Week 1: Hide It In Your Heart

There you have it! Week 1 of the Stress Point Online Study! What do you think? Are you making time to actually write out your journal thoughts and Bible study answers in the Stress Point journal sections?


If you are joining us late, it is totally ok. As I’ve mentioned in the Welcome Video, I will archive all of the content and you can find it in the navigation bar.

Please feel free to send me your thoughts…

Speaking of which one of our super cool Stress Point study members, Meg, suggested that we do Scripture memory together this summer.

Ok, I’m going to get totally honest here. I am not very good at memorizing Scripture. I know a handful of verses by memory and I need to get better at this. Hiding Scripture in our hearts is a sure fire way to battle the enemy and reassure ourselves of ABSOLUTE TRUTH. I am so glad that Meg suggested this so let’s get going on it!

Every other week ON FRIDAYS we will post new Scripture to memorize. Meg has agreed to help me pick out which verses we’d like to do together. So on Fridays, we will check in and see how everyone is doing. Feel free to offer up tips on how you memorize your verses!

Week 1 &2 Scripture Memory Verses (this one should be VERY familiar!)

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,

and do not lean on your own understanding.

In all your ways acknowledge him,

and he will make straight your paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6 ESV)

***NOTE: Use whatever Bible translation you are most comfortable with.


Ok… so…what do you think? What kinds of tips and tricks do you use to memorize Bible verses? Index cards? Writing it on your hand in pink paint pen…just kidding. But seriously, would love to hear it. Leave a comment and let’s encourage each other!




Week 1: Hide It In Your Heart — 53 Comments

  1. I use index cards the ones with the spiral bound not the loose ones and I carry it with me where ever I go if you are waiting at an appt like the dentist or something its a good time to pull it out and work on memorizing scripture ( I need to get better at doing this so someone please remi me if I am using my time wisely while waiting at appointments!)

    • That’s great, Meg! My sister does that also, and she has so many note cards it’s crazy! (and I mean CRAZY; she even tapes them to her wall in her room)

      I use a method where you read the verse, pray the verse back to God, write the verse, and meditate on it throughout the week. It really helps me get the Word “in” me and have living understanding.

      • Candace! I LOVE your method. I do this when I’m prayer journaling (showed alot of it in Stress Point) but I’m going to take it a step further with Scripture memory. Thanks for sharing!!!

      • Yes! what a great Idea Candace! I would love to try that! maybe i will try it this week with our verse:)

        Oh and i also have index cards on my bathroom mirror! I will have more indes cards on my wall in my bedroom once i get it painted!!

    • Great idea, Meg! I have a spiral bound binder that needs to be put to good use! So glad you brought up this idea for Scripture memory! Loving all the community forming here!

  2. I have a corkboard tile I got from Target where I put up my “verse of the week” index card. I posted the tile in the kitchen…where I am most of the time. So, in the morning, when I’m making my coffee…when I’m cooking. When I’m just passing through there to grab a snack, I see it.

    I write them in different colors each week on an index card so my eyes don’t get bored visually seeing the same color over and over again.

    One of my friends puts verses on her wallpaper on her phone and her computer each week. Great way to see it daily!

    I’m not the best at remembering scripture…I can remember the chapter, verse, and even the book it came from…but the words escape me.

    Have a great weekend! Love the study so far! So glad you have the journaling component in here…very good to help us process it all and pull it all together with Scripture!

  3. “When I suffer, this comforts me: Your word gives me life.” Psalm 119:50

    I have used http://scripturetyper.com/ and just got the app for my iPad… looking forward to memorizing more scripture. I also love finding songs that use verses I want to remember. When I’m teaching Sunday school, my girls and I come up with fun hand motions to put to important verses that we learn and I have found it helps all of us to remember them better.

    After being given a few different verses from The Voice translation, I decided to look it up! I found out that on their website you can download the new testament for free right now! http://www.hearthevoice.com/

  4. A really good way to memorize Scripture is to write each word on a slip of paper and put the scripture in front of you…read through it, then turn one word over. Each time you read through turn another word over until you have memorized it!

  5. I’m so thankful for this Bible study. I was raised with Christian values, but grew up not attending church. I’m in my late-20s and foolishly believed that I didn’t need to go to church. Then, a couple of months ago someone said something to me that made me stop and think. He said, “we’re not meant to go through things alone; church provides us with a community.” As of right now, I still don’t attend church, because I’m not sure how to go about finding one. What do I look for? Does anyone have some tips? I appreciate any suggestions. Thank you in advance.

    For the past several months, I’ve been reading Bible stories and Christian articles and blogs. Through these resources and this study, I have a new perspective. I’m not the type of person that journals, but wanting to make the most out of this study, I’m spending the time necessary to respond to all of the questions. I do believe the journal entries are beneficial. Reading something is great, but actually thinking and applying what you read is what is bringing me closer to God.

    In regards to memorizing Bible verses, I’ve never done it before, but I’d like to try. This week’s verse is wonderful, especially considering the chapter we just covered.

    I’m looking forward to discussing the second chapter this Monday. Have a lovely weekend, everyone!

    • Bree-I’m so glad that you are looking into finding a church. The BIGGEST thing to look and ask the church leadership is:

      ~Do they believe that Jesus is the Son of God, He died on the Cross, He rose from the dead three days later reigns in Heaven?
      ~Do they believe that the only way to God is by believing that Jesus is your savior?
      ~Do they believe in the Holy Spirit and that He is part of the Trininty-God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit?
      ~Do they Believe that the Bible is the word of God and is it centerpiece of all preaching messages?

      Do you feel welcome there by the people at the church? Do they have ways to get involved and be a part of the community?

