The List

Weird week don’t you think? Good week, but since the holiday was Monday and Tuesday I’m totally off my schedule. This makes for a very confused girl, I tell ya!

Last week we listed out what we learned in 2012. I LOVED reading your thoughts and life lessons. Great stuff. How about we bounce off of that theme for this week and list what we are looking forward to in 2013. Here is my LIST.


What I’m looking forward to in 2013…

~Some fun opportunities to travel and speak a conferences. I love connecting on the blog with young adult women…totally. But it is an extra special treat to connect in person!

~Working on my next book project! (More on this later…)

~Trying new art techniques and taking new classes. This is a new hobby of mine. A way for me to decompress expand my creativity.

~Enjoying each season this year. That’s one thing I did really well last year as I made time to take deep breaths and enjoy the blooms in spring, the chill out time in Summer, the red and orange leaves in Fall and now Winter!! Please let it snow, Lord!


Now it is your turn. Take some time to LIST a few things YOU are looking forward to in the new year.

Leave a comment, let’s chat!


The List — 10 Comments

  1. Hi Sarah! Gah, can’t wait to find out what your new book is about! =)

    1) I’m looking forward to (God-willing) marrying my guy/best friend this year!

    2) Working more diligently on my WIP novel.

    3) Painting and sketching and crafting with my Creative Group Ladies on Thursday’s.

    4) Moving out on my own for the first time in my life.

    5) Hopefully getting involved in a new Church/Ministry.

  2. hi! i have actually 21 things on my list :p just gonna write my top 5

    1. Getting married
    2. get my scholarship and quit my job
    3. visit 10 new cities
    4. live in another country for a month
    5. finding a job in line with my new career

  3. This year I am goint to wokon:

    1)Reading the bible all the way through or mostly through it

    2) Step out of my comfort zone more and get some healing from my PTSD

    3) Follow though on things especially with babysitting i say one thing and then dont follow though with it.. discipling or even with eating meals… I am bound and determined to eat at the kitchen table and eat dinner instead of in the living room which is so easy to do!

  4. Well here we go:
    1) Grow in my relationship with God
    2) more opportunities to serve God and others
    3) Graduating College
    3)moving to TX God-Willing long term
    4) meet an amazing Christian guy why not!?:)

  5. 1. Reading the Bible every day. I’m using God Sightings: The One Year Bible, NLT by Tyndale.
    2. Participate in more online Bible studies.
    3. Hopefully, get a job this year.
    4. Travel, if #3 happens.

  6. 1. Give, give, give as much as I can – time and money.
    2. Road trips with friends to Washington, DC.
    3. Praying about switching gears and going back to college for an entirely different career.
    4. Seeing what opportunities and people God is going to send my way.
    5. Continuing to pray for guidance about a private matter – God knows.

  7. Ugh, there’s so much to put here..and I hope and pray somehow I will figure out a way to make it all happen.

    1.) Have a productive year..whether in my personal life, spiritual life, or career path. I want this year to be different and defining.
    2.) Grow with God and others…find a church/churches I can be apart of that will help me grow in Christ in the way that I desire.
    3.) Develope a spiritual partnership with my significant other so that we can grow and be productive in Christ, together.
    4.) Live It Out…really show my faith through works this year.
    5.) Be accepted into a state university so I can start on my junior year working towards my bachelor’s.
    6.) Use my creative talents more often
    5.) Get out of Florida

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