For this week’s LIST I would love for you to hop on over to a new website that I’m a part of…

iBelieve is a brand spankin’ new site for 20/30 somethings so you can only imagine how excited I was when they asked me to be a part of the team. There are all kinds of articles on the site about faith, relationships, health and fashion and it is constantly being updated. I know you will love it as much as I do. I decided it would be fun to incorporate this week’s LIST in to the article I wrote for iBelieve.

Here is a little snippet of a Christmas article I wrote for them…

The room was filled to the brim with nativity scenes. As I sat at my table at a charity luncheon, I absorbed it all with awe and wonder as sweet ladies delicately displayed their priceless family heirlooms. I took in the meticulously painted ceramic nativities and adored the decadently decorated scenes. But the one I loved the most (a hit with everyone, in fact) was the little nativity crafted by an eight year old boy who used pipe cleaners. You can imagine how that particular one warmed each of our hearts as we imagined a sweet young boy with impressive creativity.

I love how our Lord allows us a peek into the real life scene of the birth of our savior, Jesus. Something in particular stands out to me with in the first chapter of the book of Matthew. An angel appeared to Joseph and announced such an endearing fact about the upcoming birth.

“Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel” (which means God with us). Matthew 1:23 ESV

The very King of Kings and Creator of the universe would become God with us. Our God did not chose to stay in heaven on His mighty throne to rule over us from a distance. But rather, He sent His son Jesus to be with us, to forgive us and to bring us closer to the Father. The fact that He chose to orchestrate this miraculous birth among humble and even common folk further reminds us that God means what He says that His son Jesus would be “God with us.” As Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, the lowly sheep, the kingly wise men and even the angels took their place in a scene that would forever change the landscape of history, we too have our part in the Nativity.

Will you step into that scene over 2000 years ago in ancient Israel this Christmas season?


READ the rest of the article by clicking HERE

Then come back and list what role in the Nativity you will take TODAY.


THE LIST — 2 Comments

  1. Great Article Sarah! I have to say that the role that i would like to take/ believe this Season is that God is with me.. all the time no matter where I am… This is a very hard convept for me to grasp!

    As I have mentioned before I have a hard time sharing my faith/ Beliefs with others… especially my family.

    As far as worship goes it was very hard for me this past sunday to worship and sing praise cause i was sick and kept couging so it was hard for me to sing!

    But I do believe that I have been a service to others!! Which I am thankful for!

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