hah!

        • Oh this is super cool that we have the same name! So glad that our sweet friend Becky gave you the book. Hugs!

  7. I have been thinking alot lately about being content in with my second Job which is doing Respite. I love to do it.. but the traveling is a bit much and the mom can be a bit difficult at times. I know this is exactly where God wants me right now! It is funny cause I actually got done doing Respite the end of January cause I had found a different job in town where i didnt have to travel but then that feel through (not my fault) and got a phone calll about 3 weeks later saying they needed Respite for this same gal i was working with before.. God toally orcistrated this becuase For about 3 weeks I was searching and searching for work and even had a couple of interviews but nothing came through so it was all in his timing :) and believe me i did ask “why” this job God becasue he knew how stressed out i was before I got done… He does have a sense of humor!

  8. Through talking to more and more older people about their career paths I’m comforted by the fact that nothing really has to be permanent. Many successful people I’ve talked to made lots of jumps to different types of jobs, following their passions along the way. It makes me feel better about enjoying the moment and knowing I don’t have to have it all figured out right now. God can lead me through many transitions and experiences.

    At the same time I wish I knew more about what I should go after. I’m working on my Ph.D. right now and at the end of this step there is the big choice to be made between industry jobs and going for the job as a professor in academia. I worry sometimes that I want to be a professor because in my current field it is seen as the ideal, what successful people end up as. But going for that will mean many more years of low pay, long hours, and no benefits with no guarantee of success. It’s hard to turn off the desire of wanting to be the ‘best’ and really listen to what God wants for me. I’m still confused, but am comforted knowing I’m where I’m supposed to be right now.

  9. ~”Did you identify with any of the girlfriend case studies? If so, tell us how you identified.”
    I identified with #1 and #2. With #1 I am currently in a job that is not a passion at all (I clean close to 30 pools a week and a house for a couple in our neighborhood); but I know that, financially, these are good stepping-stones to help me finance things that will benefit my future career. With #2 I am a big planner, so, although I never act on any of them, I come up with 3-5 different ideas a day for alternative jobs.

    ~”Do you have a dream job? What is it?”
    God has led me to pursue a career in Music- Singing/Songwriting. Although this scares me to death due to a “fear barrier” I’m trying to break down, my dream job is to inspire people to run back to Christ through the gifts God has granted me.

    ~”What do you think about the idea that sometimes we have to take stepping stone jobs to gain experience and knowledge?”
    Absolutely agree. Whether it be financially to help support our future career, experience-wise to help prepare us, or, like in a college education, the knowledge to get us through.

    Your last paragraph on page 21 really helped motivate me to get going in my career. The Limbo stage has been going on for a bout a year now, and, although music can be an extremely slow process, it’s really time to step up and start taking bigger steps in the right direction instead of staying dormant :) Thank you so much!

    • Kelsey! Thank you for sharing! I think your words about having stepping stone jobs will be a great encouragement to other ladies int he study.

      PS…be sure to wear your sunscreen when cleaning those pools, girl! :)

  10. Hey Everyone! Great stuff so far-loving your thoughts and comments. Would also love to know what your journaled through with the Bible study questions! Feel free to share those answers, too!

  11. I have not received the book yet but I will try to contribute what I can. This post hits home for me rogt now. I have been struggling with this for the last couple of days. I have dreamed of becoming a surgeon since I was in high school. I had the incredible opportunity of volunteering at the hospital, working side by side with a surgeon and discovering my passion. I have graduated with a biology degree but have had some setback with school when it comes to studying for my admission test. I have ben stressing mysel out with working full time and trying to study. The last couple of days I put studying aside and truly focues on myself and it was amazing whata difference it made. I have been praying for God to show me what my true calling is in life and if I am making the right choice. As of now I think I Ned to relinquish control and let Him guide me. From reading this post I realize that this not be the right time for this in my life. I am not sure that I am makIng the right decision but pray that God will take control of my life.

