What a whirlwind of a week! I hope that you all are enjoying your Friday as much as I am. This week I was in Nashville for a meeting about a new project I’m involved in. Can’t wait to tell you about it and it does involve my next three books. :) It was a wonderful time with other authors as we came together as a community of women who love to write and love to share and teach the Bible. Today I’m flying out again in a different direction to a conference at Cairn University in Pennsylvania. I’m SERIOUSLY excited to be witht these college-age girls and share the message God has laid on my heart.


How did you like the blog post this week by my friend Sarah on creativity? This will be an exciting theme for us to explore this month. I asked in the blog post for you all to share what it is you love to do to be creative.

Today, how about we list what it is that keeps us from being creative…I will start…

~Intimidation. I just don’t always dive into a project for fear that it will turn out badly. I see other artist on Pinterest who post pics of AMAZING work and think I will never ever ever measure up…so why try?

~Lack of time. This is something where intimidation lends to the excuse of “I just don’t have time.” Sometimes that is a valid excuse expecially when I really SHOULD be working on a book deadline rather than playing with my art supplies!

~Perfection. I feel like my art should be perfect right from the get-go even though I am a novice at the craft. But, when I look at it as I’m only working on a piece of paper or a cheap canvas so who cares if it stinks, I’m not as afraid of imperfection.


So, what keeps you from being creative–whatever that creativity looks like. Many of you mentioned that you like to write. Many of you like to sing or play an instrument. Others like to decorate. Whatever it is, take some time to LIST what keeps you from creativity.

Leave a comment. Let’s chat!



The LIST — 13 Comments

  1. What keeps me from creativity is”

    Fear of my work being judged
    Fear of messing up
    Sometimes I am just lazy
    Other people’s opinion.

    • Totally with you on this, RO. Don’t let this list keep you from pushing through and just getting creative for the fun of it!

  2. My #1 reason is lack of time!! I have so many projects Laying around that needs to be done but with school and work I seriously feel like I have no free time!

    • Sometimes creativity needs to take a back seat beacuse of other pressing tasks in life. I do encourage you though, to try to work in just a tiny bit of free time to allow yourself to relax.

  3. I think I would say the fear of others not liking what we create and all of the things you mentionned Sarah!
    Sorry about being so bad at writing today ,i’ve been typing on this computer for way too long I can even see letters anymore lol!:)

  4. I find I’m most creative through my clothes and also through writing. I wasn’t born with the artsy gene that you have, Sarah! But I do love to write and I’ve found I can only do it when I’m inspired. If I’m just writing for the heck of it, forget it. The words don’t come. Generally this inspiration comes from emotions. And for clothes, it’s lack of energy or time. Or inspiration. Sometimes things just aren’t as clear to me as they are at other times!

  5. I hope you are able to get to PA with this storm :/
    What holds my creativity up is definitely intimidation/insecurity, I want to be a fiction author but am so afraid of being bad or failing that it stifles me. I’m working to overcome it, no small task.

    I also have some perfectionism in me. There’s a scene in “Letters to Juliet” that really struck me. She says she’s a perfectionist and the guy says “you know that’s another way of says a chicken. You’re not a fact checker. You’re a writer you have nothing to be afraid of.”

    • Tonya! That quote from Letters to Juliet is awesome. I literally laughed out loud. I think most of us feel that way in our creativity. The question is what do we do witht the insecurity and perfectionism? Do we push through or do we stay stalled out in fear. When we push through and put ourselves aside, this makes room for God’s work to be done!

  6. Whatkeeps me from creativity…
    mainly a lack of time
    Lack of motivation when I do find time
    Fear of rejection that my creativity won’t be accepted or appreciated
    And so with that brings a lack of confidence and an insecurity about creativity!

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