Humble Pie. Yep…that’s what I had to eat this week. The reason for no blogs  is because I was flat on my back for the better part of the week. I pulled a weird muscle in my back…ouchie. This happens to me several times a year as I have a bad back in general.

What better way to do this week’s LIST than to celebrate that humble pie. Have you ever been served a plate? The best way to eat it is to grab a fork, maybe spray on some “whip cream” and go ahead and dig in. Life/growth lessons come in yummy, scrumptions humle pie.

I will go ahead and list out a few things I learned while being humbled this past week and I encourage you to think of a time where your humble pie was served up nice and neat.


~I was forced to ask for help. Heck…I couldn’t even bend over to put my socks on. This is a lesson for me because I pride myself on being a strong, independent woman. Fact is, we are not independent. I need others and I of course, need Jesus for help.

~I learned that even though I was in pain, it wasn’t the worst thing in the world. So many people suffer on a daily basis. I know that my pain will subside and that life will get back to normal soon. But, I’m grateful for the healthy body that God has blessed me with.

~I learned that work can be put on hold while I’m laid up in bed. I got way behind on some projects this week because I couldn’t even sit up with my laptop. God reminded me that things will work themselves out and deadlines will be met. It is important to take care of ourselves when sick. Stressing about deadlines and work while stuck in the sick bed doesn’t help a thing.

I would love to hear if you have ever joined me in eating humble pie. Take some time to reflect and list some reasons why a bit of humility is a good thing. 

Can’t wait to read your LIST. Leave a comment…let’s chat!

***One more thing! I wrote an article for iBelieve that I would love for you to check out: Finding Your Own Faith.


The LIST — 3 Comments

  1. I was just humbled when I got to the Social Security office just minutes after they closed due to inclement weather. I had taken the better part of my workday to make the trip for nothing. Guess I really don’t have much control over the weather, or government agencies, no matter how much I might want that control! I wanted to cry more than anything, but I know God has a good reason for that not happening today and that it will work out.

  2. It was August 2011. I was getting psyched to do a kids outreach team. Getting ready to give it my all. 3 days before I was due to go…I fell off a step and broke my foot! This meant crutches…and crutches means you not only lose the use of a leg, but you also lose the use of use hands to carry anything other than yourself. I wondered whether I should even go on the team because I was afraid of being useless and a burden to my other team mates! But …
    they encouraged me to come -humbled
    They helped me with EVERYTHING-humbled
    They just loved me for being there to support them even though they were so much more of a support to me!-humbled (loved and blessed!)
    I was so stuck on my own agenda, I was so absorbed in the failure of my foot.. I made it all about me..I forgot to even ask God how I could be of any use…but because I couldn’t do the active team games, it meant I was able to sit around and chat to the kids who weren’t joining in with everything. God still had things for me to do that week -humbled

    Humbling lesson…God is ALWAYS at work in me, even in my weakened state, whether its physical, emotional, spiritual or mental! And I experienced God in a very real way in all those areas that week through the people he has put in my life! :)

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