    • Ashley, I totally think you are on the right track. As long as you are seeking God with your whole heart, you will be right where He wants you to be. :)

  12. Oh my! So many great questions to try to respond to, but what hit me between the eyes was remembering how our Father orchestrates everything for us and on our behalf. I’ve been struggling lately with leadership. It seems like it has been a prominent question being raised in my Bible studies lately so I’ve really been pondering it and submission and my response/actions to authority. When I was reading this morning I referenced Psalm 16:5-6 in my Bible (as a reminder it says, “Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.”) From an earlier study I had written in Colossians 3:23-24, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” (Sarah, I loved that you too referenced this passage!) I realized that sometimes my actions are fleshly in response to how I portray certain events. Rather when each situation arises, I need to remember to stop and pray and listen to God’s voice leading me, directing me, and to remember I serve Him! Non-believers will know we are Christians by our actions, they should see Christ in us, we should be set apart! I was so convicted by this. At the same time, God used this same situation to demonstrate to me that some day when, Lord willing, I marry, the leadership of my husband may not always be what I need or how I percieve it should be. Knowing that the Lord is with me and that He is helping to prepare me NOW is truly amazing. There is so much peace in knowing that He does prepare a way for me (and you too!). I may not know now what He has planned, but I remain confident in the future in which He provides (Jeremiah 29:11-14!!). Lastly, I hope this verse encourages you as much as it did (and still does for me) today- Deuteronomy 31:6, “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”

    • I love what you said about being intentional about stopping, listening and following what God is saying to you.

  13. Did you identify with any of the girlfriend case studies? If so, tell us how you identified.

    I identified with girlfriend #1. When I graduated college, I felt like it was the absolute worst time I could have graduated. About a month before I graduated, the local news station announced that theree would be a huge cut in the education budget causing many school districts to have hiring freezes. After I graduated I didn’t have a job and was wondering what to do. I had (and still do sometimes) huge issues of allowing myself to trust God fully with my life and my problems. Needless to say it was very stressful for me. I ended up returning to my home town, and took a position as an interpreter for a deaf student that attended a school for students who could not be in a regular public school. That was truly an eye opener for me. The students around me had no respect for any adult, let alone a 22 year old fresh out of college. Even though the job was challenging I made sure to try my best. It almost broke me. After talking to one of my good friends about my job, and my fear of not ever finding an actual teaching job, she told me that maybe I need to stop being stuborn and give this one to God and ask him what His plans are for me and what He wanted me to do with my life. After that school year, I applied for the teaching position I hold now, and with the help of some of my former coworkers’ recommendations I was able to get this job. I know that God had a plan and I realize now that had He not put things in motion to get be back home and into that interpreting job, who knows if I would have ever found a teaching job… especially one that I love.

    ~Do you have a dream job? What is it?
    I’m currently in it. I am a teacher for deaf/hard of hearing students. Just completed my 3rd year, and I absolutely love it! :)

    ~”What do you think about the idea that sometimes we have to take stepping stone jobs to gain experience and knowledge?”
    I agree with this 100%. There are different reasons for why we take these jobs in the first place. Maybe it is so we can have some sort of income at the time we are looking for this dream job, or to try to gain experience in the area we want to work in. Even when we do finally get into our dream job, we can look back on the knowledge gained through that job to help us in the future.

    I’m so excited for this study. Thanks for doing this Sarah!

  14. This study could not have come at a better time! I’m 21 and I just graduated. I was very blessed to land an intenship at a major corporation. But that’s just it: It’s an internship! I’m limbo wondering where I’ll be next but I’m just tring my best to enjoy where I am to where I’m going. I know if God gave me this internship, He’ll do even greater if I just stay faithful and work hard with this!

  15. Sarah, I’m so thankful I came across your blog a couple of weeks ago and was a lucky winner in your book giveaway.

    I read the first chapter and worked through the journal entries. I’m currently unemployed and have been looking for a job for months without even a single interview. This chapter was beneficial in helping me realize to not be discouraged and trust Him. During this time of waiting, I’m working on patience, strengthening my homemaking skills, and most importantly learning about the Lord. One particular quote stuck out at me:

    “Knowing that I worship the almighty God who created the universe and everything in it assures me that He has everything under control, including my career.” (p. 17)

    I love how Courtney of ends each post with “Walk with the King.” This statement and your book is helping see to keep my eyes on Jesus.

    Also, for quickly finding verses, I’ve been using It’s a handy website.

