Heck Yeah…it’s FRIDAY!

If you’ve touched base with me on the LIVE IT OUT! Facebook group you would have read that life has thrown me some lemons lately. Nothing earth shattering, just little bits of drama that add up to big inconvenineces. Wrenches in my plans that tople my well laid out schedule. As we’ve talked alot about on this blog, the best way to get over ourselves and our life drama is to step out and be intentionally grateful.


I thought it would be fun to list out ways that the LORD has shown me He loves me lately. Take some time to reflect for yourself and make your own list.

Receiving God’s LOVE…

~He showed me He loves me with beautiful landscape of icy winter. Lovely on the pine trees out side my windows. Beautiful icecicles on the roof tops.

~He provides! When we have to pinch our pennies, God provides in abundance…if I trust HIM first!

~He laid it on my mom’s heart to help me with some clothing options for an upcoming photo shoot for my next book. Mom called out of the blue and offered a ton of cute clothes so I didn’t have to go out shopping and spend money!

~He rearranged my schedule (remember those lemons?) which forced me to some much neede R&R over a long weekend. No work…just play!


Ok, your turn. LIST out how God has poured His love over you lately.

Leave a comment…let’s chat!


The LIST — 5 Comments

  1. 1. He never forgets my name. God has really showed me that no matter how many lemons I receive that he is more than willing to make lemonade and any other delicious thing that tastes like lemon.

    2. It is time for taxes and I can not believe that I made it through 90% of the year as unemployed. He always provides.

    3. I am thankful for the beautiful day I had today. The sun lifted my spirits.

    4. My home was spared during the big east coast storms.

    5. When I am down he always sends a comforter.

  2. 1. A message from God telling me ” don’t worry, don’t doubt, don’t fear “my child” ”
    2. He’s provided us a house for when we are married
    3. Our honeymoon is free ( SAVING MAJOR $$$$)
    4. My work is paying for my school
    5. He knows I love warm weather and when school was getting too stressful out came the sun and the warmth
    6.He’s sent peace upon me several times this semester when I was at my breaking point

    I could seriously go on and on. I’m very glad you mad this the topic because I need to sit back and make lists like this more often!

    OHHH one more… He constantly reminds me that He loves me. There are little things that happen and I know for sure it’s Him!

  3. He’s shown me that He loves me by letting me overcome emotional and physical obstacles. He is always guiding the way. He’s reminded me how many times Hes protected me when I was out on my own. He never stops filling my heart with ambition to pursue goals and a desire to serve others through Him.

  4. The five ways God has shown me His love lately:

    1. Medical testing that came back normal.

    2. Getting to meet sweet Christian ladies during the medical testing.

    3. The joy of time spent with my family.

    4. Financial provision.

    5. Words of comfort when I had a bad day this past week.

  5. 1- I was sick this weekend from work and was feeling pretty down on myself because I can’t afford it, but I got the opportunity to watch church online today, which I don’t get to do because I work Sundays.

    2- My boyfriend showing me his heart in taking care of me while I am sick.

    3- My student loan garnishment being removed.

    4- Opportunities to show my ethic at work.

    5- The BEAUTIFUL spring-like day that we had yesterday and being able to take a head-clearing walk in the middle of the day.

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