In The Middle Of Questions

The benefit of simply standing still in the middle of questions.

I dislike unanswered questions. I’ve been known to badger those who have answers to my burning questions to the point of annoyance. It’s not fun to stand in the middle of a bunch of question marks floating around, sometimes spinning around me like a tornado. Swirls of life uncertainties makes me feel vulnerable and exposed. Lack of control gives me the jitters! Anyone else?

After an interesting blog conversation last week with THIS POST I realized that many of us live in unanswered questions about life, about careers, about faith. I thought I would share a reader email with you (with permission from the reader, of course). This question surrounds the topic of finding your dream job and navigating careers but it also encompasses what many of us are experiencing –– that we are standing in the middle of questions.

Here is part of the reader’s email:

I don’t know what my dream job is right now and that’s frustrating because it’s hard to work towards an invisible target. I’m ok with not having my dream job right out of college. I mean, if I obtain my dream job at 23, what am I going to do with the rest of my life? (Besides get married and have children which is my real dream job but presently unobtainable). While I’m definitely grateful for these last 10 months here, I’m ready to move on. But where? How? What are my goals, long-term and short-term? What do I want to do with my life or even just my single years? Where do I step next? Those are questions I can’t answer right now and for a goal-driven planner, that’s aggravating.

Raise your hand if you ever feel like this about life in general? ME! It is difficult to stand in the middle of questions–frustrating. I invite you today to not run away from those questions swirling around you but instead stand still right in the middle of  the questions –– even if answers are nowhere in sight. It is when we stand still in the middle of questions that God grows and builds our faith. Our questions don’t aggravate Jesus (in fact, I believe He strongly welcomes our questions and doubts). Though He doesn’t always provide clear cut answers right when WE think we need them, the Lord is ready and willing to pour out His peace upon us so we live in contentment of our present circumstances rather than in turmoil.

I love the Bible passage where Jesus and His disciples were out on the boat in the middle of a wild storm. Jesus was sound asleep, not worried about a thing. The disciples woke Him up, begging for Jesus to “save them.” Check out what Jesus did,

But He said to them, “Why are you fearful, O you of little faith?” Then He arose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm. So the men marveled, saying, “Who can this be, that even the winds and the sea obey Him?” (Matthew 8:26-27)

In the middle of the storm and in the middle of our tornado of swirling questions, Jesus brings calm and peace. Of course the winds of the storm obeyed Him, for He is the creator of the universe –– the winds are at His command.

Let’s take time to embrace the swirling of questions in our life knowing that by standing still in the middle of the storm (life’s uncertainty) we find our powerful and awesome Creator, Jesus, who is in control.


Standing still in the middle of questions means we…

~take the opportunity to build up our prayer life. Pray harder and enjoy real conversations with God.

~take the opportunity to build up our trust in God’s timing and His plan.

~take time to be grateful for the “now” as we ask questions about the future. There is life to LIVE in the now and lessons to learn that bring us closer to God and strengthen our belief that He is in control.

Answers to the questions will come. I think that it is in the journey of standing still in the middle of questions which is more important than the actual answers. This is hard to see at the moment…the moment when we feel overwhelmed by the storm of questions. It is hard to just stand still. I encourage you to pray today for God to pour out His peace upon you as you trust Him while you stand in the middle of questions. He is faithful to calm the storm.

Would love to hear your thoughts. Leave a comment…let’s chat!


In The Middle Of Questions — 20 Comments

  1. Boy can I relate to that readers e-mail! I feel the exact same way! I have been searching for my purpose for awhile now and i still don’t have a clue. I feel stuck! My life has kind of stalled and i dont know where to go from here…

    • Kristen, As we talked about in Stress Point, our purpose is found when we focus on Jesus first–I think I talked about it in the Self Image chapter. Keep spending time in the WORD and in Prayer. I encourage you to seek Jesus rather than seeking out your purpose. When you do that, He WILL give you direction. Hugs!

      • Thank you sarah. I just read this quote in Grace for thr Good Girl by Emily P. Freeman: “are you trying to be who Jesus wants you to be? Or do you trust him to bring out who he has already created you to be? It is vital to recognize the difference between these two questions because one leads to death, the other leads to life.”

  2. I totally relate, too. I have many unanswered questions. However, I’ve been using this time to start reading the Bible, participate in studies, and actively pray. My focus word for 2013 is TRUST, which is helping me with my anxiety. I have to share this awesome quote from Pastor Steven Furtick: “Enjoy the journey because the destination is a mirage.”

  3. This post has been such a blessing to me. My pastor quoted this same scripture on Sunday and after having a very rough night reading this scripture in your post reminded of how Jesus is always with me in the boat ready to calm the storm.

    • Hi Ro, I love how God uses several people to get our attention and pour out His love on us. I hope you are able to get some rest. Hugs!

  4. Thank you for this great post Sarah, I so needed it today!:)
    I totally agree with you , every time I prayed and asked the Lord to take my hopes , fears and dreams and do what He wanted , and trusted Him , He offered me the best!
    I have a great story about it from my Summer 2011 ; I was supposed to go to TX for vacation and it ended up being cancelled, so my whole summer was changed , I was frustrated at first, as I needed to see the US and my amazing TX friends.Then I was was like ” Lord, you know best and you want my good, you do have a plan for this summer even if it’s not what I expected!” After that I felt led to take that summer off just for God Church and me and just consecrate that summer to Him and others.I ended up volunteering for my church’s VBS and going to our Sunmer Bible Institute.I also only read Christan books and listened to Christian music only.
    Well it was a beautiful blessing and turn out. I learned much about service that summer .And 2 amazing things happened taht Summer one of my closest friend who I really wanted to see actually came to help with the VBS and during that VBS I also met one of my closest friends now who have helped me through so much and I also met my present prayer partner!

    Also lately I was discouraged about what my life would look like but the Lord started pourring blessing after blessing and opening doors after I really handed all my plans over to Him.
    Our God is an AWESOME God!

  5. Wow!
    I can toally relate to that readers email and thoughts! But in the waiting and seeking we find God so much more, well thats my experience anyway. I applied for a job that I thought was going to be ‘perfect’ and I was going to be the ‘perfect’ for for it becaus i was so passionate about it…but I didnt get it. I was convinced that God was lweaing me right into the role, but it just didnt work out that way…it left me asking what that process had been about if not for the job…but I have learnt what waiting really looks like and also that no matter where I think my life is going…God really have his own plan and he also chooses the timing. He also has me right where he wants me…and he takes my passion for life and uses it for His glory…last weeks list was such a good exercise for realising the joy in the small things of work! :)
    Thanks for this

  6. Yes, I totally understand as well.. I struggle especially with the what ifs…. But the other day i did a Pro/Con exercise to kind of get my mind at ease! I am struggling with my life purpose and what i am supposed to be doing.. I feel like i need to be involved in everything and say yes to everything! I need to realize that these may not be Gods will for me maybe her put them in my path to say no. Which is so HARD for me to do!

  7. This is my favorite post of yours :) I have more unaswerwd questions than answered. I never thought about how it doesn’t bother the Lord to ask him and pour our hearts of to Him. It makes me want to spend more time telling Him how I feel and I mean REALLY feel like the stuff you don’t even want to tell a friend.

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