    This is so exciting to be doing this study with so many women around the world. I’m looking forward to our next “meeting.”

  16. “She was searching endlessly for a dream job she had not yet defined.” That statement really got me thinking. Is part of my problem that I don’t know what I want to do in my dream job? Over the past few days I have thought a lot about what my dream job would look like and all I have come up with is mentoring kids and teens. Honestly, I just want to hang out with them and help them figure out how to make the best and healthiest decisions for themselves based on their circumstances. I already am blessed enough to do that in a few different ways but want it to be a full time gig. Maybe all that I went through this past school year as a first year teacher in the inner city is getting me ready for this? Will my dream job description change over time? I hope so… I want to figure out how to give God control of this aspect of my life and let Him mold it into how He sees me best reaching and making a difference in this world… And I am not so sure teaching in the inner city is in the cards for me again this fall :)

    • Amy, I love that you have a passion for young women! I thought I’d add some insight and tell you that, even if your job isn’t one which you mentor girls, you can always do that outside of work. I’ve found that when I’m not loving my job, I find things outside of work that fulfill me. I’ve been there, where all you want to do is “ministry” (which is what I see you doing in mentoring the girls) but the job is what pays the bills. So, instead of putting all may faith and fulfillment in my job, I looked for things outside of work to serve God and found joy in that. Hope this makes sense. :)

      • Yes! Thank you! I was so worn down by teaching each day that I had trouble finding the energy to keep going once the school day was over. I think I also lost a little bit of hope because the teens I teach are in such awful situations outside of the school day…. Just felt as though whatever I did wasn’t going to make a difference. Beginning to think I made a dent in their lives though :) Honestly I just have to find a better balance amidst teaching and the things outside of it that bring joy into my life. And I maybe have to start by taking a risk to finally put God in the center of it all… A little nerve racking!

        • Amy… I love your heart and I know that you ARE making a big difference in the lives of your students. Though you might not see it now, God will bless you for all of your hard work and love towards those kids.

          • Thank you! I’ve heard that many times over the past year. I just wish I could somehow measure the success and difference that I’ve made… I may never know. I’m learning to be okay with that and still try hard to reach these teens anyways. Little glimpses of hope come my way every once and a while so I hold tight to them. I’m excited to see what happens for me career/professional wise once I feel like I have a little bit more of a handle on the hard stuff that’s going on outside of my job. Tonight I am trying to believe God is in the midst of it all, even if I can’t feel Him.

  17. Just wanted to share something that I read on facebook this morning..

    Sometimes God calms the storm:; sometimes he lets the storm rage and calms his child :)

    I know that i needed to hear this this morning and I hope that this will bless you ladies as well!

  18. ~What do you think about the idea that sometimes we have to take stepping stone jobs to gain experience and knowledge?

    Yes I agree with this totally…. I believe that at one time I was at a job that was helping me get into a job at some point but it never happened.. I was hoping to be a para educator so i took all the testing i needed to and was subbing at different schools. But it just never happened and i think it was all part of Gods plan.. that he had something different in store for me.. different from what i thought.

  19. It is so wonderful to discuss these issues and have an outlet –so BIG thanks for this opportunity Ms. Sarah Martin:) I agree with many of you that it feels like we need to have it all figured out as soon as we graduate college. I am a planner and my mind races with what to do next. I also have “tunnel” vision like mentioned in the book and tend to set a goal and do everything in my power to reach it…even when that means neglecting people and neglecting to ask God for help. I have recently realized this and accepted that it is all in God’s control. I have always had a passion for dance and performance and God has always allowed me an opportunity to perform until after I graduated. Auditions for fine arts can be BRUTAL, demeaning, and heartbreaking….but I know I am enduring failure for a good reason. After my last “cut” I have become a better person and Christian and am loving life more every second. I have come to realize that God has a plan for me and I need to stop pushing it and be patient. Even though we may find ourselves working jobs that are irrelevant to our dream careers….we must learn to be patient and trust God completely. I know I pray and tell myself that it is in His timing…but…I really need to trust him wholeheartedly.

