No Mater What

Just a few thoughts to ponder today…

No matter your employment situation…or lack thereof…Jesus is bigger than your bank account. He yearns for you to seek Him in your time of need. Trust Him. Serve Him first.

No matter your feelings of uncertainty in life…Jesus reigns on the Throne of Grace. He is bigger than any turmoil stirring in your heart, your life and the world around you.

No matter how frustrated you get during political season…Politicians are not messiah. They will not save the world, they will not flip a switch and make things better overnight…they are only HUMAN. We need godly men and women in office, but Jesus is bigger than the antics of Washington.

No matter what…let us be a generation that looks to JESUS for our direction and peace in life. Let us be a generation that clings to Him when life twists and turns uncontrolably. Let us be a generation that RISES UP and proclaims the authority of our King in every area of life, even when it is unpopular or uncomfortable.

Source: Pinterest


I will extol you, my God and King,

and bless your name forever and ever.

Every day I will bless you

and praise your name forever and ever.

Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised,

and his greatness is unsearchable.

One generation shall commend your works to another,

and shall declare your mighty acts.

On the glorious splendor of your majesty,

and on your wondrous works, I will meditate.

They shall speak of the might of your awesome deeds,

and I will declare your greatness.

They shall pour forth the fame of your abundant goodness

and shall sing aloud of your righteousness. {Psalm 145:1-7}


Do you have a NO MATTER WHAT to add? Leave a comment. Let’s chat.


No Mater What — 21 Comments

  1. My no mater what is… No matter my Jobsituation God is in control and I need to trust him even though I get frustrated at times he is above all!!

  2. I also wanted to share that this post reminds me of the song no matter what by Kerrie Roberts I am in my iPhone so not sure how to link it but go to you tube and take a listen!

  3. Sarah,

    Thank you for posting this….it’s good to be remind that Jesus owns it all. Because of that, we shall not worry about anything…regardless of the situation.

  4. Amen sista’…It seems sometimes people forget politicians can’t control our path, we should all remember that Jesus will be the one to carry us through the future no matter who is elected in government offices.

    Here is my “No matter what”

    NO MATTER WHAT your relationship status is or if you’re feeling lonely…Jesus is the one you will always have to comfort you…He will always love you unconditionally, trust that He has a plan to bring you happiness and bliss.

    & lately I’ve been very fearful of the world we are living in..the nightly news just brings scary story after scary story, but it is all the reality of the place where we live. I’m sometimes scared of where all the hurt will lead our world in the future. But I try to remember…

    NO MATTER WHAT Jesus is holding our hand every step of the way, He is shedding his light on us daily and NO MATTER WHAT, if we have lived a life pleasing to Him, He will bring us to our eternal home where there is no hurt.

    On a separate note, our local news recently did a follow up report on a 17 year old pregnant girl that went missing one mid-night in July. She only had her cell phone. Police have zero leads and her disappearance is so out of character that her mother now believes she is no longer alive. It’s these types of stories that make me so fearful. Please pray for her safety, that she may come home alive with her baby..and if not, to allow her family to have closure and comfort in the Lord.

  5. Thanks I needed this today. Jesus is BIGGER than my bank account. I know my ways are right and just. I need to hold onto my faith and not let doubt walk all over me. Time and time again I see people in good places and I keep wondering when I am going to get there in a good place in my life. I guess the saying goes “the grass is not greener on the other side”. I should be grateful for what I have and for the most part I am blessed with healthy life. Just some days like today I was feeling down and sorry for my self because where I am today was not the way I pictured myself 10 years ago.

    • I totally hear you Jane! I feel the exact same way! I always get jealous of other people cause their jobs seemto go steady whereine has been up and down for several years!

      I felt like a failure in some of my jobs as well but it turns out that God has something better for me I’m the sense that I have lost a couple of jobs. !! Or if we are in that job that we don’t care for we need to trust him cause he wants us there for a reason

      • Hey girls! Wanted to encourage you with this:

        No matter where you are in life, as long as you are right at the throne of the King and focused on Him, you are right where you need to be.


    • I totally hear ya, Jane. It is tempting to do the “grass is greener” thing. Stay close to your Jesus. If you cling to Him and His word, He will show you life much better than you could ever dream on your own.

  6. :No matter what i am going through in my life, I have to keep reminding myself that God is in control. Everything that happens is to prepare me for something that he has planned for me. (Reading Jeremiah 29:11-14)

  7. Thank you for this post Sarah! I am so thankful for the words of wisdom and encouragement you post on your blog. This is exactly what I needed today!

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