      This is a lot of heavy stuff to think about. Feel free to send me an email via the contact button and we can chat some more!

      • Thank you for your suggestions, Sarah. I’m excited to find a church and will pray for patience while in my search.

      • I love your tips on finding the right church. I feel a lot of people are searching for a church that connects them and makes them feel closer to God. The church that I go to feels like family. I know most of the people since I was little and I never really tired to search for a new one. I have attended various churches through friends. We should have a discussion more about this topic. I wonder if my church is the right one now. Where I pray don’t matter to me as much as long as my connection with God is there. GLORY!

    • Hi Bree!!

      My suggestion for your out finding a church is that to find one that talk about havin a relationship with Jesu because it’s not aboutreligion it’s about a relationship with Jesus! Also one that you are comfortable with. Also that they teach from the bibl. Hope this helps!

    • I am in the same boat. I do not attend church either but would like too. I do not have many friends and i am looking to make more. I had no clue how to about looking for a church. it is nice to know i am not alone! Good luck in your search!

      • Hi, kristen barkdull. You’re definitely not alone. I don’t have many friends either. I want to be included in a community and help serve others. I’m praying the Lord will direct me to where He wants me to fellowship. I’ve heard that you should visit a church at least three times before making a decision. This may be a time consuming process, but it’s definitely worth pursuing.

      • I too am “church-less” for the moment. My thing is that I can get nervous connecting with people I don’t know, and sometimes I fear rejection (both of which are lies from the enemy). It is nice to know I’m not alone also!

        • I know what you mean, Candace Phillips. I also get nervous connecting with new people and fear rejection. You’re right, both are just lies. I’m trying to change by getting out of my comfort zone and doing new things.

          • Hey! I’m thinking about doing a blog post about the need for Church and touch on the very valid concerns that you all have expressed on this post. Is there anything else you’d like me to talk about re: finding a church, etc?

    • It’s hard to find a good church, especially if you do not know what to look for. Sarah gave the most important points and so long as you pray to God to find the truth, He will lead you.

      There are different beliefs to this, but I think it is important that the church believes that you must also be baptized to be saved in addition to your spiritual belief of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. There is scriptural examples that talk about baptism, but again, many people have many different beliefs about this.
      An offering of the Lord’s supper at the beginning of every week is also important to me, but again some people feel this is a “tradition”.

      I actually recently grew out of my long-time church, so I am thankful for Sarah’s study for us. Lately I’ve been watching sermons online from a church in a neighboring county. The sermons are Bible based (another very important factor) and I think the pastor is really motivating, once you get past all the singing lol. If you’re interested you can visit http://www.idlewild.org and download podcasts anytime or watch live broadcasts during their service hours (Eastern St. Time). Maybe you can search online through Google, “Christian church (your city name)” and see what comes up?

      Many churches now have websites where you can read what they are about. Don’t just trust what they “say” though, go experience it and decide for yourself.

      • Thank you for responding, Ashley H. I’m praying God will lead me to where He wants me to fellowship. I’m going to look into Idlewild’s podcasts, so thank you for that recommendation. I agree with what you said about experiencing churches. I’ve heard you should visit a church at least three times before making a decision. This may be a lengthily process in finding a church, but I’m very motivated.

        • Yes! I agree-Great Ideas coming all the way from FRANCE! Isn’t it neat that our group is international!?!

          • Sarah dear glad to be able to connect all the way from France!:) Thanks for being such a great person and for putting this Bible study together!I go to a Church called International because it’s English-Speaking , I love International connections.

            Meg I’m glad you liked my ideas!:)

  6. I have been writing my verses down on notecards and I leave them at my computer. So everytime I am at my computer which is mostly everyday especially with this Awsome Bible study I see them.

  7. Ladies just wanted to share that this morning I was in junior church and I guess there is a kids sing based on pro 3:5-6 and we sang it and I thought of all of us! Memorizing this scripture together!!!

  8. Sarah

    Yes i would. How about how do you know you fit into the church? or if its a right fit for you? I am having a hard time with this one right now.. there arent alot of young people in my church so i have a hard time staying connected. well i do stay connected but its with older people! which i am not saying is wrong.. but people my age would be nice!

    • Sarah, I think that’s an awesome idea that you’re thinking about doing a post about the need for church. The concerns Meg Derosier mentioned above are questions I’ve been contemplating, too. Additionally, I’m wondering how I go about selecting a denomination. Thank you!

  9. Hey everyone!

    I have a testimony from today. I was really nervous about visiting a church I’d visited earlier this year. I prayed about it last night (Sat. night), and I felt like I should go today. Well. it was definitely a battle this morning deciding whether or not I wanted to go. I prayed this morning also, telling the Lord how nervous I was. I ended up going (I was about an hour late, ahhh!) and I felt so at peace and so blessed. Abba was so good and faithful to help me step out and leave fear behind so that I could be in community (not to mention He gave me several confirmations also!). All that to say, be encouraged in praying about what church to attend and break agreement with any lies or fear that would keep you from being immersed in community. The Lord is so faithful to hear our prayers and concerns and respond by helping you step out so that you can be in the fullness of where He’s called you to be.

    • Wonderful news! I’m so happy for you, Candace!! I’m praying about finding a church and being included in a community. Thank you for sharing your inspirational story.

    • I am so glad to hear that you felt at peace and belonging. Yes God is great and finding a church that feels like family is hard. Keep searching- and just don’t settle for the easiest access. I love how you prayed about it the night before. God is wonderful.

  10. I type the verse out on my computer then print it out and tape it to my bath room mirror where I can see it every morning, through out the day and at night!

  11. Pingback: Stress Point Week 4: Touching Base

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