    I don’t know if anyone else feels this way…but I honestly have no idea of what my “dream job” is….just many similar passions and ideas that I don’t know how to form into one job. I have faith in God and know that he will reveal my purpose in his perfect timing!! Just remember friends…..we don’t have to have it all figured out because He does and will reveal it when we are truly faithfully ready!


    • Hannah! Oh how I love your perspective, girlfriend! And, yes… we don’t have to have it all figured out. Well said, girlfriend!

  20. I am still waiting on my Book so I have not started this Bible study, but I was wondering if someone could pray for me. It is perfect that this week is about careers because that is what the pray request is about. I have an oppurtunity to get a job at this hospitality design firm, however I have worked at two other firms just like it and it didn’t seem to work out so well. So I have been struggling over what to do all week, I have been given the chance to contact this company but I am not sure I want to work at a design firm again. Thank you

    • Jodi! Praying now. Father God, we ask that You shine your light on Jodi’s work situation and give her direction for what she should do. Give her a heart to hear Your voice and follow Your will. In Jesus Name, Amen.

      Fill us in on what you decided when you get a chance!

      • Sarah and Rebecca and everyone else on this lovely blog. I ended up calling about that Job and the lady gave me a call back today. I sent over my resume and she said she would get back to me to setup a formal interview. At first I was completely against taking this job, but I am starting to feel like maybe this is just a stepping stone for me. Or it could really end up being what I really need and I thank you for praying for me. And I thank God for letting me have this chance to do this. I would also like to pray that I do get the formal interview and something God willing great will come out of this. Thank you I feel so up lifted right now. Thank you God

  21. I had to chuckle when I realized that one of the first verses mentioned in this study was Proverbs 3:5-6. Throughout college and beyond, it has become readily apparent that this is my “life verse.” There are countless examples of when God gives this verse to me, at the exact time that I really need it. Quick example – my church puts on a worship program at Christmas where we are encouraged to invite our friends, neighbors, etc. Last year, one of the things that the choir did was to write down verses on 3×5 cards that spoke to them during their preparation for the program. After our pastor spoke, everyone in the congregation was invited to the front to take a 3×5 card at random, in the hopes that the verse would speak to us as well. I quickly grabbed a card and headed back to my seat. As I sat down and flipped the card over, there was Proverbs 3:5-6 written on the card. This is only one example of when God tells me exactly what I need to remember.

    It seems like we do all have one thing in common besides being twenty-somethings; we all struggle with trusting God with complete control over our lives. I totally agree with Shari, there is IMMENSE peace in knowing that God has it all figured out – my problem is wanting to be let in on the entire plan for my life. As God has brought Proverbs 3:5-6 into my life, I have reflected on what it REALLY means to trust God with EVERYTHING. I just graduated from college and at the beginning of my last semester, I made a decision to fervently pray for God to direct me down the path that He wanted me to go job-wise, not just the path that I wanted to take. Every time I think about this conscious effort to follow the Lord’s will for my life, I find myself believing in it more and more. I know that He has equipped me with the tools I need. The new attitude that I adopted was shocking to me — sometimes it felt odd that I didn’t feel like crying when I thought about leaving college and what was comfortable, whenever someone mentioned how many days until graduation or when someone gave me a discouraging look after I say I’d like to find a job in the area of my college. While I am far from completely trusting God ALL the time, I hope you are encouraged by the little progress that I have made in the trust department.

    • PS Here is a great quote that I just saw on Pintrest: “The Bible never once says ‘figure it out’ but over and over it says ‘trust God’. He’s already got it all figured out.”

    • Katelyn!
      I love how your new attitude of Bold Confident Trust in the Lord was initially shocking to you! Isn’t it fun to see how the Lord molds and changes us?!


  22. ~How do you think bold factors into trusting God with our career as we wait on His ultimate guidance and direction? (hint: think about the world’s standards for taking control of our own career, forging our own path in the world.)

    I am having a hard time with this one but i guess maybe prayer.. and being patient, waiting on the Lord after we have prayed and trusting that His will will be done.. in his perfect timing. Not doing it ourselves but trusting in him!

    • Yes! I have a hard time with the “not doing it ourselves” part myself, but I’m working on that every day and strengthening my trust in Him.

  23. How can you seek Him today with boldness and confidence (in God) that He will come through with a job and career best suited for you?

    Remembering Scripture Like Jer 29:11 and Rom 8:28 and having faith..

  24. Sarah,

    I am SO thankful for this book and online study. I’m 22 and a recent graduate. This season is so unlike any other season I’ve been in; “the UNKNOWN”. Perfect timing for the Stress Points study!

    Also on the question (pg. 18): “In what ways is your career or your pursuit of a career stressing you out these days?”
    – Well, my current career (I’m a barista) doesn’t stress me out. Nor does the pursuit of another career stress me. My parents actually are my stress points when it comes to career. They pressure me to continue to look for higher paying, “professional” jobs because I have a college degree. However, I know the Lord has placed me in my current workplace, as a barista, for a reason. I know my parents just want the best for me, but I’m trusting the Lord that this is where he has me for this time.

    Should I still continue to search for other jobs as my parents are urging?

    • Candace,
      I am sure this might be tough for you. I talk alot about family relationships in Stress Point. What do you think about sitting down with your parents for a real heart to heart to share with them why you want to stay at your current job? Also, be open to really hearing their heart as well. I totally get what you are saying, but as a mom myself, I totally see their side too. The best thing I can tell you to do with out knowing your whole situation and family dynamic is ramp up the communication. Thoughts?

      • Well I’ve tried communicating with them (mostly my mom, my dad’s more understanding). My mom just wants me to make “good money” while I’m young, so that I can save and not worry when I’m older. However, I’m not worried about money right now and I’m saving what I can from my current pay. I know that Jesus will provide, and in His timing I’ll be in the job I need to be in making a great salary. It’s all in His timing. I just wish my mom would trust that more…

  25. Pingback: Stress Point Week 1 Girlfriend Interview

  26. List out some things regarding your job/career that you just don’t understand. Do you trust that He orchestrates it all for your good?

    ~ Why I dont get paid for gas to bring my client home

    ~ why her mom wont volunteer to come and get her at least once a week.

    ~ Why communication is so awful between everyone and i never find anything out, if so its very last minute!

    Yes I believe he orchistrates this for my good and has a reason for all of these things… especially the communication piece!

  27. Hello, GOD BLESS You ALL!!! My name is Yolani I am a 29 year old, Civil Engineering student with a big story in my hands… after been apart from the Lord is been only a year since a I’ve got back into the right path…

    ~ Do you have a dream job? What is it? I had my dream job once that is what I thought but I quit by ignorance.

    ~ What do you think about the idea that sometimes we have to take stepping stone jobs to gain experience and knowledge? After I quit that job I have had two other jobs both totally out of line with my line of studies but the one I am at now has been a blessing. Reality is I don’t love my actual job but as a Sales clerk I am in touch with so many people and I hear to so many amazing stories. That each day I able to bless someone with simple words my heart rejoices.

    ~ How do you think bold factors into trusting God with our career as we wait on His ultimate guidance and direction? I know the Lord have a great job waiting for me somewhere my gifts and talents could be used to fulfill his purposes and as I keep growing as a re-born Christian I am able to understand and take a step back and wait for his time not mine.

    ~ Do you trust that He orchestrates it all for your good? My belief goes further, sometimes we may have sinned or made a wrong decision but the Lord always manages to turn our scars from the past in something beautiful in his hands.

    • Yolani! Welcome! I am so glad you mentioned your beliefs to the question: Do you trust that He orchestrates it all for your good.” I totally agree with you. Our decisions (sins, bad decisions) do effect our life. God often allows us to suffer the consequences for those bad decisions we’ve made in sin. I think He also uses the consequences for our good and orchestrates everything for our good in His mercy and love. We don’t always see it right away, but He uses everything- our good stuff and our junk- to His perfect purpose.

      Great stuff, thanks for bringing this point up!

  28. Dear Sarah,

    This is very encouraging! I just found out about your blog a week ago, so catching up, currently reading the first chapter.
    I just made the decision to go into full-time missions and to basically give up a payed career. Since I decided to take that path, job offers seem to come towards me like crazy. Seeking God and trusting Him and not to rely on my own understanding (which would be; go for security and take the job right now :) was a challenge. This chapter made me set my goals in alinement with God and that is always the best option.
    Thank you for being so encouraging!

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